How to interpret the statistics charts
UPDATED 1 January 2008

The bar graph is a rolling summary of the total hits for this month
and the last several months (see Methodology for what constitutes a hit).

The pie charts require some explanation.

- In the title, n is the total number of valid hits, and h is the total
number of valid IP/port pairs accessed through the proxy.

- The slices show the top six IP/port pairs, plus an OTHER. IPs are
intentionally blocked to prevent people getting benefit from spamming the
Proxy -- this is not designed to be a site ranking -- but port numbers
*are* shown for the benefit of network administrators who may wish to see
what ports are often accessed (this can be quite surprising).

Hosts that integrate the Proxy well into their gopher site do tend to have
inflated numbers (and it won't be spoiling much to say that usually #1 is
us at Floodgap simply because the Proxy defaults to it). However, I suspect
this will be hard to control for and again as the intention is not to provide
site ranking, I will simply add the disclaimer that proportionality on the
pie chart should not be construed as a popularity contest.

Again, you should not read any of these figures as:

- A count of all hosts on Gopherspace: it is merely a count of all hosts
the Proxy has accessed in the given month.
- A count of all users or indeed all traffic in Gopherspace: it is merely a
count of all hits (see Methodology) that the particular user base of the Proxy
has done in the given month.

I would appreciate your comments.

       [email protected]