Explorations and Welcomes
September 06th, 2017

I've finally added something to my gopher site besides the phlog and
links. I've called this other section "Explorations". Right now it's
keeping track of my public TODO list for things SDF related and I've added
a stub where I can keep notes on my Haskell learnings as well. I'm
committed to moving to MetaARPA and I want to make sure I get full
exposure to everything SDF has to offer.

Last week I was having trouble connecting to faeroes.sdf.org over
MOSH/SSH. Eventually I realized I could connect to the naked sdf.org
instead and I used that connection to jump into IRC. The helpful people in
#sdf informed me that I should use tty.sdf.org to connect since it would
load-balance. The documentation I've found online so far indicated that as
an ARPA member I should be using faeroes. This sort of disconnect between
sometimes ancient and out-of-date documentation and the everyday realities
of the service means there's more out there than meets the eye.

Unrelated: I'm up and running on SiP. Like many others, I'm not eager to
suddenly get a voice call from strangers, but I really dig the concept. If
you are using the VoIP stuff on SDF, drop me a voicemail. I'm
[email protected].

Finally, I want to welcome back sparcipx to gopherspace. It's been a while
since your last phlog and I'm excited to see your thoughts on the future.
I've got a special love of BBS's, so please go into more detail on the
systems you're using. Other than Bryan Lunduke's box, I'm not really using
anything at the moment. I've added the one you mentioned to my TODO list.