
Wondering if you need to update some of your software? Look no
  further: this week we bring you news of updates to Speed Doubler,
  Norton Disk Doctor, and Apple Drive Setup. We also bring you
  news of a "Day of Protest" against Internet censorship, the
  conclusion of Travis Butler's overview of PPP software, Adam's
  take on shopping online, plus suggestions for holiday gifts for
  Mac geeks.

This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
* APS Technologies -- 800/443-4199 -- <[email protected]>
  Makers of hard drives, tape drives, and neat SCSI accessories.
  For APS price lists, email: <[email protected]>
* Northwest Nexus -- 206/455-3505 -- http://www.halcyon.com/
  Providing access to the global Internet. <[email protected]>
* Hayden Books, an imprint of Macmillan Computer Publishing
  Free shipping on orders via the Web -- http://www.mcp.com/
  Mac Tip of the Day & free books! -- http://www.mcp.com/hayden/
* Power Computing -- 800/375-7693 -- <[email protected]>
  Now shipping... The Award-Winning First MacOS Compatible!
  See what the press says! http://www.powercc.com/News/quotes.html
* America Online -- 800/827-6364 -- http://www.aol.com
  The world's largest provider of online services.
  Give Back to the Net -- http://www.aol.com/give/
* DealBITS: Deals by the dozen - a baker's dozen to be precise.
  http://king.tidbits.com/dealbits/ -- <[email protected]>

Copyright 1990-1995 Adam & Tonya Engst. Details at end of issue.
  Information: <[email protected]> Comments: <[email protected]>

   1995 Gift Suggestions
   Macintosh PPP Overview (Part 2)



**Giving Back to the Net** -- We're pleased to welcome our latest
 sponsor, America Online, the largest of the commercial online
 services. We've razzed AOL on occasion for blitzing us with AOL
 software disks, but as the commercial online services go, AOL has
 been the most forward-thinking. They offered a free Internet email
 gateway when that was unusual and were the first commercial online
 service to provide access to Gopher and WAIS databases. The AOL
 software now supports FTP includes a Web browser.

 I think AOL's best move in regard to the Internet has been their
 Give Back to the Net program, which has funded a number of
 Internet projects and has established an FTP site that helps
 spread the load for mirror networks like Info-Mac and UMich. As
 part of the Give Back to the Net program, America Online will be
 sponsoring TidBITS for the next year.


 It's great to see AOL being a good Internet citizen in this
 fashion. As the commercial online services added features that
 enabled their users to access the Internet, one concern was that
 the influx of users would place a significant drain on free
 Internet resources. Commercial online services can easily take
 from the Internet without giving anything back; AOL's Give Back to
 the Net program elegantly avoids this problem. Here's hoping that
 the other online services follow suit and find similar methods of
 supporting the Internet community. [ACE]


**"Day Of Protest" Against Net Censorship** -- The Electronic
 Frontier Foundation - in conjunction with the ACLU, the Center for
 Democracy and Technology, and a host of other groups - is
 organizing a national day of protest on 12-Dec-95 in an effort to
 derail legislation before the U.S. Congress regarding the
 regulation of content on the Internet. If passed, the legislation
 would hold online service providers criminally liable for material
 passing through their sites that is deemed "indecent" - a notably
 (and historically) vague term. Though widely believed to place
 unconstitutional restrictions on free speech, the legislation
 could significantly alter the nature of Internet access and use in
 the United States. [GD]


**Important News for Speed Doubler Users **-- Late last week,
 Connectix released Speed Doubler 1.1 to correct a serious problem
 with the Speed Access component of Speed Doubler. Speed Access 1.1
 corrects a problem whereby an uncommon combination of file system
 calls could cause a disk directory error. Other changes in the
 update include better performance for high speed serial transfers
 and improved compatibility with Excel 4.0, Apple PowerPC Upgrade
 cards, and future System updates. Connectix recommends all Speed
 Doubler users update to Speed Access 1.1, and though Connectix has
 announced plans to mail a floppy disk update to all registered
 users, I recommend you download the update and apply it today -
 why take chances?


 Kudos to Connectix for making an effort to publicize and correct
 the problem. Not every company has the integrity to ship free
 update disks to some 50,000 registered users. Connectix --
 800/839-3632 -- 415/571-5100 -- 415/571-5195 (fax) -- 800/395-2043
 (special Speed Doubler 1.1 number) -- <[email protected]>

**ClarisWorks 4 Updater Update **-- Unfortunately, the new
 ClarisWorks 4 updater (see TidBITS-306_) only works with the U.S.
 version of ClarisWorks. Dieder Bylsma <[email protected] >was
 the first to point this out: "People with international versions
 will not be able to update their system until later on this month
 when Claris releases an updater for them." My apologies to anyone
 who downloaded the updater and then found that it didn't work.

**Norton Disk Doctor 3.2.1** -- Symantec has released a patch for
 Norton Disk Doctor 3.2 to address an incompatibility with the
 Custom Partitioning feature in FWB's Hard Disk Toolkit. Apparently
 Norton Disk Doctor 3.2 will incorrectly diagnose problems on disks
 with certain custom partition sizes, then attempt to repair those
 problems. Only users of the Custom Partitioning feature in any
 version of Hard Disk ToolKit are affected; if you don't use that
 feature (or use a different disk formatting package from Apple or
 another vendor) you don't need this update. Please note that
 Symantec has apparently moved its Web server in the last few days;
 if the first URL doesn't work, try the one with the raw IP number.
 Symantec has posted the updater in MacBinary format. [GD]


**Drive Setup 1.0.3** -- Apple has released version 1.0.3 of Drive
 Setup, a program used to format, partition, and test Apple SCSI
 and IDE hard disks. Version 1.0.3 makes no changes to the SCSI
 driver (so many people won't need it), but the new IDE driver
 fixes cache-flushing problems on machines with IDE hard disks
 (including 580 and 630-series Macs) plus corrects a crashing
 problem that may occur while waking up a PowerBook 190, 2300, or
 5300. Drive Setup 1.0.3 only works with System 7.5 or later; see
 the update's ReadMe file for additional information, including
 using the update with Processor Upgrade cards. [GD]


**Truncated Uploads with Fetch** -- Several people have reported a
 bug with Fetch 3.0 truncating uploads on PCI Power Macs using Open
 Transport via a SLIP or PPP connection. Jim Matthews is aware of
 the problem, but hasn't had a chance to investigate it yet.
 However, he offers a workaround that might help: using ResEdit,
 add a resource of type 'NoOT', ID# 256 to Fetch. That resource
 forces Fetch to use MacTCP calls rather than its Open Transport
 code and should avoid the problem. Jim also mentioned that there's
 a known incompatibility with Fetch and 68000 Macs (the Plus, SE,
 Classic, and PowerBook 100) related to a bug in CodeWarrior 7. He
 plans to fix this bug and a few others in the forthcoming Fetch
 3.0.1. [ACE]


1995 Gift Suggestions
 by Adam C. Engst <[email protected]>

 First, thanks to everyone who sent in suggestions! I received way
 too many to include all of them, even after some judicious
 editing, so I decided to stick to a few basic rules. First, the
 product must be computer-related in some form or fashion. Second,
 the product must not be suggested only by its retailers.

**Steve Hideg** <[email protected]> writes:
 For the consultant/network support person in your life, I
 recommend a useful device from Asante, the NetExtender Hub. For
 about $130 mail order, you get a small box that has a cable with
 an AAUI connector on it (it receives power from the AAUI, so one
 machine _must_ have an AAUI connector) and four 10Base-T ports on
 it. One port is for connecting to the network, but you can use it
 to connect to a local machine with a special adapter cable that's
 provided. The NetExtender enables you to quickly expand one
 10Base-T network connection into four (be careful about having
 more than four repeaters on one network), or you can quickly
 create a stand-alone Ethernet network. This device has proven
 useful for us when users upgrade to new Macs and need to move
 their files over from their old machines. Just plug them in, turn
 on file sharing, and copy at Ethernet speeds! We also use it to
 temporarily expand a network connection to allow PowerBooks to get
 on the network when troubleshooting a machine. One caveat: The
 connector shell on the AAUI connector prohibits it from connecting
 to the AAUI connector on 500-series PowerBooks, and I had to get
 Asante to replace mine. I don't know if later models have the
 correct connector shell.

**Cindy Newberry** <[email protected]> writes:
 The Beer Hunter CD-ROM may not be particularly out of the
 ordinary, but it fits into my idea of holiday cheer. The Discovery
 Channel markets it for about $30, and it's all about the fine art
 of brewing.

**Daniel Collison** <[email protected]> writes:
 Digital Sprites has a beautiful animated Christmas card for the
 Mac that competes with Currier and Ives in depicting the charm of
 a New England Christmas. The setting: evening, just after
 twilight; warm light glows from the windows of a rustic Cap Cod
 home set in a clearing in the New England woods. When you click on
 the chimney, door, snowman, mailbox, woods, or sixteen other
 spots, you'll be surprised by the clever animation and gentle
 sound effects that result. My little boy loved it; it will provide
 young children hours of pleasure, and the quiet stillness as the
 snow falls over the tableau makes a beautiful screen saver for any
 adult. Highly recommended. A user customizable birthday card
 product ($9.98) and Windows versions are available as well.
 Holiday Greetings for Mac: $5.98 each disk and mailer; add $1.50
 for shipping and handling and 5 percent sales tax for Vermont
 residents. Visa, MasterCard, check or money order (payable to
 "Digital Sprites"). Fax or snail mail your order. Digital Sprites,
 76 Olcott Drive, Suite L6, White River Jct., VT 05001 USA --
 802/296-7627 (fax)


**Al Lilly** <[email protected]> writes:
 The new ALPS GlidePoint desktop trackpad model is super! It is
 larger than the forerunners, and has a nice little stand that
 comes with it. The price is right at about $80 mail order.

**Jason Elliot Robbins** <[email protected]> suggests:
 For people that are involved in software development, I'd
 recommend Microsoft Secrets by Cusumano and Selby. It gives real
 insight into how development is done at Microsoft and has enough
 personality to be interesting without being gushing. It's a
 serious book for people who seriously want to develop software and
 succeed at it. Professor Selby teaches here at UCI, and I was in a
 class that reviewed his manuscript and gave suggestions.

**Mark Horne** <[email protected]> writes:
 If you're tired of the usual games, The Puppet Motel CD-ROM by
 Laurie Anderson is a real treat. In this visual delight from
 Voyager, you navigate from room to room in the motel, solving
 puzzles, watching videos, leaving messages, or sending faxes. The
 $39.95 CD-ROM is currently only available for the Mac, has CD
 quality sound, lets you download QuickTime movies from the Voyager
 site (from Laurie's last concert tour), and even permits you to
 access the control code to alter certain game parameters. Part
 performance piece, part game, part music video, this CD really
 shows off the potential of CD-ROMs.


**Josh Rafofsky** <[email protected]> writes:
 For every Mac lover, a great, unique gift idea is a personalized
 mousepad! Take a picture to your local Kinko's - they will make a
 fantastic mouse pad out of it for about $20. It's a great way for
 computer widows to get their husbands to remember them... with a
 smiling picture every time they look down to move their mouse.
 [Sounds like it would also work as a subtle guilt trip device to
 me. -Adam]

**Paul Edwards** <[email protected]> suggests a
 wonderful non-capitalist Mac accessory that would probably be a
 great project for kids:
 One year while working as tech support for an academic department,
 I made all the staff members a Christmas "MacHat." It's basically
 a piece of cardboard folded in half and slipped over one corner of
 the monitor to reduce or eliminate glare and reflections from
 windows and sunlight on monitors. Decorate as appropriate - I used
 tinsel and bits of colored glitter, and sometimes images of the
 particular staff members' research interests or hobbies (one
 administrative assistant had hers covered in pictures of bowling
 balls). These MacHats have the great advantage of being useful,
 cheap, fun to make, and totally personalized.

 I popped into this department the other day. Nearly three years
 later, several _original_ MacHats are still around; others had
 died and been superseded, but most of them were still being used.
 One staff member had attached another piece of cardboard
 perpendicular to the side of the hat and was using it to store
 sticky notes.

>   ______     <--- MacHat (hat rests on corner of monitor or Mac)
>   | _______
>   | |     |
>   | |     |   <--- Mac or monitor
>     |_____|
>     |  -- |
>     |_____|

**Screensaver Suggestions** came from a number of people,
 including Catherine Reed <[email protected]> who writes:
 I plan on giving several of my friends customized screensavers
 from Hubris Software for Christmas (including one with a Windows
 95 logo). [Check out the deal in the latest DealBITS
 <[email protected]> if you're interested in the customized
 screensavers from Hubris. -Adam]


<[email protected]> has the same idea, but via a different company:
 My favorite gift for my Mac-loving friends is FaceSaver, a custom
 screensaver from Ultimate Software. You send them up to five
 photos and they'll make a screensaver nobody else in the world
 has. Their prices are reasonable: $25 for U.S. customers, $30 for
 overseas. They also have versions for pet lovers: CatPause and
 PuppyPause. Ultimate Software -- <[email protected]>


 Finally, Mason Loring Bliss, author of the screensaver Basic
 Black, now offers much the same service for $10 (or $5 if you send
 a pre-scanned image), and will email the screensaver back to you
 for faster response. Mason Loring Bliss --
 <[email protected]>


**Mark Short** <[email protected]> suggests:
 Here's my small contribution to your list; the Kawai K11 Digital
 Synthesizer. The Kawai K11 retailed for $1,395 a year ago,
 Guitar Center (see URL below) has this jewel on sale right now for
 $499. The Kawai K11 is General MIDI Synthesizer, and has 512 wave
 forms (256 tuned instruments and 256 drum/percussion) in on-board
 memory. It provides instant access to 384 sounds, all fully
 programmable, and plays up to 32 simultaneous multitimbral parts
 (with 32-note polyphony). The Kawai K11 has velocity and after-
 touch sensitive keys, and 55 temperament variations (individually
 selectable for the 32 sections) recreate realistic orchestral
 textures. A Mac-compatible interface port built in and dual MIDI
 ports are provided.


**Mark H. Anbinder** <[email protected]> notes:
 I recommend You Don't Know Jack, the CD-ROM game from Berkeley
 Systems. It's a one-player or multi-player quiz show such as you
 might see on TV, and not only is it a great game, it also has an
 absolutely wonderful irreverent sense of humor running throughout!
 After dozens of plays it's still original.


Macintosh PPP Overview (Part 2)
 by Travis Butler <[email protected]>

 [This week we finish Travis's overview of PPP software for the
 Macintosh begun in TidBITS-306_, highlighting ongoing PPP projects
 as well as commercial PPP implementations. -Geoff]

**The "Future of PPP" Projects** -- Two different groups recently
 put together "collective PPP" projects - attempts to gather the
 best of all of the different Merit MacPPP-derived versions
 together into a single, coherent release, which could then be used
 as a basis for building future PPP software. For the moment, they
 still count as MacPPP-derivative software, and most of the latest
 versions of MacPPP add-ons and configuration information work with
 them, which may cease to be true in the future if they continue to
 diverge. Both of these programs are available in the MacTCP
 software directory on Info-Mac.


**MacPPP 2.2.0a** was written by a Belgian group called MacBel UG
 vzw. It features:

* The Username/Password features from 2.0.1cm4.

* The background connection feature from 2.0.1cm4.

* Display of the connect speed in the PPP status window.

* The high-speed serial port fixes from MacPPP 2.1SD (2.1.2SD's

* Support for PSI's ISDN service, from John Stephen, who also
 implemented that feature for 2.1.2SD.

* Timing fixes for some modems, also from John Stephen.

* A major makeover of the Config PPP control panel and a redesign
 of the PPP status window, for a cleaner interface.

 Unfortunately, MacPPP 2.2.0a is apparently not compatible with
 Open Transport. It also didn't work correctly with my old
 PowerBook 170's internal modem, so either it doesn't incorporate
 the PowerBook fixes from 2.0.1cm4 and/or 2.1.2SD, or it tried to
 incorporate them and they don't work properly. 2.2.0a ran fine on
 my IIci at home and my Quadra 840AV at work. MacPPP 2.2.0a might
 worth a try if you don't use Open Transport or a PowerBook, and I
 like the revised interface.

 However, MacBel has discontinued work on MacPPP 2.2.0a. I received
 email from Lieven Embrechts, the contact listed in the 2.2.0a
 documentation, stating, "Development [on 2.2.0a] is stopped. We
 are now working on different projects." This means that although
 2.2.0a is worth a look (and should still be usable if you have no
 problems with it), I cannot recommend it.

**FreePPP 1.0.2** is the successor to MacPPP 2.1.2SD, and Steve
 Dagley is still the guiding force, although he has included
 contributions by a large number of people, making FreePPP a group
 project. The name change came in part to eliminate some of the
 confusion surrounding all the derivative MacPPP releases with
 similar names and different numbers.

 [Sharp-eyed readers may have seen FreePPP 1.0.3 appear last week;
 that version has been retracted because it exacerbated a problem
 initiating PPP connections from within an application rather than
 from the control panel. FreePPP 1.0.2 has been restored to the
 Info-Mac archives and should be considered the current version.

 In addition to the features in MacPPP 2.1.2SD, FreePPP adds:

* CHAP support, for the few hosts like MCI that require CHAP
 authentication. (I haven't tested this; my provider doesn't use

* A new PPP Status window, with progress icons and more connect
 information. The window can be shifted into the background,
 allowing background connections; it's a little large onscreen,

* Improved stability with virtual memory. (I haven't tested this;
 I use RAM Doubler and haven't had problems. However, RAM Doubler
 can cause many of the same compatibility issues as virtual memory,
 and many people on <comp.sys.mac.comm> are still reporting

* A "Disable Automatic Connect" option that keeps FreePPP from
 dialing automatically when something tries to open MacTCP. This
 fixes problems with "ghost dialing" experienced by some users;
 unfortunately, the option may need to be turned off for some PPP
 add-ons to work.

* A "Long Redial Delay" option that stretches the time between
 redials to one minute.

* A Username/Password feature similar to that in 2.0.1cm4 was just
 added in version 1.0.2; it enables you to use the ID and password
 information from MacPPP/FreePPP's Authentication dialog box
 (normally used only with PAP and CHAP authentication) in your
 connect script.

 I'm currently using FreePPP 1.0.2 on my 840AV at work and my new
 PowerBook 5300; it appears to be stable, and runs well. However,
 reports from Macintosh newsgroups still cite a few stability
 problems and the FreePPP group is working to resolve them.

 I'd like to see FreePPP get a revamped control panel, along the
 lines of 2.2.0a. The current control panel is a slightly changed
 version of the original, which was a front-runner for the Ugliest
 Control Panel in Existence award. Work is underway on alternative
 interfaces for FreePPP, so hopefully we'll see improvements in
 future releases.

**Commercial PPP software** -- Although there are plenty of free
 options if you want to use PPP, some people feel more comfortable
 with a commercially supported product. There are a few available
 right now; I haven't tried any of them, since I've been happy with
 the freeware products. None of the PPP add-on programs for the
 MacPPP derivatives work with these commercial products.

**InterPPP II** -- InterCon Systems was one of the first
 developers of commercial Internet software for the Mac. Their
 version of PPP, InterPPP II, supports AppleTalk over PPP as well
 as TCP/IP (think Apple Remote Access, which is supposed to be
 switching to a PPP foundation with the next major release).
 However, this is only an advantage if your host also supports
 AppleTalk access via PPP, which isn't true of most Unix-based
 Internet providers. InterPPP II can also establish SLIP
 connections and is supposed to be compatible with Open Transport
 1.0.8. InterPPP II uses CCL scripts (like Apple Remote Access) to
 handle dialing and login. It has built-in scripts that should
 handle most modems; built-in scripts also handle logins for people
 who use Telebit or most Unix-based PPP servers, PSI InterRamp,
 internetMCI, CompuServe's PPP, or PPP servers that use PAP or CHAP
 authentication. However, people who don't use one of these might
 need to write their own CCL connection script, a potentially
 daunting task.


**MacSLIP** was originally a full-featured SLIP implementation; in
 version 3.0, it adds support for PPP. MacSLIP's maker, Hyde Park
 Software, says on their Web page that MacSLIP 3.0.2 also supports
 Open Transport, making it an alternative to MacPPP
 2.1.2SD/FreePPP. Several people on <comp.sys.mac.comm> have
 offered strong recommendations for MacSLIP, stating that it's more
 robust than the MacPPP derivatives. MacSLIP uses a scripting
 language to set up connections; although this is more powerful
 than the "prompt-response" setup that the MacPPP derivatives use,
 it can be more difficult to set up. MacSLIP comes with the
 commercial version of Eudora, as well as with MicroPhone Pro,
 although it's worth checking to make sure both have the latest


**SonicPPP** is a PPP client available from Sonic Systems, the
 Macintosh networking company; it can be downloaded from their Web
 site. SonicPPP appears to work only with PPP servers that support
 PAP or CHAP authentication; it has no provision for a login
 script, so I was unable to test it with my Internet provider.


**VersaTerm SLIP** -- Although not a PPP program, this SLIP
 implementation is notable because it reportedly supports Open
 Transport. At least one reader has written to comment that
 VersaTerm AdminSLIP works fine on his Power Mac 8500. VersaTerm
 SLIP is available as part of several of VersaTerm's Internet
 software bundles.

**Recommendations** -- These recommendations apply primarily to
 the freely available programs because they're more commonly used
 and because I haven't tried many of the commercial options.

* If you use Open Transport, there's only one freeware choice
 right now: MacPPP 2.1.2SD, or (given some testing time to make
 sure the bugs are out) its successor FreePPP 1.0.2. None of the
 other MacPPP derivatives work under Open Transport. You could also
 try the commercial MacSLIP or InterPPP II, if you want to spend
 the money.

* If you use a PowerBook, I'd also go for MacPPP 2.1.2SD, or
 FreePPP 1.0.2. The fixes for slow PowerBook modems are a definite
 help here. Given the troubles I had, I don't recommend MacPPP

* Some people have had specific problems with the original MacPPP,
 as shown by the lists of fixes implemented in the various
 derivative versions. You might look over the lists and see if one
 of them matches your situation.

 People who don't fit these special cases have a wider selection:

* I suggest you start with the original MacPPP 2.0.1. It's likely
 to give you the least grief, clunky interface and all. Further,
 all the derivative versions are compatible with 2.0.1's
 configuration file, so the work you do in setting up a connection
 will be saved if you switch to a different version. Just don't mix
 and match the PPP extensions and control panels between versions!

* If you want to enter your user name and password at connect
 time, consider MacPPP 2.2.0a; the enhanced interface is nice, and
 the other improvements can make life easier. However, since the
 authors have stopped development, no further upgrades or bug fixes
 are likely to appear. You should also look at FreePPP 1.0.2, with
 its newly-added support for using the Authentication dialog's
 information in connect scripts.

* If you don't have any specific needs, but want something nicer
 than the original MacPPP 2.0.1, try both FreePPP 1.0.2 and MacPPP
 2.2.0a, and settle on the one you like the best.

 I have to admit I'm encouraged by FreePPP 1.0.2, and with what I
 saw in MacPPP 2.2.0a. It's too soon to say what will happen with
 FreePPP, but it presents a future growth path for Macintosh PPP
 software born of community spirit, and that's something everyone
 should be happy about.

 (This article is based on information from my Web page on
 Macintosh PPP software. I'll continue to update the page with new
 information on PPP programs as I find it.)


   Hyde Park Software (via TriSoft) -- 800/531-5170
     512/472-0744 -- 512/473-2122 (fax) -- <[email protected]>
   InterCon Systems -- 800/468-7266 -- 703/709-5500
     703/709-5555 (fax) -- <[email protected]>
   Sonic Systems -- 800/535-0725 -- 408/736-1900
     408/736-7228 (fax) -- <[email protected]>
   Synergy Software -- 800/876-8376 -- 610/779-0522
     610/370-0548 (fax) -- <[email protected]>


* MacWEEK -- 04-Dec-95, Vol. 9, #47
   Game Reviews -- pg. 37
     (too many to list)


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