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                               Smooth Operator

Bunny and I were some one hundred yards from the mall entrance when we passed
a booth. “Their products are really nice,” she said. “I bought some a few
years ago.”

That's all it took, the slight pause by the booth, the positive comment about
the cosmetic products, the serious lack of other customers nearby to provide
adequate shielding and before either of us knew it, we found ourselves
talking to Rafael, an impeccably dressed man, about 5′6″—a bit on the short
side, but beautifully proportioned, with a hansome face framed by dark brown
hair and perfectly groomed moustache and beard.

Oh, he was smooth. Within minutes he had us holding a jar of facial peeling
gel and I couldn't help but notice him slip a bottle of moisturizing cream
into one of Bunny's shopping bags, since it was a free gift for buying the

But it was his three attempts [1] at demonstrating some other cream for the
eyes that turned Bunny away, and thus I got hit full force with the
magnificence of Rafael's personality in selling unisex cosmetics. I too, got
the jar of facial peeling gel, and as a free gift, a bottle of men's after
shave balm, despite my attempted explaination that I rarely, if ever, shave.

Rafael just took it in stride, and before I knew it, I was rubbing a sea salt
body scrub in my hands as Rafael was lightly spritzing water over them. And
then, we had a bag with two jars of facial peel (his-n-hers), one jar of
moisturizing cream, a bottle of men's after shave balm, a jar of the sea salt
body scrub, a jar of “energizing” body butter, a bar of sea salt soap and in
my hand, somehow, a slip of paper with Rafael's phone number and email
address on it.

[1] http://www.studymode.com/essays/What-i-Tell-You-Three-Times-122434.html

Email author at [email protected]