* * * * *

                         The forced march of progress

When I first wrote the Lua module for libtls [1], I had issues with using
TLS_API to version the code [2], so I ended up using using
LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER instead [3] and mandating at least LibreSSL [4]

But now that I'm switching away from LibreSSL [5], I can't rely upon
LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER anymore. After some thought, I have decided to no
longer support versions of libtls prior to 20180210 (or LibreSSL 2.7.0). The
non-LibreSSL libtls versions I've found all seem to be newer than 20180210,
so that shouldn't be much of a prooblem.

[1] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2018/07/23.1
[2] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2018/08/06.2
[3] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2018/08/07.1
[4] https://www.libressl.org/
[5] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2020/12/31.1

Email author at [email protected]