

                          Nicolas Herry


1 Using an iPhone as a hotspot with wpa_supplicant

 This is a quick post just to note down the steps required to get
 a computer running `wpa_supplicant' to connect to the internet
 using an iPhone hotspot. Add the following to the file
 | network={
 |     ssid="<Name of your iPhone>"
 |     psk="<Your password>"
 |     priority=2
 | }
 This is rather straightforward, as you've probably a line looking
 pretty much like that in your file, for you home WiFi. In the
 example above, I set the `priority' to `2'; the idea is to set it
 to a value that will play nicely with the other networks defined
 in the file. You don't want to connect to your phone's hotspot
 when you're home, but you probably want to prefer your personal
 connection over everything in public places (at least I know I
 do... remember I live in France, where free, unlimited and secure
 public WiFi remains a wild dream). As explained in the [man page
 of wpa_supplicant.conf], the default is `0', and higher values
 make a network more desirable. My home network has a `priority'
 of `5', public WiFis I don't want anything to do with get the
 default `0', and my phone is in between with a `2'. Is that all
 there is to it? well, almost. There's a catch: by default, iOS
 gives your phone a name like "Sergey Brin's iPhone". This is all
 well (provided you like advertising your name to everyone,
 everywhere you go), but this causes a problem with
 `wpa_supplicant'. For some reason, you can't connect to an SSID
 containing an apostrophe. Since iOS won't let you change the
 SSID, you must change the name of your phone to something more
 reasonable. Now, for `wpa_supplicant' to reload its configuration
 and restart the network:
 | # wpa_cli reconfigure
 | # service netif restart
 You should now be connected to your iPhone's hotspot!

[man page of wpa_supplicant.conf]