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           Matchbox cars seem to have gotten bigger in recent years

Bunny and I went to a local Toyota dealership to fix an issue with her car
(it turns out it was a very unusual, but very minor, issue) and while there,
we saw this on the display floor:

[A very small electric car for one] That's not a car! That's an oversized
roller skate! [1]

Turns out, this is not a large Matchbox car, but a small electric car
straight from a factory in Japan (the informational flying under the
windsheid is all in Japanese). A five year old would barely fit in this
thing, much less an adult. There doesn't appear to be any storage space of
any significant size, and sans doors, I'm not sure this is even road legal.
And the the staff there don't even know if it's for sale. Weird.

[1] gopher://gopher.conman.org/IPhlog:2024/04/05/car.jpg

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