
                      FILE FORMATS POSTERS

                          Nicolas Herry


1 File formats posters

 If you still have some room left above your bed to hang some
 posters next to [the C++ Lands one], head over to [corkami's
 account on GitHub] to download or [buy a whole collection] of
 ultra-nerdy posters. Each one describes a file format: BMP, WAV,
 ELF, PE, Mach-O, BZIP2... Everything you had no idea you had an
 interest in is available over there, just for you. If you're not
 a fan of posters, don't despair and [buy a t-shirt], instead.

 [Also, this].

[the C++ Lands one] <gopher://gopher.beastieboy.net/0/c%2B%2B17map.txt>

[corkami's account on GitHub]

[buy a whole collection]

[buy a t-shirt]

[Also, this]