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                          The Five Dollar Milkshake

> That's a pretty XXXXXXX good milkshake. I don't know if it's worth five
> dollars but it's pretty XXXXXXX good.
> “Vincent Vega” (“Pulp Fiction [1]”)

It's not a five dollar shake, but nine dollars. It's not Jack Rabbit Slim's,
but the Flashback Diner [2]. And it still doesn't have bourbon.

[“Did you order a nine-dollar shake?” “Sure did.”] [3]

And my god is it big. That sucker is about 9″ across and about that tall. I'm
not sure if it was worth nine dollars, but it was pretty XXXXXXX good.

[1] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110912/
[2] http://flashbackdiner.com/flashback-diner-boca-raton/
[3] gopher://gopher.conman.org/IPhlog:2014/05/12/shake.jpg

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