
                        DYNAMIC MARMOTTE

                          Nicolas Herry


1 Dynamic marmotte

 This is the second article on the Gopher server I'm currently
 working on, marmotte. After I introduced the project in [the
 first article], I have worked some more on the project and
 present here some of the new features.

[the first article] <gopher://gopher.beastieboy.net/0/marmotte.txt>

1.1 Articles in this series


[Marmotte] <gopher://gopher.beastieboy.net/0/marmotte.txt>

1.2 Dynamic responses

 These last few days' efforts were all about adding dynamic
 rendering to marmotte. The original [RFC1436] describes Gopher in
 its abstract in these words:

       The Internet Gopher protocol is designed for
       distributed document search and retrieval.  This
       document describes the protocol, lists some of the
       implementations currently available, and has an
       overview of how to implement new client and server
       applications.  This document is adapted from the
       basic Internet Gopher protocol document first issued
       by the Microcomputer Center at the University of
       Minnesota in 1991.

 Apart from the part on searching, this description doesn't
 mention any dynamic aspect of Gopher, and the rest of the
 document doesn't address this either, apart from one little
 sentence in the rather mundanely named section 3.6, /Building
 ordinary internet Gopher servers/:

       The retrieval string sent to the server might be a
       path to a file or directory.  It might be the name of
       a script, an application or even a query that
       generates the document or directory returned.

 That's all. Dynamic content? Oh, let's just not cover it and only
 briefly hint at the possibility... This is very typical of
 Gopher, how it's been designed, and how it's been documented. To
 me, this makes Gopher very much a protocol for hackers: it leaves
 many things to the creativity of the coders. I intend to get back
 to the topic of hackability in software in a later essay; for
 now, let's focus on marmotte, and more specifically, on the three
 ways marmotte can now produce dynamic responses.

[RFC1436] <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1436>

1.2.1 Rendering pipeline

 At the heart of marmotte are two pipelines: one for processing
 requests, and one for preparing responses to these requests. Both
 pipelines are implemented in the same manner: a collection of
 transformations applied to a piece of data describing a request
 or a response. Each transformation is made up of a predicate and
 a function. To understand how this works, let's follow a simple
 exchange between a client and a server.

 A client sends a request to the server, in the form of a selector
 (a string). Upon receving the request, the server simply goes
 through the collection of request transformations, asking each,
 via its associated predicate, if it should run, and if so, calls
 the function with the request. The modified request is then
 passed to the next transformation in the pipeline, and so on
 until all candidate transformations have got a chance to run. The
 final version of the request is then passed to the response
 pipeline the same way: each transformation lets its predicate
 decide whether it should run, in which case its function is run
 against the request and the current version of the response, and
 both are passed down the rest of the collection. The final
 response is what is returned to the client.

 This generic approach allows to satisfy basic cases, where a
 request contains a path to a file, for example, and doesn't need
 any change, and where a response is handled by a single
 transformation, which simply loads the data from the
 corresponding file and stores it in the response. But the same
 architecture caters to more complex scenarios. One is that of
 selector rewriting: it is similar to URL rewriting, where a path
 in a selector is changed to map onto a real, physical directory,
 and is an easy way of implementing virtual directories. Another
 is transforming the data itself: adding headers, footers,
 modifying the data, compressing it... All this can be implemented
 via instances of marmotte's RequestTransformers and

 The current version of marmotte implements dynamic gophermaps
 that way: when handling a directory where no gophermap file is
 present, the ResponseTransformer simply generates one. Headers
 and Footers are also available and multiple instances can be
 defined: one can devise a Footer for all gophermaps, a Header for
 textfiles in a specific directory, another Header for files
 maching specific names, and these can be combined or remain
 exclusive. This is made possible thanks to having the functions
 being separate from the predicates: a given transformation
 function can be combined with any predicate and packaged in a
 ResponseTransformer any number of times. In the examples above,
 we would have three ResponseTransformers, each having the same
 functions (Header or Footer) and different predicates. Some would
 only match on gophermaps, some on files with a specific name, or
 in a specific path...

 Over time, I will keep adding to these transformation functions
 and predicates to implement gateways to other protocols, file
 format conversion, file compression, responses that would change
 depending on the time of the day, and so on.

1.2.2 Executables

 marmotte now also has a new ResponseTransformer, the
 ExecutableTransformer. As the name suggests, it allows marmotte
 to call external programs and return the data generated by these
 programs. The programs in question can be anything that marmotte
 can call: shell scripts, Perl scripts, binaries... The main
 contract between marmotte and a program is in two parts: the
 latter will receive a root path where to look for and generate
 files and directories, and the former will get in return a single
 string, which can be either a directory or a file. The response
 crafted by this transformation is then picked up by the rest of
 the pipeline and either presented as a gophermap (generated or
 loaded from a gophermap file the program would have placed in the
 directory), or loaded from a file on the disk.

 Below is a simple example:
 | #!/bin/sh
 | # Generate the filename
 | FILENAME=`cat /dev/random | env LC_CTYPE=C tr -cd "[:alnum:]" | head -c 32`
 | # Generate a file with some text contents
 | if [ ! -d $1/tmp ]; then
 |    mkdir $1/tmp
 | fi
 | echo "This is an automatically generated file, named $FILENAME." > $1/$FILEPATH
 | # Return the filepath to marmotte
 | echo $FILEPATH

 This shell script generates a file with a random name (tapping
 into the power of `/dev/random'), places it in the subdirectory
 `/tmp' of the gopherhole and returns the path to it (relative to
 the server's root). Nothing fancy, but anything can happen
 between the first line and the last line...

 Having the ability to run executables opens many, many doors:
 this is one of the main reasons the web exploded in the mid-90s,
 and is akin to the `cgi-bin' that were popular then (and still
 are everywhere today, in the more modern implementation of
 `fast-cgi'). A file can be altered before being served, or
 generated from scratch, and entire directory hierarchies can even
 be generated in one go and served to the client.

 One thing that I will need to implement in the coming weeks is
 sandboxing, to restrict the programs to only safe portions of the
 filesystem, instead on relying on the executables to politely
 place everything under the server root given in argument.

1.2.3 Templates

 The last addition in terms of dynamic rendering is
 templates. This is another feature that propelled the early Web
 forward in the 90s, and opens at least as many doors as the
 ability to call external executables. marmotte being written in
 Go, I've made the simple choice here to leverage the power of the
 template engine that comes with this language.

 The current implementation is still in its very early stages, and
 is only used for dynamic error reporting (more on that in a later
 article). These error documents are designed as Go templates that
 accept from the server a structure of data containing arbitrary

 Here's an example below:
 | You have the wrong permissions to access the resources behind the selector {{ .Selector }}. If you believe you should have access to these resources, please contact the administrator.

 Here, the selector originally sent by the client will be
 displayed, coming from the data structure provided by the
 server. This might seem fairly basic, but this opens all kinds of
 possibilities, as this structure can contain any type of data,
 from any provenance, and even data contributed to by other
 RequestTranformers or ResponseTransformers, and be used in any
 kind of document, not only error messages.

 In the coming weeks, I will probably introduce these templates to
 the existing Headers and Footers facilities, to make these even
 more interesting, and simply generalise and promote the use of
 templates as a very simple way to prepare dynamic content. Again,
 ResponseTransformers will do the work here, simply running
 against any file with a `.gt' extension, for Gopher Template.

1.3 In the next episode...

 I have left some features out for today and will cover these in
 future articles: virtual gopherspaces (aka, /tildes/, as in
 ~bboy) and errors and errorcodes. Once again, stay tuned!