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            I finally decided to release my gopher server software

So when I originally wrote my gopher server [1] back in February/March of
2017, it was a hack job to just more or less server up my blog [2] over
gopher. Everything was hard coded into the codebase and making changes was
annoying. So earlier this month I decided to start over and make a gopher
server that someone else could potentially use. Another goal was to keep the
the site functioning as is.

The hardest part was naming the darned thing, and in the end, I decided upon
the rather plain name of port70 [3]. I've been running it now for a few weeks
and not only is it stable, but much easier to configure, modify and serve up

[1] gopher://gopher.conman.org:70/1
[2] https://boston.conman.org/
[3] https://github.com/spc476/port70

Email author at [email protected]