What follows is the result of a run in I had with a seriously stupid
IRCop of Undernet. If you the reader doesn't know or understand shared
drives and net.exe, This entire file will be one boring read for you.
For the rest of us, It's funny as hell... Definatly a keeper if I do say
so myself :]

I don't have the logfile handy of my original conversation with
chaplain, nor the Logfile earlier that day this shit went down, because
I don't log from work. I turned on buffer save after CiCi made her
threat, otherwise I wouldn't have proof of that either. However, I do
have some wonderful emails; and the entire log of CiCi and myself
chatting the next day. Now then, on with the show...

Start of #Christian buffer: Fri Sep 08 16:14:38 2000
ne.no) has joined #Christian
<Latte> hello :)
<TremorX> Hiya
<chatcat> i need chocolate
<Latte> how are u
<TremorX> Great.. yourself?
<chatcat> gotta go look throuhg all
 the chcoclate stashes i know about
<chatcat> laters
*** chatcat has quit IRC (*MEOW*FWACK*H
ISS*WHACK* "you're right... there
ISN"T enough room to swing a cat in
*** ionxy has quit IRC (Ping timeout
for ionxy[])
<Latte> some down, my late wife's
 brother passed away last nigt
*** AxeAshes has quit IRC (Baltimore-R.
MD.US.Undernet.Org Seattle.WA.US.UnderN
<TremorX> That's a shame... it's
 always hard to lose someone you're
 close to.
<Latte> yes it is, it was cerebral
 haemorrhage if you understand my
<TremorX> Yeah
*** AxeAshes ([email protected])
has joined #Christian
<Latte> but what people tell us, they
 say life must go on, they said that
 to me when my wife passed away
<TremorX> The problem with that would
 be trying to get your Mass Air
 Sensor to register properly. I
 suppose it COULD be done, but you'll
 need to add at least a small section
 of pipe where you can mount it, and
 then you run a chance of the airflow
 being wrong. Of course, you could
 always acquire another stock airbox,
 do some cutting, get some hosing and
 try it. No harm in trying, so long
 as your car still works if you mess
<TremorX> --TremorX
<TremorX> ack!
<TremorX> sorry
<TremorX> good thing that's all that
 was on my clipboard :P
<TremorX> j/k
* TremorX drops a pin
<patience_> hehe
-> *lc* You think a lawyer is going to
 help you bro? Open shares is your
*** chatcat ([email protected])
has joined #Christian
*** Nuts ([email protected]
NET) has joined #Christian
<JadeGA> l8r :)
<TremorX> Bye hon
<TremorX> *smooch*
<JadeGA> see in little while ;)
<TremorX> ya
*** JadeGA ([email protected])
has left #Christian
<ZoOrOpA> husband and wife?
<TremorX> Not yet :)
<TremorX> Close enuff tho
*** Latte has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** Latte ([email protected]
ne.no) has joined #Christian
*** Nuts has quit IRC (Ping timeout
*** Nuts ([email protected]) has
joined #Christian
*** TremorX has quit IRC (Connection
reset by Janet Reno)
*** chatcat has quit IRC (Ping timeout
for chatcat[kruse.fwi.com])
*** Melv\Mike ([email protected]
ug.co.nz) has joined #Christian
*** JnetyBabe ([email protected]
138.179.LosAngeles1.Level3.net) has
joined #Christian
<JnetyBabe> can anyone tell me where
 to look in the bible......
<JnetyBabe> where it talks about
 sucide and how it makes you go to
 hell ?
<Raid> I think if you commit suicide
 you'll goto hell for it, yes.
<Raid> But don't quote me on it, I
 don't know for sure.
<patience_> it doesnt talk about
 suicide specifically
*** AxeAshes has quit IRC (<<-NE><GEN�A
CiDMAX->> �1998, KnightFal www.europa.c
<Raid> patience_: the bible seems to
 have a real problem with specifics...
<patience_> not all the time
<patience_> only a few things
<Raid> a few things?
<Raid> according to the bible patience,
  how old is this planet?
<Raid> a few thousand years?
<patience_> in my opinion
<patience_> wel *i* think about 10000
 years or so
<patience_> i'm not exactly sure
<Raid> 10,000 years eh?
<patience_> but theres no verse in the
 bible that says " the earth is so
 many years old"
<Raid> Geological Science says she's a
 hell of a lot older then that.
<patience_> Raid maybe a couple 1000
<patience_> ya well
<Raid> by a few million years or so.
* patience_ needs food
<patience_> well i dont believe that
<Raid> We know alot more now then we
 did in the 1800s :)
<Raid> Do you believe dinosaurs roamed
 the earth at one point?
<patience_> they could very well have
<patience_> cos they couldda gotten
 destroyed in the flood
<Raid> could?
<Raid> ehm.. No
<Raid> they did.
<ZoOrOpA> Raid:my mother in law does
* patience_ cant debate because i dont
 have enough knowledge
<ZoOrOpA> j/k
<ZoOrOpA> j/k
<Raid> DIdn't god claim we were the
<patience_> you calling your motheri n
 law a dinosaur? lol
<Raid> Well, how can we be the first
 on this planet, if the dinosaurs
 were here and long gone?
<ZoOrOpA> patience_"im not married...i
 was trying to be funny
<ZoOrOpA> ;]
<Raid> adam and eve, then they furry
 little animals...
<Raid> No mention of dinos..
<Raid> Yet, we have real evidence that
 they existed.
<pSyk_> lol
<patience_> heh
<Raid> like there huge skeleton
 remains, and the fuel I paid almost
 2.00 a gallon that runs my truck.
<pSyk_> Raid: don't forget, xians
 don't understand that carbon dating
 is valid.
<patience_> well God didnt name every
 single creature He created in Genesis
*** CookieMix (HS17pro@host212-140-40-3
2.btinternet.com) has left #Christian
*** `Pegasus (Nons@HSE-QuebecCity-ppp82
042.qc.sympatico.ca) has joined
<pSyk_> maybe dinos died out after
 jesus was crucified.
<Raid> But he did specifically say We
 were first right?
<`Pegasus> hi a;;
<`Pegasus> hi all
<patience_> hi `Pegasus @
<Raid> The dinosaurs have been LONG
<patience_> umm
<patience_> God created animals maybe
<pSyk_> yes he did.
<`Pegasus> hi patience :)
<pSyk_> no no
<pSyk_> read the genesis
<patience_> but we were around too i
<patience_> anyway
<`Pegasus> Psyk: You still here?
<pSyk_> god said he created man frist
 than woman than animals
<Raid> patience_: What about cave men?
<patience_> we all have our own
<Raid> patience_: You can't claim this
 is my opinion, Dinosaurs roamed this
<pSyk_> they found human remains that
 date 40,000 years ago...
<`Pegasus> Hi zooropa!
<Raid> it's a fact.
<ZoOrOpA> `Pegasus :]
<Raid> Fossil fuel...
<patience_> well they SAY they are
 40000 years old
<patience_> i dont believe it
<patience_> ANYWAY moving on....
<pSyk_> haha
<Raid> real skeletons, some complete.
<Raid> patience_: Not moving on, I
 like this topic.
<pSyk_> patience_ why not? have you
 researched carbon dating techniques?
<Raid> and there isn't anything wrong
 with this topic...
<Raid> it's legit.
<patience_> well i've heard that they
 can be wrong
<pSyk_> patience_ do you think you are
 brighter than the scientific
 community which relys on carbon
<patience_> i heard of particular
<patience_> pSyk_ i didnt say i was
<patience_> i believe God
<Raid> patience_: Where do you believe
 the gas you put in your car comes
<patience_> anywho
<patience_> i'm starvinh hungy
*** Latte ([email protected]
ne.no) has left #Christian
<patience_> need some food
<Raid> question too difficult to
 answer or something?
<Nuts> eat well patience
<patience_> i just dont feel like
 answering em either
* pSyk_ shrugs.
<patience_> but its almost 10pm and i
 havent had supper
<CiCi> Raid you're about to get your
 lil tail in alot of trouble from
 what I'm seeing
<pSyk_> patience_ it's ok. there is no
 way you can answer that question and
 have faith in god at the same time.
<CiCi> I suggest you stop threatening
 people with attacks before I remove
 you from Undernet
<Raid> patience_: A science lesson for
 you. The fuel our cars run on is
 from rotted dino bones. Which took
 millions (not thousands) of years to
<Raid> CiCi: for?
<Raid> CiCi: Ehh, Who have I threatened
-> *CiCi* enlighten me, Whom have I
 threatend since I've been here?
*** patience_ is now known as pataway
*** dreamweb has quit IRC (Ping
timeout for dreamweb[])
<CiCi> Raid you may only be a teenager,
  but you've no involved yourself in
 a problem with the authorities
<CiCi> I'll let them handle it, but a
 word of advice would be to judge who
 you threaten more carefully
<Raid> CiCi: Listen, I'm not a
 teenager.. and I don't think the
 authorities are going to do anything
 about me.
<Raid> CiCi: But if you know something
 I don't, I;d like to know about it.
<CiCi> Raid when you threaten to do
 damage to someone's computer system,
 and you dare them to take legal
 action, rest assured, they WILL do
<CiCi> and don't act like you have no
 clue what's going on here
<CiCi> that's the end of my discussion
 with you, you can talk to an attorney
*** CiCi ([email protected]) has
left #Christian
<pSyk_> wow
*** RoadRunnr ([email protected]
g.co.nz) has joined #Christian
<Raid> uh huh
<pSyk_> ud' think god came down and
 shoved a red hot poker up his
*** MarySue ([email protected]
nz) has joined #Christian
<Raid> I didn't threaten him, He had a
 real open share on his box.
*** logos3 sets mode: +o RoadRunnr
<Raid> thats HIS fault, jerk
<pataway> allrighty pSyk_
*** dreamweb1 ([email protected])
has joined #Christian
<pataway> i think u should leave
<`Pegasus> hi Road!
<RoadRunnr> hi..
-> *dan_* what the fuck is with cici?
*** pSyk_ was kicked by RoadRunnr
<pataway> hi roady
*** pSyk_ ([email protected])
has joined #Christian
*** RoadRunnr sets mode: +b *!*@endless
*** pSyk_ was kicked by logos3 (Banned)
<dan_> *s*
<`Pegasus> thanks rr!
*** Karentra ([email protected].
splitrock.net) has joined #Christian
<pataway> ta roady
*** Karentra ([email protected].
splitrock.net) has left #Christian
*** RoadRunnr sets mode: -o RoadRunnr
<pataway> i would ahve done the honors
 myself but logos well.... yah
<RoadRunnr> what a way to start the
<Raid> I don't beleive this BS...
<pataway> hi MarySue !!!!
* pataway willl BBL
<Raid> I tell somebody they have a
 security problem, and I'm reported
 to the authorities?
<MarySue> patience : ))
<pataway> Raid i think she referred to
 what you said to LC when you were
 here earlier
-> *cici* You want my logs of christian
 ? I didn't threaten your friend
 chap. I told him he has an open
 share and he's vulnerable, I did
 nothing to his computer.
<RoadRunnr> eh?
<Raid> pataway: HE has an open acccess
 to his computer, Ok?
<pataway> anywho
<pataway> she = CiCi
<Raid> pataway: With that, anybody can
 access his hard disk.
<`Pegasus> what?
<RoadRunnr> Raid, are you saying what
 i think you are saying?
*** MarySue is now known as MarySafk
<ZoOrOpA> DAN!!!!!!!!!
<RoadRunnr> we don't tolerate threats
 in here
<Raid> RoadRunnr: grrrr.
<Melv\Mike> MarySafk
<Raid> RoadRunnr: damnit dude, listen
 to me. I warned chap he had an open
 share; I didn't DO ANYTHING TO HIM.
<ZoOrOpA> dan_?
<Melv\Mike> RoadRunnr: Oh yeah? what
 are you going to do about it?
<`Pegasus> Are you guys saying he can
 access my HD?
<RoadRunnr> okay, lets move on then :)

<Raid> `Pegasus: If you had an open
 share, anybody could.
<pataway> i dunno what an open share
 is lol
<`Pegasus> Raid: what port does that
*** Pipetobak ([email protected]
voyager.net) has joined #Christian
<Pipetobak> Yo!
<Pipetobak> !rsv lev 16 13
<`Pegasus> hi
<logos3> Pipetobak: Lev 16:13 "13 and
 put the incense on the fire before
 the LORD, that the cloud of the
 incense may cover the mercy seat
 which is upon the testimony, lest he
 {die;}" (RSV)
* Pipetobak reaches into the breast
 pocket of his flannel shirt and
 extracts a well worn, and well
 appreciated briar pipe. Meticulously
 he fills the pipe with delightful
 crumbles of leaf and gripping the
 stem of the pipe with his teeth, he
 strikes a match. The creamy, dense,
 vanilla tinted smoke is rich and
 delightful and he inhales it deeply
 with relish as he glances about
 looking for interesting conversation.
<Pipetobak> Peg!
<`Pegasus> hi pipe
<RoadRunnr> hiya Pipetobak
<Pipetobak> Roadrunner!
<RoadRunnr> Raid, how have you been
[`Pegasus:#Christian PING]
*** ZoOrOpA ([email protected])
has left #Christian
<`Pegasus> anyone?
<Nuts> huh?
<`Pegasus> ok :)
<`Pegasus> I tought I was alone
<Nuts> you're with a nut
<RoadRunnr> lol
<RoadRunnr> and a RR
<RoadRunnr> but i am not staying
<Nuts> hehe
*** i8dog ([email protected]
et) has joined #Christian
<`Pegasus> lol
<Raid> RoadRunnr: Pretty good, But I'm
 losing my opinion of the undernet
 ircops intelligence.
<i8dog> hello good people of CHRIST.
<`Pegasus> uh oh
<Raid> no offense dan ;p
<`Pegasus> i8dog?
<i8dog> hello
<RoadRunnr> is dan awake ?
<`Pegasus> whats wrong?
<`Pegasus> I see
<RoadRunnr> hmm?
<RoadRunnr> whats wrong?
<`Pegasus> Raid: Thats not very nice
 to say
*** MarySafk is now known as MarySue
* i8dog opens the bible and starts
*** Kozubchik ([email protected])
has joined #Christian
<RoadRunnr> lets move on from that,
<`Pegasus> wb marysue
<RoadRunnr> hiya MarySue, i8dog and
<i8dog> hello roadrunnr.
<Kozubchik> Hey Road
* i8dog reads fevershly looking for
<MarySue> *Hugs* RoadRunnr
* RoadRunnr ain't staying.. am on the
 expensive isp
<`Pegasus> You know what guys, this
 place is getting too weird today. I
 think Im gonna come back later.
<RoadRunnr> just sending some mail
<`Pegasus> God Bless you all
<RoadRunnr> bye pegasus !
<`Pegasus> bye bye RR
*** `Pegasus (Nons@HSE-QuebecCity-ppp82
042.qc.sympatico.ca) has left #Christia
*** atman` ([email protected]) has
joined #Christian
<i8dog> take care peg... don't let the
 yellow dots make your head purple.
<atman`> anyone ever hear from Petrus,
 who used to hang out here?
<MarySue> atman` !!!!!!!!!!
<RoadRunnr> yeah, he still pops in
* RoadRunnr double blinks.. atman?!
<RoadRunnr>  *logos3* petrus was last
 on IRC channel #christian 2 days, 18
 hours, 11 minutes ago.
* JnetyBabe wakes up
<atman`> hi RR
<i8dog> raid rules.
<MarySue> atman` he's here every now
 and then
<atman`> ah, ok, just was thinking
 about him :) Thanks!
<Kozubchik> Pray unto God for Thumps
 and his Loved Ones, O holy God
 Pleaser St Michael the Archangel,
 for we all need to fervently flee
 unto thee, the speedy helper and
 intercessor for our souls.
<JnetyBabe> later all...
*** JnetyBabe ([email protected]
138.179.LosAngeles1.Level3.net) has
left #Christian
<MarySue> atman` I think Colin^ talked
 with him a couple of days ago : )
<atman`> thanks Marysue & RR
<atman`> :)
<MarySue> <---- is abbigail, remember
 me, atman`???
*** atman` ([email protected]) has
left #Christian
<MarySue> guess he does ... lol
<MarySue> ; )
<RoadRunnr> lol.. wierd
End of #Christian buffer    Fri Sep 08 16:14:38 2000

The next Day, I begin to talk to her.. Here's that log. :)
I dub this, "The undernet funny"

Session Start: Fri Sep 08 23:01:35 2000
Session Ident: CiCi ([email protected])
>/whois cici
CiCi is [email protected] * God Can!
CiCi on #christian
CiCi using dallas.tx.us.undernet.org www.airmail.net
CiCi is an IRC Operator
cici End of /WHOIS list.

<CiCi> why?
<Raid> I don't think you quiet understand what you erm, reported me for. heh
<Raid> Mr chaplain had open shared drives. I didn't do anything to him, I told him it was there; I even directed him to a website for zone alarm. (firewall; fixes that problem)
<Raid> I told him if I was a jerk as he said, I would have formatted him.
<Raid> I didn't do so. hehe
<Raid> I didn't "hack" him or anything.
<Raid> His computer isn't setup properly.
<Raid> His entire c: drive is wide open to anybody; even you.
<CiCi> ok, let me go read these logs again with that in mind, brb
<Raid> So when I'm contacted by the authorities, (they already know about this serious security problem.. ) they'll probably get a chuckle out of it. As I told chaplain he had this problem, if I was a jerk; I wouldn't have said a word.. just done mean things to him.
<Raid> thanks.
<CiCi> [13:29] (Raid): LC: So consider that a threat, lamer.[13:29] (Raid): LC: So consider that a threat, lamer.
<Raid> Are you going to use the entire log, or out of context?
<Raid> I have no need to threaten CiCi. I could have kept my mouth shut.
<Raid> then anybody (even you) could access his entire system.
<Raid> and use it like you were sitting at the keyboard.
<Raid> I thought he might like to know about it.
<Raid> Next time I find somebody has this problem... shrug, I'll just keep quiet. I had no idea you didn't know about this serious problem with windows machines.
<Raid> NT suffers from it as well.
<Raid> in fact, everytime you reboot; unless you manually set it otherwise, drive c: is shared as open, with admin rights, no password.
<Raid> listen, if you really don't believe me, You can ask anybody you trust with computer knowledge to checkout this log of our chat.
<Raid> I'm not bsing you.
<Raid> I was trying to save you some shame is all.
<Raid> (My boss thought it was funny as hell.)
<CiCi> you were trying to save me from shame?
<CiCi> heh
<Raid> erm, embarrasment rather
<Raid> it's not normal for an admin to not understand shared drives. ;p
<Raid> and you are an administrator. hehe
<CiCi> if your boss had a copy of your logs I don't think he'd think your actions were funny
<Raid> Admins are supposed to know these things, and if they don't check it out first.
<Raid> Actually, he was standing beside me the entire convo; including the one with chaplain.
<CiCi> if you were trying to help, that's one thing, but you were threatening and that's not right
<Raid> He didn't believe me when I told him YOU were an ircop of undernet.
<CiCi> if you recall, you tried that same mess on me when you first met me
<Raid> I had to /whois and show him your "is an ircop" thingie.
<Raid> Listen, I had access to his computer, why threaten? Nothing he could do at that point. he was mine for the kill if I wanted it.
<Raid> Instead, I told him he had a problem.
<Raid> and explained (which you did take out of context) that if I was a jerk, I could easily format /u his hard disk, or even quicker, nuke his fat or registry.
<CiCi> why were you looking anyway?
<Raid> oh and btw, I'm not a teenager; or a script kiddy, I don't have any reason to bs you. I'm perfectly capable of backing up what I say.
<Raid> I wasn't.
<Raid> My script autoscans people on joins, much like undernet does for open proxies.
<Raid> You might want to recommend undernet do this scan hehe
<Raid> it's even more serious to a users data then an open proxy.
<CiCi> uhm no
<CiCi> undernet isn't a nanny service
<Raid> Shrug, as I said... if you don't know about something, Check it out before accusing me of doing something bad. I've been clean for almost 8 months. Haven't hacked a single thing.
<CiCi> the only things we look for are things that damage this network on a large scale
<CiCi> the admins would NEVER agree to such scans as yours done to all guests
<Raid> if they all knew about the bug in windows, I bet you they would.
<CiCi> now, I"m tired of you insulting me
<Raid> I'm sure some of you ircops login with windows boxes.
<Raid> I'm not trying to insult you.
<Raid> Actually I find you one of the cooler ircops i've talked too.
<Raid> I realize I may sound like a smartass; But it's seriously not intentional.
<Raid> I simply want to resolve this issue with you.
<Raid> I'm not worried about the authorities.
<Raid> I just don't like people thinking I've done something i didn't is all.
<CiCi> you scanned someone's machine and then said
<CiCi> [13:29] (Raid): LC: So consider that a threat, lamer.
<Raid> My script scanned him when he joined.
<CiCi> I haven't changed my opinion of your immature behavior
<Raid> hmmm
<CiCi> if you honestly wanted to help people by doing this, you wouldn't call them lamers
<Raid> Did you get the entire log, or just what I said to him?
<CiCi> do you have any clue what percentage of our undernet guests I could call lamers?
<Raid> IE: the first thing he said to me?
<CiCi> alot of them, but I don't
<Raid> I was minding my own business, he smarted off. I decided to tell him in open channel (I was writing /msg to him) that he had a problem.
<CiCi> perhaps a lack of communication skills is the problem, I don't now, but I do know that what you did was not good
<Raid> If I was immature as you seem to think, I'd have chewed his hard disk up right before his eyes, and said nothing.
<CiCi> *shrug*
<CiCi> ahhh so he "smarted off" so you thought you'd put him in his place?  that's typically something a kid does
<Raid> a kid?
<Raid> No mam, A kid would have formatted him the second they were told an open share was found.
<Raid> or stolen data or something.
<Raid> I told him about it, and since he was being a wiseass; I told everybody in the process.
<CiCi> pftt
<CiCi> that was very nice of you...... not
<CiCi> and that's my point
<Raid> would it have been nicer not to tell him?
<Raid> so somebody WITH the intention of harm could take advantage?
<CiCi> would have been more civil if you hadn't tried to act l33t with him
<Raid> I didn't try to act l33t.
<CiCi> and because you decided to show off and make a fool of someone, you made a mess
<Raid> I made no such mess, A misunderstanding of what exactly I did made a mess.
<Raid> Chaplain I bet didn't mention we go way back did he?
<Raid> I didn't show off, I already had the blasted privmsg typed... He decided to be a wise one... So I cancelled it, and wrote a new one.
<CiCi> alot of people can hack, most of us don't, and most of us are mature enough not to have a temper fit and announce a problem
<CiCi> enough
<Raid> Alright, fine. You don't believe me.. That's perfectly ok. All you need to do is check ANY search engine (or even micrsoft) for the fix for this problem.
<Raid> they'll even tell you it's not a hack.
<Raid> it's a bug.
<CiCi> most invasions are bugs
<Raid> erm, I didn't invade him. Script checked for open shares, didn't establish connection or map anything.
<Raid> it's no more intrusive then proxy scans. Users don't even notice it, and it doesn't show up as an attack on any firewalls either; because it isnt.
<CiCi> *sigh* I'm finished with this now, you're wrong to threaten people, end of story
<Raid> ugh... Well, checkout what I said if you get a chance.
<Raid> and goodnight n stuff.

From John Grahms Sat Sep 9 10:07:29 2000
              from [] by web1610.mail.yahoo.com; Sat, 09
              Sep 2000 10:07:29 PDT
              Sat, 9 Sep 2000 10:07:29 -0700 (PDT)
              John Grahms <[email protected]>  | Block address
              [email protected]
              text/plain; charset=us-ascii

                                                                Add Addresses

Hi there. I thought you might like to know you have
one stupid ircop on undernet. Not only is she stupid,
but it's impossible to explain anything to her.

Her name is CiCi, and I just got klined for "hacking".
Full log follows. If you could deal with this for me,
I'd appreciate it.

Banned *@kpt-c-205-245-107-244.chartertn.net[1] until
Sat Sep 09 05:57:09PM 2000 GMT [968522229]: this is
not a playground for you to port scan and invade
other's machines .

Heres my kline (I went out to get some food, she
klined me when I left) Heres the log of all channel
activity up to my kline.
[12:25] *** Now talking in #CHristian
[12:25] -logos3- http://www.forchrist.net - channel
website, for rules and other info.
[12:25] <Raid> mornin
[12:26] *** LC
([email protected]) has
joined #CHristian
[12:26] *** Txico
([email protected]) Quit (Ping
timeout for Txico[cpt-dial-196-30-182-178.mweb.co.za])
[12:26] <CiCi> ok everyone, when Raid's in the
channel, all your machines are going to be scanned so
be prepared
[12:27] * CiCi waits for Raid to meet her router that
doesn't appreciate script kiddie probes
[12:27] <Raid> CiCi: Actually, I've turned the script
[12:28] <Raid> CiCi: I didn't want to risk having to
explain what netbios open shares are again. ;p

And heres the wonderful log last night of us chatting.
This is a long read, but it seriously shows little
intelligence on her part. Where did you get this lady?

Session Start: Fri Sep 08 23:01:35 2000
Session Ident: CiCi ([email protected])
>/whois cici
CiCi is [email protected] * God Can!
CiCi on #christian
CiCi using dallas.tx.us.undernet.org www.airmail.net
CiCi is an IRC Operator
cici End of /WHOIS list.

<CiCi> why?
<Raid> I don't think you quiet understand what you
erm, reported me for. heh
<Raid> Mr chaplain had open shared drives. I didn't do
anything to him, I told him it was there; I even
directed him to a website for zone alarm. (firewall;
fixes that problem)
<Raid> I told him if I was a jerk as he said, I would
have formatted him.
<Raid> I didn't do so. hehe
<Raid> I didn't "hack" him or anything.
<Raid> His computer isn't setup properly.
<Raid> His entire c: drive is wide open to anybody;
even you.
<CiCi> ok, let me go read these logs again with that
in mind, brb
<Raid> So when I'm contacted by the authorities, (they
already know about this serious security problem.. )
they'll probably get a chuckle out of it. As I told
chaplain he had this problem, if I was a jerk; I
wouldn't have said a word.. just done mean things to
<Raid> thanks.
<CiCi> [13:29] (Raid): LC: So consider that a threat,
lamer.[13:29] (Raid): LC: So consider that a threat,
<Raid> Are you going to use the entire log, or out of
<Raid> I have no need to threaten CiCi. I could have
kept my mouth shut.
<Raid> then anybody (even you) could access his entire
<Raid> and use it like you were sitting at the
<Raid> I thought he might like to know about it.
<Raid> Next time I find somebody has this problem...
shrug, I'll just keep quiet. I had no idea you didn't
know about this serious problem with windows machines.
<Raid> NT suffers from it as well.
<Raid> in fact, everytime you reboot; unless you
manually set it otherwise, drive c: is shared as open,
with admin rights, no password.
<Raid> listen, if you really don't believe me, You can
ask anybody you trust with computer knowledge to
checkout this log of our chat.
<Raid> I'm not bsing you.
<Raid> I was trying to save you some shame is all.
<Raid> (My boss thought it was funny as hell.)
<CiCi> you were trying to save me from shame?
<CiCi> heh
<Raid> erm, embarrasment rather
<Raid> it's not normal for an admin to not understand
shared drives. ;p
<Raid> and you are an administrator. hehe
<CiCi> if your boss had a copy of your logs I don't
think he'd think your actions were funny
<Raid> Admins are supposed to know these things, and
if they don't check it out first.
<Raid> Actually, he was standing beside me the entire
convo; including the one with chaplain.
<CiCi> if you were trying to help, that's one thing,
but you were threatening and that's not right
<Raid> He didn't believe me when I told him YOU were
an ircop of undernet.
<CiCi> if you recall, you tried that same mess on me
when you first met me
<Raid> I had to /whois and show him your "is an ircop"
<Raid> Listen, I had access to his computer, why
threaten? Nothing he could do at that point. he was
mine for the kill if I wanted it.
<Raid> Instead, I told him he had a problem.
<Raid> and explained (which you did take out of
context) that if I was a jerk, I could easily format
/u his hard disk, or even quicker, nuke his fat or
<CiCi> why were you looking anyway?
<Raid> oh and btw, I'm not a teenager; or a script
kiddy, I don't have any reason to bs you. I'm
perfectly capable of backing up what I say.
<Raid> I wasn't.
<Raid> My script autoscans people on joins, much like
undernet does for open proxies.
<Raid> You might want to recommend undernet do this
scan hehe
<Raid> it's even more serious to a users data then an
open proxy.
<CiCi> uhm no
<CiCi> undernet isn't a nanny service
<Raid> Shrug, as I said... if you don't know about
something, Check it out before accusing me of doing
something bad. I've been clean for almost 8 months.
Haven't hacked a single thing.
<CiCi> the only things we look for are things that
damage this network on a large scale
<CiCi> the admins would NEVER agree to such scans as
yours done to all guests
<Raid> if they all knew about the bug in windows, I
bet you they would.
<CiCi> now, I"m tired of you insulting me
<Raid> I'm sure some of you ircops login with windows
<Raid> I'm not trying to insult you.
<Raid> Actually I find you one of the cooler ircops
i've talked too.
<Raid> I realize I may sound like a smartass; But it's
seriously not intentional.
<Raid> I simply want to resolve this issue with you.
<Raid> I'm not worried about the authorities.
<Raid> I just don't like people thinking I've done
something i didn't is all.
<CiCi> you scanned someone's machine and then said
<CiCi> [13:29] (Raid): LC: So consider that a threat,
<Raid> My script scanned him when he joined.
<CiCi> I haven't changed my opinion of your immature
<Raid> hmmm
<CiCi> if you honestly wanted to help people by doing
this, you wouldn't call them lamers
<Raid> Did you get the entire log, or just what I said
to him?
<CiCi> do you have any clue what percentage of our
undernet guests I could call lamers?
<Raid> IE: the first thing he said to me?
<CiCi> alot of them, but I don't
<Raid> I was minding my own business, he smarted off.
I decided to tell him in open channel (I was writing
/msg to him) that he had a problem.
<CiCi> perhaps a lack of communication skills is the
problem, I don't now, but I do know that what you did
was not good
<Raid> If I was immature as you seem to think, I'd
have chewed his hard disk up right before his eyes,
and said nothing.
<CiCi> *shrug*
<CiCi> ahhh so he "smarted off" so you thought you'd
put him in his place?  that's typically something a
kid does
<Raid> a kid?
<Raid> No mam, A kid would have formatted him the
second they were told an open share was found.
<Raid> or stolen data or something.
<Raid> I told him about it, and since he was being a
wiseass; I told everybody in the process.
<CiCi> pftt
<CiCi> that was very nice of you...... not
<CiCi> and that's my point
<Raid> would it have been nicer not to tell him?
<Raid> so somebody WITH the intention of harm could
take advantage?
<CiCi> would have been more civil if you hadn't tried
to act l33t with him
<Raid> I didn't try to act l33t.
<CiCi> and because you decided to show off and make a
fool of someone, you made a mess
<Raid> I made no such mess, A misunderstanding of what
exactly I did made a mess.
<Raid> Chaplain I bet didn't mention we go way back
did he?
<Raid> I didn't show off, I already had the blasted
privmsg typed... He decided to be a wise one... So I
cancelled it, and wrote a new one.
<CiCi> alot of people can hack, most of us don't, and
most of us are mature enough not to have a temper fit
and announce a problem
<CiCi> enough
<Raid> Alright, fine. You don't believe me.. That's
perfectly ok. All you need to do is check ANY search
engine (or even micrsoft) for the fix for this
<Raid> they'll even tell you it's not a hack.
<Raid> it's a bug.
<CiCi> most invasions are bugs
<Raid> erm, I didn't invade him. Script checked for
open shares, didn't establish connection or map
<Raid> it's no more intrusive then proxy scans. Users
don't even notice it, and it doesn't show up as an
attack on any firewalls either; because it isnt.
<CiCi> *sigh* I'm finished with this now, you're wrong
to threaten people, end of story
<Raid> ugh... Well, checkout what I said if you get a
<Raid> and goodnight n stuff.

Please deal with her, I don't like being klined for
Bullshit. Thank YOu kindly.

From L. Maurer Sat Sep 9 10:51:29 2000
               [email protected] via web1609.mail.yahoo.com
               from mail.airmail.net ( by mta223.mail.yahoo.com
               with SMTP; 09 Sep 2000 12:54:17 -0700 (PDT)
               from faith from [] by mail.airmail.net (/\##/\
               Smail3.1.30.16 #30.438) with smtp for <[email protected]>
               sender: <[email protected]> id
               <mT/[email protected]>; Sat, 9 Sep 2000
               12:49:17 -0500 (CDT)
               <[email protected]>
               [email protected]
               Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32)
               Sat, 09 Sep 2000 12:51:29 -0500
               John Grahms <[email protected]>
               "L. Maurer" <[email protected]>  | Block address
               Re: [Abuse] Hello
               [email protected]
               text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


You were removed because you were actively scanning others machines as
joined the channel, invading those machines when possible, and pasting
their private chat logs back to them.  You have been asked to stop
this for over 24 hours and the requests were met with an attitude from
that you were very much entitled to invade and compromise machines when
someone irritated you on Undernet. Don't think for one minute that this
either legal or appreciated using Undernet bandwidth. If this is
by you when your  gline expires, expect another one.

Admin.  Dallas.TX.US.Undernet.Org

At 10:07 AM 9/9/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi there. I thought you might like to know you have
>one stupid ircop on undernet. Not only is she stupid,
>but it's impossible to explain anything to her.
>Her name is CiCi, and I just got klined for "hacking".
>Full log follows. If you could deal with this for me,
>I'd appreciate it.
>Banned *@kpt-c-205-245-107-244.chartertn.net[1] until
>Sat Sep 09 05:57:09PM 2000 GMT [968522229]: this is
>not a playground for you to port scan and invade
>other's machines .
>Heres my kline (I went out to get some food, she
>klined me when I left) Heres the log of all channel
>activity up to my kline.
>[12:25] *** Now talking in #CHristian
>[12:25] -logos3- http://www.forchrist.net - channel
>website, for rules and other info.
>[12:25] <Raid> mornin
>[12:26] *** LC
>([email protected]) has
>joined #CHristian
>[12:26] *** Txico
>([email protected]) Quit (Ping
>timeout for Txico[cpt-dial-196-30-182-178.mweb.co.za])
>[12:26] <CiCi> ok everyone, when Raid's in the
>channel, all your machines are going to be scanned so
>be prepared
>[12:27] * CiCi waits for Raid to meet her router that
>doesn't appreciate script kiddie probes
>[12:27] <Raid> CiCi: Actually, I've turned the script
>[12:28] <Raid> CiCi: I didn't want to risk having to
>explain what netbios open shares are again. ;p
>And heres the wonderful log last night of us chatting.
>This is a long read, but it seriously shows little
>intelligence on her part. Where did you get this lady?
>Session Start: Fri Sep 08 23:01:35 2000
>Session Ident: CiCi ([email protected])
>>/whois cici
>CiCi is [email protected] * God Can!
>CiCi on #christian
>CiCi using dallas.tx.us.undernet.org www.airmail.net
>CiCi is an IRC Operator
>cici End of /WHOIS list.
><CiCi> why?
><Raid> I don't think you quiet understand what you
>erm, reported me for. heh
><Raid> Mr chaplain had open shared drives. I didn't do
>anything to him, I told him it was there; I even
>directed him to a website for zone alarm. (firewall;
>fixes that problem)
><Raid> I told him if I was a jerk as he said, I would
>have formatted him.
><Raid> I didn't do so. hehe
><Raid> I didn't "hack" him or anything.
><Raid> His computer isn't setup properly.
><Raid> His entire c: drive is wide open to anybody;
>even you.
><CiCi> ok, let me go read these logs again with that
>in mind, brb
><Raid> So when I'm contacted by the authorities, (they
>already know about this serious security problem.. )
>they'll probably get a chuckle out of it. As I told
>chaplain he had this problem, if I was a jerk; I
>wouldn't have said a word.. just done mean things to
><Raid> thanks.
><CiCi> [13:29] (Raid): LC: So consider that a threat,
>lamer.[13:29] (Raid): LC: So consider that a threat,
><Raid> Are you going to use the entire log, or out of
><Raid> I have no need to threaten CiCi. I could have
>kept my mouth shut.
><Raid> then anybody (even you) could access his entire
><Raid> and use it like you were sitting at the
><Raid> I thought he might like to know about it.
><Raid> Next time I find somebody has this problem...
>shrug, I'll just keep quiet. I had no idea you didn't
>know about this serious problem with windows machines.
><Raid> NT suffers from it as well.
><Raid> in fact, everytime you reboot; unless you
>manually set it otherwise, drive c: is shared as open,
>with admin rights, no password.
><Raid> listen, if you really don't believe me, You can
>ask anybody you trust with computer knowledge to
>checkout this log of our chat.
><Raid> I'm not bsing you.
><Raid> I was trying to save you some shame is all.
><Raid> (My boss thought it was funny as hell.)
><CiCi> you were trying to save me from shame?
><CiCi> heh
><Raid> erm, embarrasment rather
><Raid> it's not normal for an admin to not understand
>shared drives. ;p
><Raid> and you are an administrator. hehe
><CiCi> if your boss had a copy of your logs I don't
>think he'd think your actions were funny
><Raid> Admins are supposed to know these things, and
>if they don't check it out first.
><Raid> Actually, he was standing beside me the entire
>convo; including the one with chaplain.
><CiCi> if you were trying to help, that's one thing,
>but you were threatening and that's not right
><Raid> He didn't believe me when I told him YOU were
>an ircop of undernet.
><CiCi> if you recall, you tried that same mess on me
>when you first met me
><Raid> I had to /whois and show him your "is an ircop"
><Raid> Listen, I had access to his computer, why
>threaten? Nothing he could do at that point. he was
>mine for the kill if I wanted it.
><Raid> Instead, I told him he had a problem.
><Raid> and explained (which you did take out of
>context) that if I was a jerk, I could easily format
>/u his hard disk, or even quicker, nuke his fat or
><CiCi> why were you looking anyway?
><Raid> oh and btw, I'm not a teenager; or a script
>kiddy, I don't have any reason to bs you. I'm
>perfectly capable of backing up what I say.
><Raid> I wasn't.
><Raid> My script autoscans people on joins, much like
>undernet does for open proxies.
><Raid> You might want to recommend undernet do this
>scan hehe
><Raid> it's even more serious to a users data then an
>open proxy.
><CiCi> uhm no
><CiCi> undernet isn't a nanny service
><Raid> Shrug, as I said... if you don't know about
>something, Check it out before accusing me of doing
>something bad. I've been clean for almost 8 months.
>Haven't hacked a single thing.
><CiCi> the only things we look for are things that
>damage this network on a large scale
><CiCi> the admins would NEVER agree to such scans as
>yours done to all guests
><Raid> if they all knew about the bug in windows, I
>bet you they would.
><CiCi> now, I"m tired of you insulting me
><Raid> I'm sure some of you ircops login with windows
><Raid> I'm not trying to insult you.
><Raid> Actually I find you one of the cooler ircops
>i've talked too.
><Raid> I realize I may sound like a smartass; But it's
>seriously not intentional.
><Raid> I simply want to resolve this issue with you.
><Raid> I'm not worried about the authorities.
><Raid> I just don't like people thinking I've done
>something i didn't is all.
><CiCi> you scanned someone's machine and then said
><CiCi> [13:29] (Raid): LC: So consider that a threat,
><Raid> My script scanned him when he joined.
><CiCi> I haven't changed my opinion of your immature
><Raid> hmmm
><CiCi> if you honestly wanted to help people by doing
>this, you wouldn't call them lamers
><Raid> Did you get the entire log, or just what I said
>to him?
><CiCi> do you have any clue what percentage of our
>undernet guests I could call lamers?
><Raid> IE: the first thing he said to me?
><CiCi> alot of them, but I don't
><Raid> I was minding my own business, he smarted off.
>I decided to tell him in open channel (I was writing
>/msg to him) that he had a problem.
><CiCi> perhaps a lack of communication skills is the
>problem, I don't now, but I do know that what you did
>was not good
><Raid> If I was immature as you seem to think, I'd
>have chewed his hard disk up right before his eyes,
>and said nothing.
><CiCi> *shrug*
><CiCi> ahhh so he "smarted off" so you thought you'd
>put him in his place?  that's typically something a
>kid does
><Raid> a kid?
><Raid> No mam, A kid would have formatted him the
>second they were told an open share was found.
><Raid> or stolen data or something.
><Raid> I told him about it, and since he was being a
>wiseass; I told everybody in the process.
><CiCi> pftt
><CiCi> that was very nice of you...... not
><CiCi> and that's my point
><Raid> would it have been nicer not to tell him?
><Raid> so somebody WITH the intention of harm could
>take advantage?
><CiCi> would have been more civil if you hadn't tried
>to act l33t with him
><Raid> I didn't try to act l33t.
><CiCi> and because you decided to show off and make a
>fool of someone, you made a mess
><Raid> I made no such mess, A misunderstanding of what
>exactly I did made a mess.
><Raid> Chaplain I bet didn't mention we go way back
>did he?
><Raid> I didn't show off, I already had the blasted
>privmsg typed... He decided to be a wise one... So I
>cancelled it, and wrote a new one.
><CiCi> alot of people can hack, most of us don't, and
>most of us are mature enough not to have a temper fit
>and announce a problem
><CiCi> enough
><Raid> Alright, fine. You don't believe me.. That's
>perfectly ok. All you need to do is check ANY search
>engine (or even micrsoft) for the fix for this
><Raid> they'll even tell you it's not a hack.
><Raid> it's a bug.
><CiCi> most invasions are bugs
><Raid> erm, I didn't invade him. Script checked for
>open shares, didn't establish connection or map
><Raid> it's no more intrusive then proxy scans. Users
>don't even notice it, and it doesn't show up as an
>attack on any firewalls either; because it isnt.
><CiCi> *sigh* I'm finished with this now, you're wrong
>to threaten people, end of story
><Raid> ugh... Well, checkout what I said if you get a
><Raid> and goodnight n stuff.
>Please deal with her, I don't like being klined for
>Bullshit. Thank YOu kindly.
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
From John Grahms Sat Sep 9 16:06:45 2000
              from [] by web1610.mail.yahoo.com; Sat, 09
              Sep 2000 16:06:45 PDT
              Sat, 9 Sep 2000 16:06:45 -0700 (PDT)
              John Grahms <[email protected]>  | Block address
              Re: [Abuse] Hello
              Gator <[email protected]>
              text/plain; charset=us-ascii

                                                                Add Addresses

--- Gator <[email protected]> wrote:
> File shares were not a big problem in the past when
> users were mostly on
> modems. Windows would warn you if you enabled file
> sharing on your modem.
> However, today in the world of cable and dsl, these
> devices usually use
> network cards, the same is not true. Windows not
> only does not warn you if
> you enable file shares on your network card
> device(s), but with the default
> bindings and filesharing installed you are
> vulnerable. Your drives are open
> to the public and there are quiet a few virii and
> trojans that actually
> exploit this to spread.
> So in short the man is right about it being a
> problem. I have no idea what
> he did with that information however.

I told the user he had a problem, and suggested he get
Zone alarm firewall; I've got those logs too if you
should need them. I did NOT at any time access his
machine, nor map any drives to mine. I was informed he
was vulnerable; I told him.

I tried to explain this to CiCi, but she clearly
couldn't understand such a simple concept of telling
somebody they have a real serious problem.

I did NOT attack mr chaplains computer at any time,
and she didn't gline me last night. She glined me
today; She had plenty of time to gline last night.
Regardless, her gline wasn't valid. I did not use the
information that my script told me about for anything
bad, And I'd appreciate it if yuo could explain this
to her, so I don't have to deal with this BS.

From John Grahms Sat Sep 9 17:18:10 2000
              from [] by web1604.mail.yahoo.com; Sat, 09
              Sep 2000 17:18:10 PDT
              Sat, 9 Sep 2000 17:18:10 -0700 (PDT)
              John Grahms <[email protected]>  | Block address
              Re: [Abuse] Hello
              "L. Maurer" <[email protected]>
              [email protected]
              multipart/mixed; boundary="0-160051528-968545090=:19289"


--- "L. Maurer" <[email protected]> wrote:
> You were removed because you were actively scanning
> others machines as they  joined the channel,
invading > those machines when possible, and pasting
> their private chat logs back to them.

Incorrect. and I have logs not only from me to prove
this, but from others present during the convo. Your
defiantly in the wrong. I did not invade ANY machines,
and i'd love to see your proof stating otherwise. I'm
sure my boss would as well. Being as he was present
during the initial conversation with Chaplain. Even he
knew about the shared drives problem on windows
machines. He did not believe me when I told him you
were an Oper on undernet; I actually had to /whois you
to show him it! My script didn't do anything harmful
to anyones machine. And I didn't do anything harmful
with the information it told me either, I informed
users they had a problem if it found one, and I
suggested they obtain Zone Alarm firewall.

> You have been  asked to stop doing
> this for over 24 hours and the requests were met

Oh really? That's not exactly true, now is it. The
second I logged in today (as the log of today shows, I
've attached it to this message) you made a public
comment about me scanning people (not exactly true,
nor correct) I responded and plainly told you I had
turned the script off, because I was tired of
explaining shared drives to people. Actually, your the
first who didn't know about the problem. Since My
little run in(which I sent to abuse@undernet) with yuo
last night.  I then set away.. I was gone maybe 16
minutes.. I went to get some food at Burger king...
When I came back, YOU GLINED me. I flat out told you
the script was no longer active; YOU THEN GLINED ME
AFTER I left. Nah, I didn't do anything against
undernet policy CiCi, and you damn well know it.

> with an attitude from you that you were very much  >
entitled to invade and  compromise machines when

Not true. You said in channel that I was hacking (I
have that log too) chaplain. You also informed me I
had been reported to the authorities; and should be
expecting a call from his lawyer soon. I'm still
waiting for that call btw.

> Don't think for one minute that this is  either
legal > or appreciated using Undernet bandwidth.

Real network aware one you are... I wasn't using
undernet bandwidth running my script...And what my
script was doing is damn sure not illegal. Unless your
going to tell me undernets proxy scans of me everytime
I connect is also illegal? I didn't do anything
different. I didn't map any of his drives to my
system. (I only knew that he had that available). I
was nice enough to tell him he had a problem.

> If this is repeated by you when your  gline expires,
> expect another one.

LOL! Fine. Expect an email with logs to
[email protected] everytime you do so. I'm not one
usually for getting glines. Nice try, CiCi.

It's obvious you have a personal problem with me,
That's fine. Still not a reason for you to abuse your
own networks policy and gline me for it Glining me
from your server would be different, but... Personal
problems can easily be resolved via ignore. Not to
mention the fellow you glined last night for swearing
in a channel you don't even op in. I've got that log
too ;p

I've also heard from others (and I'm sure they have
logs) that you've been abusing your Oline for some
time now. glining people for channel matters; Of which
you have no status in. Just because you "hangout" in a
channel doesn't give you the right to gline people
from the entire undernet; Thats what the channel has
ops for.

I carbon copied this email to Gator, I simply don't
trust you enough to send him copies of this entire
email. You quoted me out of context once already.

The log file is kinda large; scroll down for the
relevant info.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

> Gator

From L. Maurer Sun Sep 10 13:03:41 2000
               [email protected] via web1602.mail.yahoo.com
               from mail.airmail.net ( by mta116.mail.yahoo.com
               with SMTP; 10 Sep 2000 13:18:21 -0700 (PDT)
               from faith from [] by mail.airmail.net (/\##/\
               Smail3.1.30.16 #30.438) with smtp for <[email protected]>
               sender: <[email protected]> id
               <mT/[email protected]>; Sun, 10 Sep 2000
               15:01:52 -0500 (CDT)
               <[email protected]>
               [email protected]
               Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32)
               Sun, 10 Sep 2000 15:03:41 -0500
               John Grahms <[email protected]>
               "L. Maurer" <[email protected]>  | Block address
               Re: [Abuse] Hello
               [email protected]
               text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


At 05:18 PM 9/9/00 -0700, John Grahms wrote:
>Incorrect. and I have logs not only from me to prove
>this, but from others present during the convo. Your
>defiantly in the wrong. I did not invade ANY machines,
>and i'd love to see your proof stating otherwise.

Then explain how you were pasting back private chat logs that Chaplain
with others :/  When I first chatted with you about this, you told me
wouldn't have done anything to him but because he was a smart alec, or
something of that nature, you thought you were within your right to do
this. Just because you CAN hit a child doesn't mean it's the proper
to do and most of our undernet guests are virtual children. We don't
advantage of that fact.

>Not true. You said in channel that I was hacking (I
>have that log too) chaplain.

I'm not Chaplain.  Get your people straight. There is more than one
here who has been effected by your actions and AFAIK Chaplain isn't
this email.

>You also informed me I
>had been reported to the authorities; and should be
>expecting a call from his lawyer soon. I'm still
>waiting for that call btw.

I told you nothing of the sort. Once again, get your people straight.
It is
my understanding that Chaplain has contacted his church's attorney and
since you both live in the same state, there is merit for suit.  That's
I know about that and that's all I want to know about it.

>Real network aware one you are... I wasn't using
>undernet bandwidth running my script...And what my
>script was doing is damn sure not illegal. Unless your
>going to tell me undernets proxy scans of me everytime
>I connect is also illegal? I didn't do anything

OK, if you weren't using undernet bandwidth, explain how you knew the
IP/host information of the people you were scanning. You were scanning
everyone that entered a channel on Undernet without their consent.  The
"consent" part is the difference between your scans and the proxy scans
Undernet does. If you read the motd of most servers, you'll see that it
discussed there. If users don't want to be scanned for the most
abused ports being open, they are free to disconnect to Undernet.  You
none of this information available to people who entered the channel
you had no permission from them to scan their machines.

>I didn't map any of his drives to my
>system. (I only knew that he had that available). I
>was nice enough to tell him he had a problem.

Calling someone a lamer doesn't sound like my idea of nice and telling
to "consider this a threat" doesn't sound very kind either.

>It's obvious you have a personal problem with me,
>That's fine. Still not a reason for you to abuse your
>own networks policy and gline me for it Glining me
>from your server would be different, but... Personal
>problems can easily be resolved via ignore.

I don't have a personal problem with you so the rest of the above
is of no concern. My problem with you was that you were sitting on
scanning the machines of each person joining a channel.

>Not to
>mention the fellow you glined last night for swearing
>in a channel you don't even op in. I've got that log
>too ;p
>I've also heard from others (and I'm sure they have
>logs) that you've been abusing your Oline for some
>time now. glining people for channel matters; Of which
>you have no status in. Just because you "hangout" in a
>channel doesn't give you the right to gline people
>from the entire undernet; Thats what the channel has
>ops for.

I was told yesterday that I had been accepted as an Op in #christian. I
have now declined that offer until this matter is settled. Once again,
scanning for open ports and then intimidating the machine owner when
say something you dislike borders on extortion and it's certainly not
something I can sit by and idly watch. If you weren't on undernet, you
wouldn't know who joined the channels here.

>I carbon copied this email to Gator, I simply don't
>trust you enough to send him copies of this entire
>email. You quoted me out of context once already.

I've carbon copied him on this as well.  Gator is a very good person
does many things for Undernet that he never gets praise he deserves.
you may not be aware of is that both Gator and I got copies of
log files sent to abuse the day before. We both have access to the chat
long in full context. We both read email sent to [email protected]

>The log file is kinda large; scroll down for the
>relevant info.

Many of us who work on the net do not open attachments for obvious
I'm sure there is nothing malicious in your logs, but it's just a rule
thumb we use to avoid problems.

The reason I got involved in this was because you were not only
people without permission as they entered that channel, but also
you were using the information from those scans to threaten people when
they did not behave in the manner you desired.  If you have indeed
scanning people as they enter a channel, you have solved the problem
was my issue.

From John Grahms Sun Sep 10 20:58:49 2000
              from [] by web1603.mail.yahoo.com; Sun, 10
              Sep 2000 20:58:49 PDT
              Sun, 10 Sep 2000 20:58:49 -0700 (PDT)
              John Grahms <[email protected]>  | Block address
              Re: [Abuse] Hello
              "L. Maurer" <[email protected]>
              text/plain; charset=us-ascii

                                                                Add Addresses

--- "L. Maurer" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Then explain how you were pasting back private chat
> logs that Chaplain had with others :/  When I first
You care to back this up with some Evidence CiCi? Any
logs created by my machine are available for my use;
You don't have any say with that I do with material I
log. You don't own not one single file present on my
machine, and that includes logs of us chatting. I log
for a reason, and this my dear is one of them.

> this, you told me you wouldn't have done anything to
> him but because he was a smart alec, or something of
> that nature, you thought you were within your right
> to do this.

You can't tell me "don't be a smartass" to someone,
Sorry. It's not illegal nor against undernet policy to
treat somebody with less then perfect respect. Go
nanny somebody else.

> Just because you CAN hit a child doesn't mean
> it's the proper thing  to do and most of our
undernet > guests are virtual children. We don't take
advantage > of that fact.

I didn't hit anybody. And I'm getting pretty sick and
tired of your bullshit excuses CiCi. Admit it, You
don't like me, so You gline me.

> I'm not Chaplain.  Get your people straight. There
> is more than one person  here who has been effected
> by your actions and AFAIK  Chaplain isn't reading
> this email.

You wanna back this one up as well Please? I like
evidence, I'm a strong believer in it. The more BS you
talk (which btw, you can't actually backup) the less
respect I have for you.

> I told you nothing of the sort. Once again, get your
> people straight.

OH YES, Yes you did. I have that Log at work; I shall
retrieve it. You made it perfectly clear in your own
words that I had been reported (laugh laugh) to the
authorities for my "hacking" chaplain.

> It is my understanding that Chaplain has contacted >
his  church's attorney and that since you both live >
in the same state, there is  merit for suit.

Cici, I've been as patient and forgiving as I'm going
to be. The rest of this email may be rude; I'm not
trying any longer to make it not be. Had you looked at
all on the laws governing this state; Chaplain hasn't
got a pot to piss in. However, I can and will win a
counter suit; Although I know churches don't have alot
of money, I'll counter sue for the point of it.
> OK, if you weren't using undernet bandwidth, explain
> how you knew the IP/host information of the people
*yawn* Remember when I said I had lost my patience?
Well, get ready for a computer lesson; Seems damn time
somebody told you. It doesn't use undernet bandwidth
to /whois someone, nor does it really do anything when
you /dns somebody. My script didn't use any of your
precious bandwidth, because (oh dense one) it
establishes direct connection via a socket call. Shall
I get any more technical, or can you understand this?

> their consent.  The
> "consent" part is the difference between your scans
> and the proxy scans Undernet does. If you read the >
motd of most servers, you'll see that it is discussed
> there.

Indeed I have, and guess what. If somebody really
wanted to "sue" undernet for scanning them, your motd
wouldn't do shit for you. Know why? Because it's like
a shrinkwrap software license; It won't actually hold
up in court. But it sounds good.

> to Undernet.  You made
> none of this information available to people who
> entered the channel and you had no permission from >
them to scan their machines.

Technically, I didn't scan anybody. Second, I don't
actually need their permission to scan them. It's not
illegal to port scan any machine you desire. It
becomes illegal if you attempt to gain unauthorized
entry into the machine once you have scanned It.
scanning is like knocking on the door or calling
somebodys house to see if there home. For an ircop,
You really don't know much about the internet, nor the
laws gonverning it.

> Calling someone a lamer doesn't sound like my idea
> of nice and telling them  to "consider this a
threat" > doesn't sound very kind  either.

Still quoting me out of context? :) Why don't you
email us a copy of the entire log cici, so we can put
it in the proper context. I was nice enough to tell
him he had a problem to begin with; You seem to have a
very hard time with this very very simple concept. I
really don't know what to think of you anymore. I
already know your computer knowledge leaves much to be
desired, and in my opinion; You aren't qualified to be
an ircop.

But lucky for you, It's not in my power to make those

> I don't have a personal problem with you so the rest
> of the above paragraph is of no concern.

I'm not letting you wiggle out of this CiCi. Glining
me went a little too far. According to the wonderful
christian log, You glined me after I had already told
you (after your attempt to start shit with me when I
joined) that the script was no longer scanning
anybody. I set away to get some food, then you glined
me. You can't get out of it. That's how it went down,
and you know it.

> My problem with you was that you were sitting on >
Undernet scanning the machines of each person joining
> a channel.

I'm an op in several security related channels, It is
our channels policy to scan all visitors; or they are
not welcome. My script does not currently distinquish
between only those channels and all channels I might
be visiting in. However, it is to be said; You and
Chaplain are the ONLY people I've scanned and informed
they had a problem that weren't happy to know. They
say I suppose that ignorance is bliss, but in the
computer age; this will kill you.

Your problem with me is a personal one, Otherwise you
would not have glined me yesterday; As you knew well
infact that I was no longer scanning anybody (As I had
told you). How do you defend that gline anyway CiCi?
What undernet rule at the time was I in violation of?
Please, enlighten me :)

> I was told yesterday that I had been accepted as an
> Op in #christian.

I don't know. I was speaking with the channel
administrator; He assured me I'd have no further
problems from you. :) Whether your op status is
affected isn't my concern, I just don't want any more
hassle from you. I know you've overstepped your
authority, and you know it.

> I have now declined that offer until this matter is
> settled.

The matter can easily be settled, Don't gline me for
bullshit, and apologize for the bullshit gline you did
set on me, and I'll drop the entire issue.

> Once again, scanning for open ports and then >
intimidating the machine owner when they  say >
something you dislike borders on extortion and it's
I didn't scan for open ports. Computer lesson number 2
(seems you can't learn any other way, I am forced to
be rude) my script sent net view ''$ip one time, which
attempts to connect to port 139; For Netbios
information, NOT OOB nuking. I already know this is
above you, But I'm going to explain exactly what I did
anyway; Just because it's beyond you doesn't mean
somebody else reading this email won't understand what
I'm talking about.

And again, I must ask you to provide proof that I was
intimidating anybody. Sigh, I lose more and more
respect for you with each email me thinks. I don't
extort anybody.

> If you weren't on undernet, you wouldn't know who >
joined the channels here.

I've been a regular on undernet for several years.
I've never had a problem like this before. And it's
not really a problem... You had no valid reason to
gline me, and you did; And I'm going to press this
issue until it's resolved. If that means I have to
make you look like a total idiot with regard to
computers, I'll do so (mind you, it wouldn't take any
effort; These emails and the logs I have show it
without a doubt). A wrong must be righted.

CiCi, You know your gline was not legit. You know it.
I know it. Why don't you apologize for doing it? It
seems like a christian thing to do.

> I've carbon copied him on this as well.  Gator is a
> very good person and does many things for Undernet >
that he never gets praise he deserves.

I've known gator for sometime, he knows some
associates I used to frequent with. WarBlade and

>  What  you may not be aware of is that both Gator
and > I got copies of Chaplians  log files sent to
abuse > the day before. We both have access to the

Then why are you still quoting it out of context? I
didn't do anything illegal to Chaplain; I may have
saved him some serious downtime. I do admit tho, If I
had known I'd be in this BS for doing it, I'd have not
said not one word. In the future, I'll keep my mouth
shut. Ignorance is bliss, right? :)

> Many of us who work on the net do not open
> attachments for obvious reasons.

A LOG file is a text file, opening it in notepad will
not infect you. Please don't force me to give you a
lesson in virus terminology. I have very good
withstanding creditials in that field. How many
"scriptkiddys" (thats what you called me once right?
;p) do you know in Rolling Stone magazine? :-)

> I'm sure there is nothing malicious in your logs,
> but it's just a rule of thumb we use to avoid

Lack of education creates rules that are sometimes not

> The reason I got involved in this was because you
> were not only scanning people without permission as
> they entered that channel

(a) I don't need their permission. and (b) I don't
even have to tell them either beforehand or after that
I scanned them. And I don't scan people.

> but also because you were using the information from
> those scans to threaten people when they did not >
behave in the manner you desired.

Nice try! I didn't threaten anybody; I helped his
sorry ass out. I didn't use any of the information in
any illegal nor immoral manner. I did a christian
thing a told the bastard he had a problem. I should
have let him suffer with it. Stupidty seems to be

> If you have indeed stopped
> scanning people as they enter a channel, you have
> solved the problem that was my issue.

Your "issue" isn't of any concern to me anymore. Your
gline and abuse of oline is. You glined me after I
already told you I stopped, thats just plain outright
wrong. I wasn't doing anything against undernet policy
to begin with, but to gline me after I already said I
wasn't doing it anymore is bullshit. Espicially since
you didn't gline me on entry, you said a wiseass
comment about me in open channel. When I responded I
was glined shortly there after. And I bet without a
doubt; it had nothing whatsoever to do with chaplain.
I strongly suspect you didn't like my response to your
wiseass comment.

If theres a lesson to be learned here, it's to allow
the stupid and ignorant to remain that way; It's for
the best.


PS: I didn't have time to enter gators email; I'm
trusting you to send him this intact... See if you can
do that. Ok?

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

From L. Maurer Sun Sep 10 21:17:04 2000
               [email protected] via web1601.mail.yahoo.com
               from mail.airmail.net ( by mta430.mail.yahoo.com
               with SMTP; 11 Sep 2000 02:00:47 -0700 (PDT)
               from faith from [] by mail.airmail.net (/\##/\
               Smail3.1.30.16 #30.438) with smtp for <[email protected]>
               sender: <[email protected]> id
               <mT/[email protected]>; Sun, 10 Sep 2000
               23:15:13 -0500 (CDT)
               <[email protected]>
               [email protected]
               Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32)
               Sun, 10 Sep 2000 23:17:04 -0500
               [email protected]
               "L. Maurer" <[email protected]>  | Block address
               Re: [Abuse] Hello
               [email protected]
               text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Here's a copy of this kid's latest crap.  I've had enough of this.
in a channel and port scanning everyone who joins is not a good thing.
Continuing his arguement with me about it is totally stupid.


>X-Persona: <lmaurer>
>Return-Path: <[email protected]>
>Received: from web1603.mail.yahoo.com from [] by
>       (/\##/\ Smail3.1.30.16 #30.438) with smtp for <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
>       id <mP/[email protected]>; Sun, 10 Sep 2000 22:45:07
>Received: (qmail 26157 invoked by uid 60001); 11 Sep 2000 03:58:49
>Message-ID: <[email protected]>
>Received: from [] by web1603.mail.yahoo.com; Sun, 10
2000 20:58:49 PDT
>Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 20:58:49 -0700 (PDT)
>From: John Grahms <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: [Abuse] Hello
>To: "L. Maurer" <[email protected]>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>X-Airmail-Delivered: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 22:45:07 -0500 (CDT)
>X-Airmail-Spooled:   Sun, 10 Sep 2000 22:45:07 -0500 (CDT)
>--- "L. Maurer" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Then explain how you were pasting back private chat
>> logs that Chaplain had with others :/  When I first
>You care to back this up with some Evidence CiCi? Any
>logs created by my machine are available for my use;
>You don't have any say with that I do with material I
>log. You don't own not one single file present on my
>machine, and that includes logs of us chatting. I log
>for a reason, and this my dear is one of them.
>> this, you told me you wouldn't have done anything to
>> him but because he was a smart alec, or something of
>> that nature, you thought you were within your right
>> to do this.
>You can't tell me "don't be a smartass" to someone,
>Sorry. It's not illegal nor against undernet policy to
>treat somebody with less then perfect respect. Go
>nanny somebody else.
>> Just because you CAN hit a child doesn't mean
>> it's the proper thing  to do and most of our
>undernet > guests are virtual children. We don't take
>advantage > of that fact.
>I didn't hit anybody. And I'm getting pretty sick and
>tired of your bullshit excuses CiCi. Admit it, You
>don't like me, so You gline me.
>> I'm not Chaplain.  Get your people straight. There
>> is more than one person  here who has been effected
>> by your actions and AFAIK  Chaplain isn't reading
>> this email.
>You wanna back this one up as well Please? I like
>evidence, I'm a strong believer in it. The more BS you
>talk (which btw, you can't actually backup) the less
>respect I have for you.
>> I told you nothing of the sort. Once again, get your
>> people straight.
>OH YES, Yes you did. I have that Log at work; I shall
>retrieve it. You made it perfectly clear in your own
>words that I had been reported (laugh laugh) to the
>authorities for my "hacking" chaplain.
>> It is my understanding that Chaplain has contacted >
>his  church's attorney and that since you both live >
>in the same state, there is  merit for suit.
>Cici, I've been as patient and forgiving as I'm going
>to be. The rest of this email may be rude; I'm not
>trying any longer to make it not be. Had you looked at
>all on the laws governing this state; Chaplain hasn't
>got a pot to piss in. However, I can and will win a
>counter suit; Although I know churches don't have alot
>of money, I'll counter sue for the point of it.
>> OK, if you weren't using undernet bandwidth, explain
>> how you knew the IP/host information of the people
>*yawn* Remember when I said I had lost my patience?
>Well, get ready for a computer lesson; Seems damn time
>somebody told you. It doesn't use undernet bandwidth
>to /whois someone, nor does it really do anything when
>you /dns somebody. My script didn't use any of your
>precious bandwidth, because (oh dense one) it
>establishes direct connection via a socket call. Shall
>I get any more technical, or can you understand this?
>> their consent.  The
>> "consent" part is the difference between your scans
>> and the proxy scans Undernet does. If you read the >
>motd of most servers, you'll see that it is discussed
>> there.
>Indeed I have, and guess what. If somebody really
>wanted to "sue" undernet for scanning them, your motd
>wouldn't do shit for you. Know why? Because it's like
>a shrinkwrap software license; It won't actually hold
>up in court. But it sounds good.
>> to Undernet.  You made
>> none of this information available to people who
>> entered the channel and you had no permission from >
>them to scan their machines.
>Technically, I didn't scan anybody. Second, I don't
>actually need their permission to scan them. It's not
>illegal to port scan any machine you desire. It
>becomes illegal if you attempt to gain unauthorized
>entry into the machine once you have scanned It.
>scanning is like knocking on the door or calling
>somebodys house to see if there home. For an ircop,
>You really don't know much about the internet, nor the
>laws gonverning it.
>> Calling someone a lamer doesn't sound like my idea
>> of nice and telling them  to "consider this a
>threat" > doesn't sound very kind  either.
>Still quoting me out of context? :) Why don't you
>email us a copy of the entire log cici, so we can put
>it in the proper context. I was nice enough to tell
>him he had a problem to begin with; You seem to have a
>very hard time with this very very simple concept. I
>really don't know what to think of you anymore. I
>already know your computer knowledge leaves much to be
>desired, and in my opinion; You aren't qualified to be
>an ircop.
>But lucky for you, It's not in my power to make those
>> I don't have a personal problem with you so the rest
>> of the above paragraph is of no concern.
>I'm not letting you wiggle out of this CiCi. Glining
>me went a little too far. According to the wonderful
>christian log, You glined me after I had already told
>you (after your attempt to start shit with me when I
>joined) that the script was no longer scanning
>anybody. I set away to get some food, then you glined
>me. You can't get out of it. That's how it went down,
>and you know it.
>> My problem with you was that you were sitting on >
>Undernet scanning the machines of each person joining
>> a channel.
>I'm an op in several security related channels, It is
>our channels policy to scan all visitors; or they are
>not welcome. My script does not currently distinquish
>between only those channels and all channels I might
>be visiting in. However, it is to be said; You and
>Chaplain are the ONLY people I've scanned and informed
>they had a problem that weren't happy to know. They
>say I suppose that ignorance is bliss, but in the
>computer age; this will kill you.
>Your problem with me is a personal one, Otherwise you
>would not have glined me yesterday; As you knew well
>infact that I was no longer scanning anybody (As I had
>told you). How do you defend that gline anyway CiCi?
>What undernet rule at the time was I in violation of?
>Please, enlighten me :)
>> I was told yesterday that I had been accepted as an
>> Op in #christian.
>I don't know. I was speaking with the channel
>administrator; He assured me I'd have no further
>problems from you. :) Whether your op status is
>affected isn't my concern, I just don't want any more
>hassle from you. I know you've overstepped your
>authority, and you know it.
>> I have now declined that offer until this matter is
>> settled.
>The matter can easily be settled, Don't gline me for
>bullshit, and apologize for the bullshit gline you did
>set on me, and I'll drop the entire issue.
>> Once again, scanning for open ports and then >
>intimidating the machine owner when they  say >
>something you dislike borders on extortion and it's
>I didn't scan for open ports. Computer lesson number 2
>(seems you can't learn any other way, I am forced to
>be rude) my script sent net view ''$ip one time, which
>attempts to connect to port 139; For Netbios
>information, NOT OOB nuking. I already know this is
>above you, But I'm going to explain exactly what I did
>anyway; Just because it's beyond you doesn't mean
>somebody else reading this email won't understand what
>I'm talking about.
>And again, I must ask you to provide proof that I was
>intimidating anybody. Sigh, I lose more and more
>respect for you with each email me thinks. I don't
>extort anybody.
>> If you weren't on undernet, you wouldn't know who >
>joined the channels here.
>I've been a regular on undernet for several years.
>I've never had a problem like this before. And it's
>not really a problem... You had no valid reason to
>gline me, and you did; And I'm going to press this
>issue until it's resolved. If that means I have to
>make you look like a total idiot with regard to
>computers, I'll do so (mind you, it wouldn't take any
>effort; These emails and the logs I have show it
>without a doubt). A wrong must be righted.
>CiCi, You know your gline was not legit. You know it.
>I know it. Why don't you apologize for doing it? It
>seems like a christian thing to do.
>> I've carbon copied him on this as well.  Gator is a
>> very good person and does many things for Undernet >
>that he never gets praise he deserves.
>I've known gator for sometime, he knows some
>associates I used to frequent with. WarBlade and
>>  What  you may not be aware of is that both Gator
>and > I got copies of Chaplians  log files sent to
>abuse > the day before. We both have access to the
>Then why are you still quoting it out of context? I
>didn't do anything illegal to Chaplain; I may have
>saved him some serious downtime. I do admit tho, If I
>had known I'd be in this BS for doing it, I'd have not
>said not one word. In the future, I'll keep my mouth
>shut. Ignorance is bliss, right? :)
>> Many of us who work on the net do not open
>> attachments for obvious reasons.
>A LOG file is a text file, opening it in notepad will
>not infect you. Please don't force me to give you a
>lesson in virus terminology. I have very good
>withstanding creditials in that field. How many
>"scriptkiddys" (thats what you called me once right?
>;p) do you know in Rolling Stone magazine? :-)
>> I'm sure there is nothing malicious in your logs,
>> but it's just a rule of thumb we use to avoid
>Lack of education creates rules that are sometimes not
>> The reason I got involved in this was because you
>> were not only scanning people without permission as
>> they entered that channel
>(a) I don't need their permission. and (b) I don't
>even have to tell them either beforehand or after that
>I scanned them. And I don't scan people.
>> but also because you were using the information from
>> those scans to threaten people when they did not >
>behave in the manner you desired.
>Nice try! I didn't threaten anybody; I helped his
>sorry ass out. I didn't use any of the information in
>any illegal nor immoral manner. I did a christian
>thing a told the bastard he had a problem. I should
>have let him suffer with it. Stupidty seems to be
>> If you have indeed stopped
>> scanning people as they enter a channel, you have
>> solved the problem that was my issue.
>Your "issue" isn't of any concern to me anymore. Your
>gline and abuse of oline is. You glined me after I
>already told you I stopped, thats just plain outright
>wrong. I wasn't doing anything against undernet policy
>to begin with, but to gline me after I already said I
>wasn't doing it anymore is bullshit. Espicially since
>you didn't gline me on entry, you said a wiseass
>comment about me in open channel. When I responded I
>was glined shortly there after. And I bet without a
>doubt; it had nothing whatsoever to do with chaplain.
>I strongly suspect you didn't like my response to your
>wiseass comment.
>If theres a lesson to be learned here, it's to allow
>the stupid and ignorant to remain that way; It's for
>the best.
>PS: I didn't have time to enter gators email; I'm
>trusting you to send him this intact... See if you can
>do that. Ok?
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
From John Grahms Mon Sep 11 05:51:48 2000
              from [] by web1609.mail.yahoo.com; Mon, 11
              Sep 2000 05:51:48 PDT
              Mon, 11 Sep 2000 05:51:48 -0700 (PDT)
              John Grahms <[email protected]>  | Block address
              Re: [Abuse] Hello
              "L. Maurer" <[email protected]>
              text/plain; charset=us-ascii

                                                                Add Addresses

--- "L. Maurer" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Here's a copy of this kid's latest crap.  I've had
> enough of this.  Sitting in a channel and port >
scanning everyone who joins is not a good thing.
> Continuing his arguement with me about it is totally
> stupid.

This Kid isn't a kid. As I've told you once already.
Your quiet correct; This entire arguement is stupid,
You don't know the difference between port scanning
and netbios; and you don't know a damn thing about
netbios. Your clearly not qualified for your position.

You can have enough of it all you like, I didn't port
scan anyone and I'd strongly suggest you learn what
port scanning is.


From John Grahms Wed Sep 13 09:55:45 2000
              from [] by web1608.mail.yahoo.com; Wed, 13 Sep
              2000 09:55:45 PDT
              Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:55:45 -0700 (PDT)
              John Grahms <[email protected]>  | Block address
              Re: [Abuse] Hello
              "L. Maurer" <[email protected]>
              [email protected]
              multipart/mixed; boundary="0-424238335-968864145=:3039"


--- "L. Maurer" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Here's a copy of this kid's latest crap.  I've had
> enough of this.  Sitting in a channel and port >
scanning everyone who joins is not a good thing.
> Continuing his arguement with me about it is totally
> stupid.

Hi Lisa,

How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a kid? :)
When will you learn this?

That log where you said I would be contacted by the
authorities has been attached. I've also forwarded an
email from you to the administration of Christian;
They were as shocked to find you had been accepted as
an Op as I was. Next time you try Bsing your way out
of something, make sure you have all your bases

You also asked in a previous email to me How I was
showing private logs between chaplain and somebody
else? I didn't read that section of the email
beforehand; I've gone back and read them. How DARE you
even accuse me of something like that? I did NOT at
any time get any logs that my computer didn't create.
And I am requesting, Nay.. Demanding you show some
proof for these outrageous claims you've made against

You realize CiCi, it's a good thing from a legal/money
aspect this is IRC; Because if you were pulling this
shit in real life, I'd sue the living shit out of you.

Since I don't normally log from work, what is attached
is a buffer save. (I saved it just after you left the
channel, I figured it would come in handy).

I'm looking forward to your next installment of lies.


PS: I've carbon copied this email to myself For
archive purposes.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

-- I don't remember when this took place or how it really fits into my
article. LoL. Ah well.

Session Start: Sat Sep 09 00:00:00 2000
[00:00] <Jubei> I don't like the appointed senate
[00:00] <gen|c0de> then it was passed to the public, where it became affectionatly known as the internet and the public made it boom
[00:00] <Jubei> Nor do I like the heavy beauracracy... but for all that it's okay
[00:00] <damrekcah> gen|c0de: it was called ARPAnet
[00:00] *** fayth ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:00] <Vote4Bush> lan.. im just tired of the jr thing.  he's not a jr, whereas mr al gore IS
[00:00] <gen|c0de> arpa
[00:00] <gen|c0de> yea
[00:00] <gen|c0de> sorry
[00:00] <damrekcah> or DARPA.. i can't remember... darpanet i think
[00:00] *** `Paradox ([email protected]) has left #christian
[00:00] <gen|c0de> it was ARPAnet
[00:00] <CiCi> it was just arpa
[00:01] <gen|c0de> regardless
[00:01] <CiCi> and it didn't have a .net
[00:01] <Lanfear`> vote: how bout we just call him Bubba? ;)
[00:01] <Jubei> Though my government could certainly use reform... but then there has never been a perfect government either
[00:01] <Vote4Bush> dubya is fine with me
[00:01] <Vote4Bush> clinton is bubba
[00:01] <Lanfear`> no.. I said BUBBA ;)
[00:01] <Dovi-dude> Jubei, no, trying to say that Neo in the matrix was more like what the Jewish messiah was percieved to be, rather than what jesus was like
[00:01] *** cierra ([email protected]) has left #christian
[00:01] <Jubei> Lanfear> Check side window please
[00:01] <gen|c0de> net not .net
[00:01] <Jubei> Ah, I never saw the Matrix
[00:01] <damrekcah> one of my professors is getting millions of dollars in research funding for creating new faster networks for the military
[00:01] <Vote4Bush> i know whatcha said
[00:01] <Dovi-dude> a warleader, destined to free his people
[00:01] <damrekcah> darpa is funding him
[00:01] <gen|c0de> the military doesnt need speed
[00:01] <CiCi> ok gen I"m sure you know more than I do, I was only trained by the folks involed in arpa :)
[00:02] <Lanfear`> jubei: I don't see anything in it from you recently
[00:02] <gen|c0de> CiCi: is that why you didnt even know about netbios shares?
[00:02] <damrekcah> gen|c0de: what it is about is creating high speed wireless networks in battlezones....
[00:02] *** `Ash` ([email protected]) has left #christian
[00:02] <Jubei> Dovi> I don't think that's what the jews beleived at all.  The young hot-headed jews who want to fight maybe, but not the jewish religious authorities or scholars
[00:02] <damrekcah> that's what he's doing
[00:02] <Dovi-dude> ah, Jubei you should see it. Excellent film, raised the standards for movie sf :)
[00:02] <gen|c0de> damrekcah: doesnt matter they cant secure it worth a shit
[00:02] *** wallace-7 ([email protected]) has left #christian
[00:02] <gen|c0de> the enemy will use their bandwidth
[00:03] <gen|c0de> lol
[00:03] <Colin^> gen|c0de watch the language
[00:03] *** HARDPENIS ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:03] *** logos3 sets mode: +b HARDPENIS!*@*
[00:03] <CiCi> gen I know about netbios shares :)  and I don't threaten to destroy people's machines when they're open... it's called maturity, mabe you've heard of it
[00:03] *** HARDPENIS was kicked by logos3 (banned: That nick is inappropriate on this channel)
[00:03] *** BrownEye ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:03] *** Colin^ sets mode: +b *!*DIE@*.rcn.com
[00:03] *** BrownEye was kicked by logos3 (Banned)
[00:03] *** ramdac ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for ramdac[1Cust114.tnt2.ruston.la.da.uu.net])
[00:03] <gen|c0de> CiCi: speaking of maturity, was that supposed to be a subtle insult?
[00:03] *** Maverick ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:03] <Jubei> They just beleived in the rise of a ruler that would guarantee the establishment of good and order in the world.
[00:03] <gen|c0de> raid is a little ummm...how would you say? quick to jump the gun?
[00:03] <gen|c0de> but hes a good guy
[00:04] <Raid> shrug
[00:04] <damrekcah> gen|c0de: do you honestly believe that we can't secure our networks?  we have tons of phds working on this project... all of which probably know maybe *a little* bit more about computer networks than you do
[00:04] <CiCi> gen I've had enough of your crap both in private message and in this channel, I'm leaving and I hope you learn manners soon
[00:04] *** CiCi ([email protected]) has left #christian
[00:04] <Dovi-dude> depends, Jubei. I'd have to research a bit more on that.
[00:04] *** newzeal ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:04] <Maverick> Back.
[00:05] <PaganJoy> wb Maverick
[00:05] <Vote4Bush> doo de dop bu dee doo  le da dit de doo
[00:05] <rts> hmm. Really, there's no such thing as a "secure network", so long as it is connected to the outside world in some way
[00:05] <Dovi-dude> wb Mav
[00:05] *** Nell` ([email protected]) Quit (Wishing you peace, love and Souuuuuuuulll train! - Don Cornelius)
[00:05] <Maverick> Thanks.
[00:05] <Raid> rts: thats supposed to be one of the first things you learn regarding networks.
[00:05] * Lanfear` thinks cici is starting to sound like chap ;)
[00:05] <damrekcah> rts: but its not connected to the outside world!!!!!!!  we aren't talking about the internet here
[00:05] <Raid> Lanfear`: careful now, she might gline you. ;p
[00:05] <gen|c0de> damrekcah: I think that the recent attacks against like the pentagon and the whitehouse where people used techniques that are wicked outdated to get access to the server proves we dont
[00:05] <Vote4Bush> is anyone doing something fun this weekend?
[00:06] <rts> Raid: indeed
[00:06] <gen|c0de> cici: ive been very respectful towards you, to the point where its almost making me sick, and Im the one who needs to learn manners?
[00:06] <rts> damrekcah: your network is in no way connected to the outside?
[00:06] <Raid> The only secure (as can be) computer is one that has NO outside connection.
[00:06] <Raid> not even a dialup one.
[00:06] *** ^dan- ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:06] <Colin^> gen|c0de she is gone
[00:06] <gen|c0de> oh
[00:06] *** Colin^ sets mode: +b *!*[email protected].*
[00:06] *** fayth was kicked by Colin^ (message me please)
[00:06] <damrekcah> not my network, the high speed military network they are developing
[00:06] <damrekcah> the wireless done
[00:06] <damrekcah> one
[00:06] <gen|c0de> ah yes
[00:07] <gen|c0de> soon we will have wireless network sniffers
[00:07] <gen|c0de> wont even have to be connected to the network
[00:07] *** ironic^^ ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:07] <damrekcah> it can be secured
[00:07] <rts> heh... just send a flock of birds up to knock that one down :)
[00:07] <gen|c0de> damrekcah: do you remember when whitehouse.gov got defaced?
[00:07] <Re[D]eemd> since wireless is broadcast by radio wave......you will open yourself to all kinds of security holes
[00:08] <damrekcah> no, but whitehouse.gov isn't part of the pentagon and dod which has a lot of sensitive info
[00:08] *** logos3 sets mode: -b HARDPENIS!*@*
[00:08] <gen|c0de> that attack was VERY old ( phf exploit ) you can hardly find any computer still running it
[00:08] <gen|c0de> ok dam
[00:08] <gen|c0de> a while back DISA I believe it was got hacked
[00:08] <gen|c0de> wanna know how?
[00:08] <Dovi-dude> eventually the safest thing to do, if you need high security, would probably be to store records offline :)
[00:08] * Maverick checks out the Matrix as Messiah movie site.
[00:08] * Maverick takes the Red Pill.
[00:08] <Vote4Bush> red pill eh?
[00:08] <gen|c0de> the attacked an employee's home computer and then let him log in
[00:08] <gen|c0de> the pentagon's be hacked thousands of times
[00:09] <gen|c0de> only a few have gone public
[00:09] <damrekcah> gen|c0de the pentagon and DOD have security holes on different levels on purpose so they can catch the people
[00:09] <gen|c0de> the most public one used brute force cracking, which is a form of password guessing
[00:09] <Raid> damrekcah: Uhh, No...
[00:09] *** HotPink ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:09] <HotPink> hey
[00:09] <gen|c0de> damrekcah: its called a honeypot, and none of what ive mentioned we honeypots
[00:09] <Raid> damrekcah: If you believe most of the hackers get caught, your sadly mistaken.
[00:09] <Vote4Bush> hey hotpink
[00:10] <Dovi-dude> hi hotpink
[00:10] <gen|c0de> when the whitehouse got hacked
[00:10] <damrekcah> raid: i'm not saying that.. i'm just saying how its setup
[00:10] <gen|c0de> it was by stupid people
[00:10] <damrekcah> i'm tired of talking about this
[00:10] <gen|c0de> i know them
[00:10] <gen|c0de> they got caught
[00:10] <Raid> lol
[00:10] <damrekcah> i'm going to listen to some music
[00:10] <damrekcah> bye
[00:10] *** damrekcah ([email protected]) has left #christian
[00:10] <HotPink> yo
[00:10] <gen|c0de> but what about the hundreds of attacks that followed their arrest
[00:10] <gen|c0de> no offense
[00:11] <gen|c0de> but how come christians get huffy puffy and leave when their wrong?
[00:11] <HotPink> not all christians do
[00:11] <HotPink> please don't generalize
[00:11] <rts> gen|c0de: even if they're right: it's the disagreement they don't like, I think
[00:11] <gen|c0de> yes, i shouldnt have generalized
[00:11] <HotPink> were humans just like anyone else with opinions
[00:12] <gen|c0de> rts: I just moved away from tulsa ok, they love to argue when their right
[00:12] <gen|c0de> sorry again generalizitation
[00:12] <gen|c0de> i used to work next door to oral roberts university
[00:12] <HotPink> it's cool
[00:12] <HotPink> just making a point
[00:12] <HotPink> :)
[00:12] <rts> gen|c0de: heh. Looneyville by the sounds of it
[00:12] <gen|c0de> well accross the street
[00:12] <gen|c0de> rts: they've got two of the largest christian colleges there are
[00:13] <rts> gen|c0de: they = Tulsa or they = Oral Roberts?
[00:13] <gen|c0de> ah yes rheama ( sp? )
[00:13] <gen|c0de> tula
[00:13] <gen|c0de> oru is one of the colleges
[00:13] *** creeper has left IRC
[00:13] <gen|c0de> rheama bought just about everything in this town
[00:13] *** Kozubchik ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:13] *** ^dan- is now known as dan-
[00:13] <gen|c0de> and strictly restricts it to rheama students
[00:13] <rts> forgive me, but "Christian College" sounds like "military intelligence" to me :)
[00:13] <Colin^> Hi ya Kozubchik
[00:13] -> *dan-* back now?
[00:13] <gen|c0de> lol rts
[00:13] <HotPink> well
[00:13] <gen|c0de> it is
[00:14] <HotPink> i fully intend on
[00:14] <HotPink> going to
[00:14] <HotPink> a christian college
[00:14] *** laura7 ([email protected]) has joined #christian
[00:14] <Vote4Bush> which one
[00:14] <Dovi-dude> rts, nah,, thats how georgetown, yale, etc started as, remeber? :)
[00:14] <HotPink> trinity christian college
[00:14] * Vote4Bush is going to a Christian college next fall
[00:14] *** Disconnected
[00:14] * Raid is away since 00:14:31 - 09/09/2000 ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - Msgs will be saved.
[00:14] *** Attempting to rejoin...
[00:14] * Raid has returned ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - on 00:14:34 @ 09/09/2000 - Away 0 minutes.
#Christian Cannot send to channel
[00:14] *** Rejoined channel #christian
[00:14] *** Topic is 'Encourage each other daily. (Hebrews 3:13)'
[00:14] *** Set by Beukeboom on Fri Sep 08 03:42:55
[00:14] -logos3- http://www.forchrist.net - channel website, for rules and other info.
[00:14] <Vote4Bush> i will probably go to johnson bible college in knoxville TN
[00:14] <Colin^> wb Raid
[00:14] <Raid> sigh
[00:14] <Raid> Vote4Bush: It's an interesting place.
[00:14] <HotPink> don't go to milligan
[00:15] <gen|c0de> HotPink: youd be better off going to a regular college, most of the people ive encounterd at those colleges are far from what youd call a christian
[00:15] *** Colin^ sets mode: -b *!Hell@*.sympatico.ca
[00:15] <Vote4Bush> lol im not going to milligan
[00:15] <gen|c0de> they get their all hot for jesus
[00:15] *** ironic^^ ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for ironic^^[])
[00:15] <HotPink> gen-well good for them
[00:15] <Vote4Bush> friend going there though
[00:15] <HotPink> they should get a cookie
[00:15] <HotPink> but i'm not them
[00:15] <Vote4Bush> raid you know johnson?   or just knoxville?
[00:15] <gen|c0de> within a year they fall off the train per se
[00:15] <HotPink> milligan is so full of crap
[00:15] <Raid> Vote4Bush: both. hehe
[00:15] <HotPink> like half of the kids there smoke and drink
[00:15] <Raid> Vote4Bush: I went to johnson for a service contract; I'm one of the techs that fixes their stuff.
[00:15] <Colin^> HotPink watch the language please
[00:15] * HotPink watches
[00:15] <HotPink> yep
[00:16] <HotPink> there it is
[00:16] <gen|c0de> crap?
[00:16] <HotPink> heh
[00:16] <Vote4Bush> oh, alright.  you probably met my uncle, he is dealing with most of that
[00:16] <gen|c0de> whats wrong with that?
[00:16] *** ironic^^ ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:16] <HotPink> yeah
[00:16] *** satiaKat ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:16] <HotPink> i'm baffled too
[00:16] <HotPink> anyway
[00:16] <Vote4Bush> how is it full....   hotpink?
[00:16] <gen|c0de> how come you didnt say anything to me for using the lords name in vein??
[00:16] <HotPink> because they claim be strict
[00:16] <HotPink> and all for god and not allowing that stuff
[00:16] <HotPink> heh
[00:16] <gen|c0de> thats more of a 'crime' then saying crap
[00:17] <HotPink> and they just act like it doesn't happen
[00:17] *** Colin^ sets mode: +b *!*generic@*.quik.com
[00:17] *** gen|c0de was kicked by Colin^ (This random kick message was censored by popular request)
[00:17] <Vote4Bush> um
[00:17] <HotPink> your such a hypocrite
[00:17] <Vote4Bush> did he just like... ask to be kicked?
[00:17] <HotPink> that was so stuppid
[00:17] *** Kozubchik ([email protected]) Quit (�[C-Script]� - www.C-Script.com and irc.C-Script.com)
[00:17] *** Colin^ sets mode: +b *!piglet@*.mvn.net
[00:17] *** HotPink was kicked by Colin^ (I'm only doing this because I care)
[00:17] <thumps> ;)
[00:17] *** laura7 ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[00:17] <Vote4Bush> arg
[00:17] *** satiaKat ([email protected]) Quit (GOD IS AWSOME!!!..............ALL THE TIME!!!!)
[00:18] <Vote4Bush> whassup thumps
[00:18] <thumps> Vote4Bush: not much
[00:19] <YinsMom> see ya later thumps....bye room
[00:19] *** YinsMom ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:19] * PaganJoy hugs thumps till her has a Victorian cinched waistline
[00:19] <PaganJoy> her = he
[00:20] <thumps> hahah pags
[00:20] <Maverick> Scary.
[00:20] *** newzeal ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:20] <Dovi-dude> night room, peace
[00:20] *** Dovi-dude ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:21] * thumps hugs pags till she ............sez yes
[00:21] <PaganJoy> ooh la la
[00:21] <Lanfear`> to what?
[00:21] <thumps> ;)
[00:21] <Vote4Bush> heh
[00:22] *** Re[D]eemd ([email protected]) Quit (Mental floss with God's Word daily to prevent truth decay!)
[00:22] * Colin^ could do with a nice cup of tea
[00:23] <Raid> Hmmm
[00:23] <Raid> Thats actually a cute quit msg
[00:23] * Vote4Bush boils some water for tea
[00:24] <rts> except the idea of flossing one's brain doesn't sound so appealing
[00:24] <rts> you'd probably.. damage something, I'm sure
[00:24] <Vote4Bush> lol
[00:25] <rts> "Ow, my frontal lobe... *drool*"
[00:25] * Pipetobak reaches into the breast pocket of his flannel shirt and extracts a well worn, and well appreciated briar pipe. Meticulously he fills the pipe with delightful crumbles of leaf and gripping the stem of the pipe with his teeth, he strikes a match. The creamy, dense, vanilla tinted smoke is rich and delightful and he inhales it deeply with relish as he glances about looking for interesting conversation.
[00:26] <Raid> hmmm
[00:26] <Colin^> thumps can send you a home lobotomy kit to try rts
[00:26] <Raid> I have migraines alot as it is, I think that would make it worse.
[00:26] <Maverick> Pipetobak: I'm sure those auto-scripts of yours get longer every time I see then.
[00:26] <Raid> shrug.
[00:27] * thumps reaches for his sharp fork
[00:27] <Raid> Maverick: He does it to annoy you. ;p Everytime you complain, it grows by 2 lines. <G>
[00:27] <Maverick> LOL
[00:27] <Maverick> Really Raid?
[00:27] <Raid> no hehe
[00:27] <rts> Colin^: cool
[00:27] <Raid> but it sounded good didn't it? ;)
[00:27] *** fitzfield ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:27] <rts> 'cause you know, I just have way too much brain
[00:27] <Colin^> Pipetobak changes them often
[00:28] *** ramdac ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:28] <Colin^> yesterday was one liner and I almost fainted
[00:28] <Lanfear`> one liner?
[00:28] *** Adar_Caan ([email protected]) Quit (NewYork-R.NY.US.Undernet.Org SantaClara.CA.US.Undernet.Org)
[00:28] *** Jubei ([email protected]) Quit (NewYork-R.NY.US.Undernet.Org SantaClara.CA.US.Undernet.Org)
[00:29] <Lanfear`> oh..
[00:29] <Lanfear`> never mind
[00:29] * Vote4Bush blows everyone a kiss goodnight
[00:29] *** Vote4Bush ([email protected]) Quit (Friends don't let friends vote democrat.)
[00:29] *** Adar_Caan ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:29] <Pipetobak> Yes I do, Colin.  To keep it interesting for all.
[00:29] <Maverick> I can believe that.
[00:29] <Maverick> The day he floods the channel for it Colin^, you should kick him;-)
[00:29] *** Jubei ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:29] *** Jubei ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[00:30] *** Jubei1 ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:30] <thumps> and break the silence or idle chat?
[00:30] <rts> shh
[00:30] <Jubei1> I say we idle chat
[00:31] *** just_gal ([email protected]) Quit (#kingcoles #samarnon #kingcoles #samarnon #kingcoles #samarnon #kingcoles #samarnon #kingcoles #samarnon #kingcoles #samarnon #kingcoles #samarnon #kingcoles #s)
[00:31] <Pipetobak> Why should I be kicked?  I never flood the channel.
[00:32] <Pipetobak> I merely send an image of me so you may better visualize me as you speak to me.
[00:32] <Colin^> :o)
[00:33] * Maverick checks out more Matrix sites.
[00:33] *** Colin^ sets mode: -b *!*@supernal.godsey.net
[00:33] *** maiang ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:33] *** fitzfield ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for fitzfield[])
[00:33] <Maverick> Boy.
[00:33] <Maverick> Its gone kinda quiet.
[00:33] <Maverick> Am I lagged?
[00:33] <Maverick> Or has everyone decided I am not worth listening to?
[00:33] * Maverick decides about this.
[00:33] *** LadyViv ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:33] *** logos3 sets mode: +b *!*@*.one.net.au
[00:33] <Colin^> is chatting in message
[00:33] *** LadyViv was kicked by logos3 (banned: ISP banned: Continued illegal activity by one user)
[00:33] *** Colin^ sets mode: -o Colin^
[00:34] <Maverick> I canna find my glasses.
[00:35] <Colin^> Mine are on my nose
[00:35] *** ironic^^ ([email protected]) Quit (SoMEdAy, SomHoW, FaR bEyOuNd 2 DaY i WiLl FiNd ThE wAy 2 FiNd U bUt SoMeHoW tHrU tHe LoNlYnIghT i Will LiVe ThE In ThE dArK tHaT U r n2 My HeArt LoVe U .(.KATE))
[00:35] * rts is away: not here
[00:35] *** rts ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:35] *** Pipetobak ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[00:36] <Maverick> Oh my goodness I was lagged.
[00:36] *** Pipetobak ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:36] <thumps> wb pipe :)
[00:37] <Maverick> Oh my goodness I was lagged.
[00:37] *** sansan` ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:37] <Maverick> Why didn't anyone tell me?
[00:37] <Maverick> huh?
[00:37] <Maverick> :P
[00:38] <Maverick> =)
[00:38] *** FuNNy ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:38] *** fitzfield ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:39] *** eagles` ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:39] <FuNNy> hi..
[00:39] <Colin^> hey eagles
[00:39] <eagles`> hey Colin^... just sent you an icq lol
[00:40] *** Dawn ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:40] <FuNNy> colin??
[00:40] *** fitzfield ([email protected]) Quit (Broken pipe)
[00:40] <Dawn> hi, i'm new to this site
[00:41] <eagles`> hello Dawn... nice to meet you
[00:41] *** [Mo]- ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:41] <Dawn> nice to meet you to eagles
[00:42] <FuNNy> hi dawn
[00:42] <Dawn> hi FuNNy
[00:42] <eagles`> you a Canadian, me an Ozzie Welsman, lol, who speaks a little French :)
[00:42] <FuNNy> hi
[00:42] <Dawn> I am actually new to the whole IRC experience
[00:43] <Raid> Dawn: Welcome.
[00:43] <FuNNy> how r u dawn?
[00:43] <eagles`> you are still welcome, happens to all of us at some stage :)
[00:43] <Lanfear`> well.. I have to get up REALLY early
[00:43] <Lanfear`> sigh sigh
[00:43] <[Mo]-> i speak french
[00:43] <Dawn> i am fine and how are you
[00:43] <Lanfear`> on a saturday no less.. chat ya'll later
[00:43] * Colin^ speaks french
[00:43] *** Lanfear` ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[00:43] <Raid> sigh, bye lan.
[00:43] <eagles`> enchante, [Mo]-
[00:43] <[Mo]-> hehe
[00:43] <[Mo]-> who can really speak french here?
[00:44] <eagles`> un petit peu, mais ne pas dans ce channel
[00:44] <Dawn> I only understand French when I hearit
[00:44] *** thumps ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:44] <FuNNy> great
[00:44] <eagles`> on parles Anglais ici :)
[00:44] *** charisma ([email protected]) Quit (Why do people cry when they hear the word goodbye!!!!)
[00:44] <Maverick> hey eagles`
[00:44] <Colin^> Je parle francais mon ami
[00:44] <maiang> hi egales
[00:44] <maiang> hi eagles
[00:44] <Jubei1> I'm a redneck commie saskatchewan hick :)
[00:44] <eagles`> yo Maverick :)
[00:44] <Jubei1> I don't speak french... but I can say "I loose" in ancient Greek :)
[00:44] <eagles`> kewl <g>
[00:44] <Jubei1> I just started learning the language last week :)
[00:44] <eagles`> hehe
[00:45] <[Mo]-> a oui, h� bien c'est vraiment amusant a savoir Colin^
[00:45] <eagles`> this is why I come on to IRC, to chat and have a fun time
[00:45] <Jubei1> Colin, I understood.  Mo, you lost me :)
[00:45] *** `Ash` ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:45] <Colin^> brb
[00:45] <[Mo]-> :P
[00:45] *** Colin^ ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:45] <Raid> Dawn: Just so you know, IRC is very addicting. :)
[00:45] *** Colin^ ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:45] <maiang> bye
[00:45] * eagles` remembers starting to learn german in school and the first words were vulgar when said in English
[00:45] <Dawn> that i have heard and i can see why
[00:45] <eagles`> I eat.... and father
[00:46] *** X sets mode: +o Colin^
[00:46] <eagles`> oh dear dont kick me!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:46] *** Colin^ sets mode: -b *!*[email protected].*
[00:46] *** Colin^ sets mode: +b *!*@202.77.100.*
[00:46] *** FuNNy was kicked by Colin^ (P.S. This doesn't mean we can't be friends)
[00:46] <Dawn> can someone tell me what brb and :p means
[00:46] <`Ash`> be right back
[00:46] <Colin^> be right back
[00:46] <Dawn> i know what lol means
[00:46] <[Mo]-> k
[00:46] <Colin^> :p is someone poking their tounge out
[00:47] *** maiang ([email protected]) Quit (Yesterday is History...Tomorrow is Mystery..Today is a Gift..thats why its called " present "...Live it !!!)
[00:47] <eagles`> brb is an acronym... be right back
[00:47] <Dawn> thank you
[00:47] <eagles`> asl often asked by filipinos, is age sex location
[00:47] <eagles`> ctc is care to chat
[00:47] <Dawn> oh lovely
[00:47] <Jubei1> :) is something that is overused
[00:47] <eagles`> rofl is rolling on the floor laughing
[00:48] <eagles`> quite something to do in real life :))
[00:48] <eagles`> oh and rl is real life
[00:48] <[Mo]-> lol
[00:48] <Colin^> :o�
[00:49] <eagles`> Dawn you are using mIRC like I am... they have a very good series of helps on their website and in their help files
[00:49] <[Mo]-> and std is something to do
[00:49] <eagles`> heh didnt know that!
[00:49] <[Mo]-> lol
[00:49] <Dawn> i should check out the help files, and i thank you for all your help
[00:50] <eagles`> meant to add that much of the acronyms are in those help files
[00:50] *** Colin^ sets mode: -bbb *!piglet@*.mvn.net *!*generic@*.quik.com *!*DIE@*.rcn.com
[00:50] *** Colin^ sets mode: -o Colin^
[00:50] <Dawn> great to know
[00:50] <Raid> Dawn: and you can learn just by being in chat... it's fun.
[00:50] *** `Ash` ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:50] <eagles`> sure is
[00:51] <Dawn> i watched a bit here and there to get the jist of it.
[00:51] *** Icon ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:51] <eagles`> sometimes its boring, sometimes infuriating, but mostly it's great... and as Raid said, can become addictive very easily
[00:51] <Maverick> Oh no.
[00:51] *** gen|c0de ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:52] <Colin^> wb gen|c0de
[00:52] <gen|c0de> crap.
[00:52] <Dawn> i know i need to be careful, often i am not doing to much so this could become a habit that may not be to good
[00:52] <gen|c0de> i was sitting there playing with identd
[00:52] <gen|c0de> and i went hrm
[00:52] <gen|c0de> dude its only a nick ban
[00:52] <gen|c0de> regardless
[00:52] *** Icon ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:52] <Colin^> gen|c0de I removed the ban
[00:52] <eagles`> Dawn you need to be careful to whom you give personal details because cyber stalking is a very realproblem
[00:53] <gen|c0de> no you didnt
[00:53] <Colin^> Yes I did kid
[00:53] <gen|c0de> unless you di it just like 5 seconds ago
[00:53] <gen|c0de> hi raid
[00:53] <Colin^> I did
[00:53] <gen|c0de> :)
[00:53] *** Icon ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:53] <Raid> gen|c0de: heh, hello ;p
[00:53] <Dawn> i understand that, I knew someone who got into trouble
[00:53] *** generic ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:53] <Colin^> ** Colin^ sets mode: -bbb *!piglet@*.mvn.net *!*generic@*.quik.com *!*DIE@*.rcn.com
[00:53] <Colin^> (eagles`): meant to add that much of the acronyms are in those help files
[00:53] *** Icon ([email protected]) Quit (Read error to Icon[idxwc07-08.idx.com.au]: EOF from client)
[00:53] <eagles`> gen|c0de I wonder why you are arguing?you are in here... therefore no ban... as I see it
[00:53] <Colin^> gen|c0de see it?
[00:53] <gen|c0de> ah well you just did it a few minutes ago
[00:54] <generic> this is me too
[00:54] <eagles`> so what buddy? grrrrrrrr
[00:54] <Colin^> Make one of them go generic
[00:54] <Dawn> how does one get banned?
[00:54] <gen|c0de> regardless, learn how to do bans correctly
[00:54] <gen|c0de> better yet
[00:54] <eagles`> very easily lol
[00:54] *** X sets mode: +o Colin^
[00:54] <eagles`> here it comes
[00:54] *** gen|c0de ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:54] <eagles`> lol
[00:54] <Dawn> lol
[00:54] <Colin^> Thanks
[00:54] *** generic ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:55] *** generic ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:55] <eagles`> hmmm my script didnt pick up the clone
[00:55] *** FlyGuy_38 ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:55] *** BassPlaye ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:55] <Colin^> Hey BassPlaye
[00:55] <generic> hey i just realized my part message didnt come through
[00:55] <BassPlaye> hi
[00:55] <eagles`> hey the canuks are coming in fast
[00:55] <Colin^> Hello FlyGuy_38
[00:55] <eagles`> hi BassPlaye
[00:55] <generic> you can go fuck yourtself cause i didnt want to be here anyways
[00:55] *** generic ([email protected]) has left #Christian
[00:55] <FlyGuy_38> hi
[00:56] *** X sets mode: +o eagles`
[00:56] <eagles`> i have word kick enabled
[00:56] <Dawn> now now watch your language:)
[00:56] *** rts ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:56] <Colin^> Hi rts
[00:56] <rts> yo
[00:56] <eagles`> hey rts
[00:56] *** Colin^ sets mode: -o Colin^
[00:57] <rts> greetings
[00:57] <eagles`> duh didnt mean to push you off the pole Colin^
[00:57] <Colin^> eagles` tis ok, I wanted to read a newsgroup
[00:57] *** weird ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:58] <weird> oh oh i am there
[00:58] *** JAA98 ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[00:58] <eagles`> Dawn you were asking about banning... we are pretty tolerant here excepyt with those who come in deliberately to make trouble
[00:58] <weird> apologies peoples
[00:59] <Dawn> i see, this is good:)
[00:59] <PaganJoy> hi Dawn
[00:59] <Dawn> Hi
[01:00] <weird> i am not weird
[01:00] <Dawn> i'm sure you're not
[01:00] <Jubei1> Your name is misleading then :)
[01:00] <Raid> Dawn: Just play it cool and bans aren't something you'll have to worry about.
[01:00] <Jubei1> Myself, I'm completely mad
[01:00] <weird> its a mistaken story too long to tell
[01:00] <eagles`> we have a three-strikes-and-you-are-out policy generally speaking, a "kick" to remove ppl, and finally on the third offence a ban which runs for 24 hours typically
[01:01] *** Philip15 ([email protected]) has joined #Christian
[01:01] <Jubei1> I play in large vats of jelly
[01:01] <Jubei1> I scream at the top of my lungs
[01:01] <weird> how do you mark?
[01:01] <Jubei1> I live to laugh and be jolly
[01:01] *** Philip15 ([email protected]) Quit (don't love me from what u intend or hope that I would be, and if ur only using me to feed ur fantasy, you're not really in love, so let me go, I must be free!!!)
[01:01] <eagles`> Jubei1 sounds a sticky sort of situation to me :)
[01:01] <Jubei1> and I stuff my face with fresh baked buns
[01:01] <Jubei1> (I mean that in a totally non-sexual way)
[01:02] *** Disconnected
[01:02] * Raid is away since 01:02:26 - 09/09/2000 ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - Msgs will be saved.
[01:02] *** Attempting to rejoin...
#CHristian Cannot send to channel
[01:02] * Raid has returned ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - on 01:02:29 @ 09/09/2000 - Away 0 minutes.
[01:02] *** Rejoined channel #christian
[01:02] *** Topic is 'Encourage each other daily. (Hebrews 3:13)'
[01:02] *** Set by Beukeboom on Fri Sep 08 03:42:57
[01:02] -logos3- http://www.forchrist.net - channel website, for rules and other info.
[01:02] <Jubei1> Once I was a philosophy major :)
[01:02] <PaganJoy> wb Raid!
[01:02] <Raid> My isp has got to get that fixed.
[01:02] <Jubei1> Once when my sanity was still intact
[01:02] <weird> well no i don't know....
[01:03] <Jubei1> But then... oh poor fortune that is me... it cracked... it cracked...
[01:03] <eagles`> hey the pagster didnt see you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:03] * Jubei1 brays laughing uncontrollably
[01:03] <PaganJoy> eagles!! hiya!!!!!!!! :)
[01:03] <eagles`> like a cuppa tea?
[01:03] <PaganJoy> Jubei-- go "The Nanny"'s laugh down pat? ;)
[01:03] <weird> yeah i would ta:)
[01:03] <PaganJoy> mmm tea!!
[01:04] <eagles`> Dawn there's also sounds linked to irc... does your computer have a sound card?
[01:04] <Jubei1> Pagan> If it was... then I would be deranged, not merely mad
[01:04] <weird> green preferable
[01:04] *** sWeAtPeA ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:04] <Jubei1> But I am mad you see, and I'm also nutty
[01:04] <eagles`> if someone plays a sound your mirc can find, yours then plays the same one
[01:04] * PaganJoy nods solemnly
[01:04] <Jubei1> Which explains why women seem to like me with ice cream and other sweet things
[01:04] * eagles` likes nutty.old navy expression for chocolate
[01:04] <weird> yeah yeah i dont do wavs:)
[01:04] <Dawn> i do not believe so. I am also new to the full extent of the computer world
[01:05] <eagles`> thats fine:)
[01:05] <eagles`> you know the diff between :) and :( ??
[01:05] <Jubei1> Whenever they see me they start shaking the cans, or scooping the tubs
[01:05] <Dawn> yes
[01:05] <Jubei1> They cover me, and then eat me all up
[01:05] <Jubei1> Cause I'm nutty
[01:05] * Jubei1 strolls around with a monacle and tophat
[01:06] <Jubei1> See... completely nutty... *twirls his cane*
[01:06] *** ^jer-bear ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:06] <Dawn> i don't like being :( only :)
[01:06] <weird> who are you asking this eagle?:):(
[01:06] <eagles`> talking to Dawn who is new to IRC
[01:06] <weird> oh
[01:06] <weird> ok
[01:07] <Jubei1> But I think I'm going to retire from being insane
[01:07] <Jubei1> It is too much effort, too little pay
[01:07] <eagles`> also Dawn in mirc you can use the TAB key to save typing a person's nickname... time saver... did you know that? It's called"nick complete"
[01:07] <Jubei1> I'll miss those pretty blue things they give you to swallow at that nice place with men in white suits
[01:07] <Jubei1> But I think I am ready to move on
[01:07] <weird> huh
[01:07] * eagles` holds the door open
[01:08] <Jubei1> (Valium pills at the nuthouse) ;)
[01:08] <weird> nice
[01:08] *** CodePoet ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:08] <weird> like nice
[01:08] *** Ixithmm ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[01:08] <Jubei1> I wish I had MIRC, but instead I have a java applet
[01:08] <Jubei1> Oops, accidently hit bold
[01:08] <Dawn> I have heard of that, I'm just winging this ya know:)
[01:08] <CodePoet> mIRC sucks
[01:08] <CodePoet> :P
[01:08] <weird> not a lot:)
[01:09] <Jubei1> Well, to bed with I
[01:09] <Jubei1> Goodnight all
[01:09] *** Jubei1 ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[01:09] <eagles`> bye Jubeil
[01:09] *** TacoMan ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:10] <Maverick> Oh dear.
[01:10] <eagles`> oh?
[01:10] * eagles` wonders why isnt in her channel 2
[01:10] <weird> now you guys i have a question?
[01:10] * eagles` changes nick to dumbo - all ears
[01:11] <weird> IF
[01:11] <weird> if i want to join philosophy
[01:11] *** FlyGuy_38 ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[01:11] <weird> and IF
[01:12] <weird> if they think i am weird
[01:12] *** Pipetobak ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for Pipetobak[as4-dial22.flnt.mi.voyager.net])
[01:13] <weird> how come its ok for me to be in christian?
[01:13] <Colin^> weird yes
[01:13] <eagles`> missed the drift of the question, sorry
[01:13] *** charisma ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:13] <weird> the drift was obscure... true
[01:13] *** Kenshin^^ ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:13] <Colin^> weird no one can se you in #christian from another channel anyway, its set on secret
[01:14] <eagles`> see up the top it says channel modes are +stn
[01:14] <weird> not the point Colin^
[01:14] *** ^_John_^ ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:14] <eagles`> secret, topics set by ops, no notices in
[01:14] *** cierra ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:14] <weird> oh ok what does that that mean?
[01:14] *** charisma ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[01:14] <eagles`> secret means you dont show up on someone's /whois or on /names
[01:15] <weird> oh
[01:15] <Dawn> now i don't understand this secret stuff
[01:15] *** [Mo]- ([email protected]) has left #CHristian (CaLiNe DE BoNnEs BiNnEs)
[01:15] <eagles`> unless they are in the same secret channel
[01:15] <cierra> hi pags
[01:15] <Colin^> weird so is the point " we think you are weird to be here ??
[01:15] <cierra> :)
[01:15] <eagles`> it is a protection, Dawn
[01:15] *** ^_John_^ is now known as ^John^
[01:15] <PaganJoy> hi cierra :)
[01:15] <cierra> :)
[01:15] <Colin^> HI ^John^
[01:15] <Colin^> hello cierra
[01:15] <cierra> hi colin
[01:15] <weird> well i am but do you think so
[01:15] <^John^> Hi ppl
[01:15] <eagles`> yes, weird
[01:15] <logos3> yes, wierd
[01:15] <weird> oh oh i am assuming my nick
[01:16] <Colin^> weird yes
[01:16] <eagles`> snap
[01:16] <weird> good one....
[01:16] *** ^jer-bear ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[01:16] <weird> i luv it!
[01:16] *** jamie^16 ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:16] <eagles`> brb, afk a moment ( Dawn that means away from keyboard)
[01:16] *** Kenshin^^ ([email protected]) Quit ((VirusScript 2���) GeT iT aT http://www.v2000.cjb.net/ and http://www.yasarozg.net/)
[01:18] <weird> Scotish water is soft
[01:18] <weird> t
[01:18] <Colin^> weird its the Peat
[01:18] <weird> aaaah
[01:18] <weird> like carbonated?
[01:19] <Colin^> THats why they make such good Scotch
[01:19] <weird> the glens
[01:19] <Colin^> The water is filtered by the Peat
[01:19] <weird> aaaaah
[01:19] <weird> well it is true
[01:19] <weird> hair needs no conditioning
[01:20] <PaganJoy> niters all
[01:20] * PaganJoy waves :)
[01:20] *** PaganJoy ([email protected]) Quit (Umm.. where am I going, and what's with this handbasket??)
[01:21] *** BassPlaye ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for BassPlaye[cras58p137.navix.net])
[01:22] *** twile ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:22] <weird> so subteranean water is not a secret
[01:22] <weird> i just went there for the first time last month
[01:22] *** bu2zard ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:22] <Colin^> weird to the Highlands?
[01:22] <eagles`> Dawn there's another one, bbiab be back in a bit
[01:22] <weird> yes
[01:22] *** Maverick ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for Maverick[203-79-93-232.tnt11.paradise.net.nz])
[01:23] <Dawn> thanks
[01:23] <weird> tho they liked me:)
[01:23] *** bu2zard ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[01:23] *** sWeAtPeA ([email protected]) has left #CHristian (havoc.(r)oots.(r)adical)
[01:23] <weird> thing i liked also was highland bands.....
[01:24] <weird> like there was this dutch highland band
[01:24] <weird> in kilts
[01:24] *** danimal ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:25] <weird> nice tooo
[01:25] <weird> i like a look of the kilt
[01:25] <weird> but
[01:25] * rts is away: not here
[01:25] <weird> dutch?
[01:25] *** rts ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[01:25] <Dawn> eagles` thanx for all the info and your time out to let me know what things mean
[01:25] <eagles`> we have highland bands here in Austrlai too - on the plains, lol
[01:26] <eagles`> thats fine, look forward to seeing you again :)
[01:26] <eagles`> take care, God bless you
[01:26] <Colin^> Irish play the bagpipes as well
[01:26] <weird> and pipes
[01:26] <Dawn> Thanx and God Bless:)
[01:26] <weird> and harps
[01:26] <eagles`> yeah, they gave the Scots them as a present, and the Sciots havent seen the joke yet,lol
[01:27] *** Dawn ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[01:27] <weird> eagles that wasnt funny:(
[01:27] <eagles`> lol
[01:27] * eagles` actually loves pipe bands
[01:27] <weird> so oh ok goodie:)
[01:27] <eagles`> <g>
[01:28] <Colin^> I like Pipebands as well, I can still sing Scotland the brave
[01:28] <eagles`> the first time I ever heard Amazing Grace it was played by a pipe band
[01:28] * weird just sings psalms
[01:28] <weird> well psalters
[01:28] <Colin^> eagles` Paul mccartney did a bagpipe version, remember that?
[01:28] <eagles`> that would be about 1968
[01:28] <weird> but is not weird
[01:29] *** Bond-007 ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:29] <eagles`> no, I don't. I remember a single released while I was working at the TV station at Bunbury
[01:29] <Colin^> Hi Bond-007
[01:29] <weird> mull of kintire
[01:29] <Bond-007> Wooo!! GO GOLDEN BEARS!
[01:29] <Colin^> weird yep
[01:29] <eagles`> thats beautiful too
[01:29] <weird> yeah.....soooo gooood
[01:29] <Colin^> Bond-007 Gummy bears?
[01:29] <Bond-007> Just went to my high school's football game. We kicked the crud out of the other team :)
[01:29] <Bond-007> No! Golden Bears!! :)
[01:29] <cierra> woo hoo
[01:29] <cierra> bond
[01:30] *** tree` ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:30] <weird> i play mull of kintire on the pianee
[01:30] <weird> ten fingers
[01:30] * Colin^ prefers Gummy Bears
[01:30] * Bond-007 plays Nirvana in honor of the TVHS Bears
[01:30] <Bond-007> hehe Colin
[01:31] <weird> mix and match
[01:31] * eagles` forgets what he came on line to do
[01:31] <eagles`> grrrrrr
[01:31] <weird> so (bite me)
[01:32] * weird asks what Christian means?
[01:32] <Bond-007> It feels so nice to sit in this chair compared to the metal benches
[01:32] <Bond-007> Someone who follows Jesus Christ's teachings is the technical term
[01:32] *** Maverick ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:32] <twile> !seen ricky77
[01:32] <Colin^> Hi Maverick
[01:33] <danimal> !seen danimal
[01:33] <weird> i like this room
[01:33] <eagles`> weird it is an expression first used at Antioch on the Palestinian coast around 70AD meaning those who follow Christ... initially a term of derision  some folk will tell you
[01:33] <Maverick> Hi=)
[01:33] <Colin^> danimal was last on IRC channel #christian 8 minutes ago.]
[01:34] <eagles`> #Christian is a channel run by a number of Christians who are happy for anyone to come in and chat as long as they dont try and me nasty
[01:34] <danimal> thanks colin
[01:34] <weird> b
[01:34] <eagles`> yeah typo
[01:34] <weird> yeah :)
[01:35] <weird> i have a dog called Solomon
[01:35] <weird> same deal
[01:35] * Colin^ has a Cat called MrJordan Big Eyes
[01:35] *** cierra ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[01:35] <eagles`> how is MrJordonBigEyes?
[01:35] -> *cierra* I think I know you from a long time ago?
[01:35] <weird> well my dog is a rottweiler
[01:36] <Bond-007> JordAn
[01:36] <Bond-007> :)
[01:36] *** konfused ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:36] <eagles`> hey!!!!!! konfused
[01:36] <Colin^> eagles` he hasn't been in today, but his wonderings are going to be nipped in the bud soon
[01:36] <Colin^> ;o)
[01:36] <konfused> hello
[01:37] <eagles`> lol
[01:37] <Raid> My cats name is "Bug" well, it's "Sir red rusty bug." or, Bug for short ;p
[01:37] <eagles`> that seems to be what gets him into trouble
[01:37] <Colin^> :o)
[01:37] <weird> my cat is named jancy
[01:37] *** Eponine` ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:37] <Colin^> Raid have you seen my cats pic online yet?
[01:37] *** Disconnected
[01:37] * Raid is away since 01:37:58 - 09/09/2000 ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - Msgs will be saved.
[01:37] *** Attempting to rejoin...
#CHristian Cannot send to channel
[01:38] * Raid has returned ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - on 01:38:01 @ 09/09/2000 - Away 0 minutes.
[01:38] *** Rejoined channel #christian
[01:38] *** Topic is 'Encourage each other daily. (Hebrews 3:13)'
[01:38] *** Set by Beukeboom on Fri Sep 08 03:42:57
[01:38] <Bond-007> and a bunch of fish that I havent named :)
[01:38] -logos3- http://www.forchrist.net - channel website, for rules and other info.
[01:38] * eagles` sends for the plumber
[01:38] <Eponine`> I have 3 cats, Chloe, Furby and Sootie
[01:38] <Bond-007> Furby :)
[01:38] <weird> i had a dog called chloe once
[01:38] <konfused> furbies? those evil owl looking things?
[01:38] * Maverick has no cats.
[01:38] <Eponine`> yep :)
[01:38] * weird has no donkeys
[01:38] <konfused> those scare me :\
[01:39] <Eponine`> Furby is really fat and ORANGE and he purrs so loud
[01:39] <konfused> i dont have a donkey either :(
[01:39] <Eponine`> ooh my furby doesn't scare anyone :)
[01:39] <konfused> i gots a kitty tho
[01:39] <Colin^> Maverick Sophie is having kittens want one?
[01:39] *** sansan` ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[01:39] <Eponine`> wish i had a pic scanned you wouldn't be scared:)
[01:39] <weird> i dooooo but i cant
[01:39] <konfused> heh
[01:40] <Eponine`> I call him Furr for short :) my friend calls him furrball
[01:40] <konfused> well, i guess as long as u can take your cat's batteries out
[01:40] *** Wildernes ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:40] <Eponine`> heheheehe
[01:40] <Colin^> Hey Wildernes
[01:40] <konfused> my kittie is mean :\
[01:40] <Wildernes> hey colin
[01:40] <Eponine`> ooh i have a mean kitty too konfused
[01:40] <Colin^> =^�^=
[01:40] <Eponine`> Chloe is a mean cow of a thing :)
[01:40] <konfused> it waits at the stairs.. and jumps out at u and bites.. an it hurteses
[01:40] <weird> nice one Colin
[01:41] <eagles`> lol
[01:41] * weird is impressed
[01:41] <konfused> he's our little stair troll
[01:41] <Eponine`> hahaha konfused
[01:41] <Eponine`> mine comes up to you and smooches and purrs and rubs against your legs
[01:41] <Eponine`> then when you pat her she bites really hard
[01:41] <Eponine`> draws blood sometimes
[01:41] <Eponine`> im trying to give her away :P
[01:41] <konfused> my cat doesnt do that :\ he only walks up to bite you
[01:42] <Eponine`> she was a nice cat until I got furby, i think she got jealous
[01:42] * Colin^ 's Cat can ride a bike, and makes me dinner
[01:42] <Eponine`> and has never gotten over it
[01:42] <Bond-007> hmmm. heres a great quote:
[01:42] <Bond-007> "Christians are losers."
[01:42] <Bond-007> � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � -Ted Turner
[01:42] <Eponine`> LOL Colin makes you dinner????
[01:42] <Eponine`> Ted Turner must suck then :P
[01:42] <konfused> oh! i want your cat colin
[01:42] <Colin^> Eponine` ;o)
[01:42] <Bond-007> Ted Turner is not that big at thinking up memorable things to say is he?
[01:42] <konfused> does he clean the house too?
[01:42] * eagles` wonders Ted Turner... CNN??
[01:42] <Colin^> konfused I have his pics on my web page
[01:42] <Eponine`> Colin i'll trade you for Chloe?
[01:42] <Bond-007> Ted Turner owns Superstation etc
[01:42] <Bond-007> He owns alot of cable channels
[01:43] <weird> =^!^=
[01:43] <Bond-007> He owns the Atlanta Braves
[01:43] <konfused> is he cooking in the pics?
[01:43] <weird> not the same
[01:43] <Eponine`> :o :o =^.^= :o :o
[01:43] *** Belle707 ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:43] <danimal> bond if it is not so memorable then why are you quoteing it?
[01:43] <eagles`> superstation is big in europe
[01:43] * Belle707 sighs ... cant sleep.
[01:43] <eagles`> i watched a bit of it when I was in Sweden oooh 10 years ago
[01:43] <Eponine`> ,,,=^.^=,,, <-- that is Chloe
[01:43] <Colin^> http://mysite.xtra.co.nz/~ColinRHopper/page3.html <---Our cats pics
[01:43] *** Jewelz`` ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:44] <eagles`> hello Belle707 :))
[01:44] <konfused> heh thats not my kitty he doesnt have clawses
[01:44] <Wildernes> hey belle
[01:44] <Eponine`> i will look at them collie
[01:44] <Belle707> hey Wildernes
[01:44] *** TallCaMan ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:44] <Colin^> Hi Belle707
[01:44] <Bond-007> danimal: because I just saw it on a website
[01:44] <weird> =^{}^=
[01:44] <weird> aaaaak
[01:44] <Bond-007> It was an atheist and scoffer quote page
[01:45] <Bond-007> We spend the first
[01:45] <Bond-007> to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up.
[01:45] <Bond-007> --Phyllis Diller
[01:45] <Bond-007> hehehe
[01:45] <weird> how do ya turn stuff ?
[01:45] <^John^> Colin^ it says your page is down :/
[01:45] <Eponine`> collie: are those kitten photos recent?
[01:45] <danimal> so what is the purpose to quote him?
[01:45] <Eponine`> the orange one looks like furby :)
[01:45] *** twile ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for twile[])
[01:45] <Colin^> Eponine` one of them is a cat now
[01:45] <^John^> I went there cuz I love kittens
[01:45] <konfused> Oh! cute little kitty kats
[01:45] <Bond-007> danimal: to show how ignorant some people are
[01:46] <^John^> Hey how are u ppl getting it to load
[01:46] *** Twinsen ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:46] <Colin^> Have a look at Mr Jordan Big Eyes
[01:46] <Eponine`> Colin did you keep any of them?
[01:46] <Eponine`> John try to refresh it?
[01:46] <Colin^> Eponine` yes one of the cameo one
[01:46] <danimal> what makes him ignore by that quote
[01:46] <danimal> hate�ignorance
[01:46] *** cierra ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:47] <Bond-007> thinking that Christians are Losers. Its a broad vague ignorant statement.
[01:47] <Raid> Colin^: HEHEHE, nice kitty ;p
[01:47] <danimal> how is it ignorant?
[01:47] <Colin^> Raid he is a great cat
[01:48] <Wildernes> bond: but never underestimate the abiity of the press to quote things out of context.
[01:48] <konfused> silly kittys
[01:48] <Eponine`> Which one is the cameo one Colin?
[01:48] <Wildernes> who knows what he might have actually indended to say?
[01:48] <Colin^> Eponine` the light ginger ones
[01:48] <Colin^> Tes Turnip?
[01:48] <Colin^> Ted Turnip
[01:48] <Bond-007> Does he know every Christian ever alive?
[01:48] <Eponine`> I love orange ones:)
[01:48] *** Philip15 ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:49] <konfused> aw now i wana go play wif my lil stair troll
[01:49] <konfused> but he'll beat me up :|
[01:49] <danimal> The only thing ignorant here is the standard at which ted judges losing
[01:49] <Bond-007> no. So he shouldn't say "Christians are losers." Its his opinion too. Personally I think we are winners because through Christ we have been saved and will live eternally for ever with the Lord and Saviour.
[01:49] <weird> turnips are a dun color
[01:49] <weird> oops sorry:(
[01:49] <Colin^> turnips are nice in soup
[01:50] <Eponine`> I have 2 kittens in my room with me now, the two nice ones:) they are feeling the heat here in Rocky
[01:50] <Raid> shrug, bugs making a mess with his food bowl.
[01:50] <weird> and roasted n the oven
[01:50] *** Wildernes ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[01:50] *** ROCKIN4JC ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:50] * konfused skips off to find her kitty kat
[01:50] <Colin^> Hey ROCKIN4JC
[01:50] <Raid> He likes to get it out one piece at a time with his paw, and munch it out of his paw.
[01:50] <danimal> bond that's great you have a different opinion
[01:50] <eagles`> lol
[01:50] <Raid> He always leaves big mess, where he drops some of it.
[01:51] <Raid> or starts munching it, and little fragments break off.
[01:51] <ROCKIN4JC> Hey Colin
[01:51] <Eponine`> Dogs have owners, Cats have staff ~~anonomous
[01:51] <Raid> messy mesy kitty
[01:51] *** Adelphos ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:51] <^John^> Colin^ is it listed in the directory?
[01:51] <Colin^> Cats Rule Dogs Drool
[01:51] <konfused> i found my stair troll :)
[01:51] *** ROCKIN4JC ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[01:51] <Raid> Colin^: heheh
[01:51] <Eponine`> hehehe
[01:51] <Raid> konfused: lol ;p
[01:51] <Colin^> ^John^ is what?
[01:51] <^John^> Your web oage
[01:51] <^John^> Page even
[01:52] <Eponine`> I like pigs too (the guinnea kind) they are furry pigs
[01:52] *** Adelphos ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[01:52] <weird> so are you guys seriously all christians?
[01:52] <Eponine`> Colin, Tiger is soooo cute! it's a she isn't it? a tortoise shell?
[01:52] <^John^> I am all a Christian
[01:52] <Bond-007> I am weird
[01:52] <Bond-007> err I am, weird
[01:52] <Jewelz``> weird, not I :)
[01:52] <Colin^> Eponine` yes, she squeeks like a mouse as well
[01:53] <Raid> Eponine`: I dunno about tiger, but I think the mrbig eyes one is a calico?
[01:53] * weird is not convinced
[01:53] <Raid> weird: No, I'm not a christian.
[01:53] <Colin^> weird not everyone in here is
[01:53] <Eponine`> cute colin :)))))))))
[01:53] <Eponine`> what is a calico, Raid? is that the colour?
[01:53] * Raid cat is a purebread long redhaired persian
[01:53] <Colin^> Raid Mr Jordan Big Eyes is the big cat with a coons tail, he is a Maine Coon
[01:53] <Raid> Eponine`: No, it's the bred.
[01:54] <danimal> weird: just like i don't have to believe an arguement to defend it
[01:54] <Raid> Colin^: HAHAHA, seriously?
[01:54] <Raid> he doesn't look like a coon from the pic.
[01:54] <Raid> no wait, I take that back.
[01:54] <Raid> he does.
[01:54] <salutar> Let my mouth be filled with Thy praise, that I may hymn Thy glory and Thy majesty all the day long
[01:54] *** Skippii ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:54] *** TallCaMan ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[01:54] *** Skippii ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[01:54] <Raid> Colin^: how did you get a maine kitty all the way where you are?
[01:55] <Colin^> Raid he will go for a walk around the block at night with me
[01:55] <weird> calico cats are always female and called tortoiseshell sometimes cos of the colour mix .... this is not a dictionary definition
[01:55] <Raid> weird: No...
[01:55] <Colin^> Raid, someone brought the bereed over here
[01:55] <Raid> weird: I had two male calico kitties.
[01:55] <weird> no way!
[01:55] <Raid> weird: Yes dude.
[01:55] *** Skypark ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:55] <Skypark> hi all
[01:55] <salutar> Let my mouth be filled with Thy praise, that I may hymn Thy glory and Thy majesty all the day long
[01:55] <weird> always female
[01:56] <eagles`> hey Skypark
[01:56] <Raid> weird: hrm.. Nope. Had two calicos, and I know for a fact they were male ;p
[01:56] <eagles`> amen salutar
[01:56] <Colin^> weird yes tortisshell are always female
[01:56] <Skypark> hello big ""
[01:56] <Raid> standard calico
[01:56] <Skypark> hello big "e"
[01:56] <Skypark> :)
[01:56] <weird> than you Colin
[01:56] <weird> k
[01:56] <Raid> they don't have the as big white spot as colins.
[01:56] <Eponine`> oooh calico and tortoishell are the same??
[01:56] <Raid> Eponine`: No
[01:56] <weird> yeah
[01:56] <Raid> They are kinda built like siamese
[01:56] <Raid> long... slender things
[01:57] <weird> torti and callis are the same
[01:57] <weird> mixed breeds but cute
[01:57] <Raid> dude, I swear...
[01:57] <Raid> they were pure calicos
[01:57] <Raid> we had two of them.
[01:58] <weird> there is only only one pure calico......
[01:58] <Eponine`> all the tortis I know have attitudes :P
[01:58] <Colin^> calicos are different, Sophoie, one of our kittens is Cameo
[01:58] <Raid> Eponine`: they meow alot too ;p
[01:58] <Eponine`> yep sure do, really cute meows :)
[01:58] <Raid> and I mean alot.
[01:58] <Raid> yes yes
[01:58] <Eponine`> they are demanding!
[01:58] <Raid> Oh indeed
[01:58] <weird> calm down guys
[01:58] <Raid> if you don't pet them right away, they'll go out of there way to get in your way so you do hehe
[01:58] <Eponine`> and they ignore you when they are tired too
[01:59] <Eponine`> hehehehe yep!
[01:59] <Raid> and they dont purr much
[01:59] <Raid> well, they do sometimes, but they meow more
[01:59] <Eponine`> one of mine, licks my fingers non stop
[01:59] <Raid> Bug on the other hand, he's a purrer
[01:59] <Raid> and a lap cat hehe
[01:59] <Eponine`> hehehehe
[01:59] <Eponine`> and a biter when she feels like it
[01:59] *** Tomm ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[01:59] <Raid> hes a cuddly bugsy wugsy
[01:59] *** Tomm ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[02:00] *** Twinsen ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[02:00] <Eponine`> aww :)
[02:00] <Eponine`> have you got a picture?
[02:00] <Raid> Yep, but no scanner
[02:00] <Raid> heh
[02:00] <Raid> Bright red and orange.
[02:00] <Raid> with the orange stripes hehe
[02:00] <Raid> and the huge paws.
[02:00] <Eponine`> awww :)
[02:00] <Eponine`> both my tortis were strays
[02:00] *** Philip15 ([email protected]) Quit (Broken pipe)
[02:00] <Raid> and hes lazy as heck
[02:00] <Eponine`> they are both dark with flecs of every colour :)
[02:00] <weird> my neice sent me a picture of a big pussy i thought it might be a joke and it was
[02:01] <weird> ie
[02:01] <Raid> I've seen him stretch out in the middle of the kitchen floor. hehe
[02:01] <Eponine`> huge paws are so cute :)
[02:01] <Eponine`> they look like little lion cubs :)
[02:01] <Raid> YES
[02:01] <Raid> he resembles a baby lion or tiger ;p
[02:01] <Eponine`> hehe
[02:01] <Eponine`> kittens rule:)
[02:02] <Raid> but because he has a smushed in face, I have to clean his nose and eyes for him. hehe
[02:02] <Eponine`> awww
[02:02] <Eponine`> my sootie the torti has a smushed face too
[02:02] <Eponine`> i think she might be part persian
[02:02] <Eponine`> her full name is Princess Sootie Lucky Buttons
[02:03] *** triasha ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:03] <Raid> hehehe
[02:03] <weird> recessive gene the torti thingie
[02:03] <triasha> mesay u there?
[02:03] <Colin^> Have you guys seen those bald cats?
[02:03] <ramdac> ?
[02:04] <Colin^> Ugly looking things
[02:04] <Eponine`> Sphinx?
[02:04] <konfused> those things look cool, lol
[02:04] <weird> (am i living up to my name?)
[02:04] <Eponine`> with huge ears and really bony
[02:04] <tree`> I have... on tv
[02:04] * konfused attempts to be wierder than weird
[02:04] *** ^John^ is now known as JohnBRB
[02:04] <Colin^> Austin Powers has a bald cat
[02:05] <weird> oh ok you have thi stage Konfused:)
[02:05] <tree`> those cats are supposed to be specially breaded
[02:05] <Eponine`> did anyone seen Cats the musical???
[02:05] <konfused> heh
[02:05] <Eponine`> I had front row, it was sooo cool
[02:05] * konfused be's weirder than weird
[02:05] <Eponine`> I got to touch the kittens :)
[02:05] *** thumps ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:05] <konfused> there, how was that? :)
[02:05] *** WingNut ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:05] <Colin^> Hey thumps
[02:05] <Colin^> ...
[02:05] <Colin^> Hi ya WingNut
[02:05] <thumps> grrrrrreetings
[02:05] <thumps> heya Colin
[02:05] <Eponine`> and one of them took an audience member's coat and did little marching girl (marching kitten, you know what i mean) it was soo cool
[02:05] <thumps> ...
[02:05] <thumps> wing
[02:05] <WingNut> Heya, thumps!
[02:05] <WingNut> Hey Colin^!!!! :o)
[02:06] * weird sees everybody luvs Colin
[02:06] *** ramdac ([email protected]) Quit
[02:06] * weird included
[02:06] <weird> so kewl :)
[02:06] <Raid> Some people say cats are stupid because you can't train them. This isn't true. it's not that you can't train them, it's easier for them to train you. ;p
[02:06] <Eponine`> Colin always meows at me :))))
[02:07] <konfused> my cat plays fetch
[02:07] <Eponine`> hahahaha raid, so true!
[02:07] <Eponine`> konfused, really"??????
[02:07] <Colin^> Eponine` have doene for 4 years or more
[02:07] <konfused> yup, much better than my dog too
[02:07] <Eponine`> yeppers:)
[02:07] <Eponine`> with a toy or what?
[02:07] <WingNut> Raid:  I once heard someone make the observation:  Humans train dogs, cats train humans, nobody trains cats.  So who is smarter?
[02:07] *** sunshineM ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:07] <Raid> WingNut: LOL
[02:07] <konfused> yup :) this little stuffed monkey...
[02:08] <weird> ferrets
[02:08] <eagles`> interesting rofl
[02:08] <WingNut> Hey, sunshineM.
[02:08] *** sunshineM ([email protected]) Quit (Read error to sunshineM: EOF from client)
[02:08] <weird> oh and pigs and horses might get a mention
[02:08] <Eponine`> cool, confused :)
[02:08] <Eponine`> LOL wingnut
[02:08] <danimal> does logos have a topical concordance?
[02:08] <Eponine`> knofused, i mean
[02:08] <Eponine`> oops
[02:08] <Eponine`> konfused :)
[02:08] <konfused> heh
[02:08] * eagles` is off to do stuff offline... wish I could remember why I cam on line and hour and a half ago, though
[02:09] <Colin^> danimal he will do simple searches
[02:09] <weird> bye eagles:)
[02:09] <Colin^> Bye eagles
[02:09] <eagles`> ooroo
[02:09] <Eponine`> byee eagles :)
[02:09] <Eponine`> ooroo
[02:09] <konfused> bye eagle
[02:09] <konfused> s
[02:09] <weird> tut such self control:)
[02:10] <weird> i have none
[02:10] * Eponine` either
[02:10] <Raid> Eponine`: My cat seems to know when I'm not feeling well too.
[02:10] <Raid> he'll come over and sit by me, and purr me a little tune.. sometimes even kneed me.
[02:10] <eagles`> !skjv apostle
[02:10] <logos3> Seek Reply: Matthew 10:2, Mark 6:30, Acts 1:2, Acts 1:25, Acts 1:26, Romans 1:1, Romans 1:5, Acts 2:37, Luke 6:13, Acts 2:42, 1 Corinthians 1:1, Acts 2:43, 2 Corinthians 1:1, Galatians 1:1, Ephesians 1:1, Galatians 1:17, Galatians 1:19, Colossians 1:1, Galatians 2:8, 2 Timothy 1:1 ...
[02:10] <triasha> mmmeeeeeeeeesssssssaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy txt nman dyan
[02:11] <eagles`> wonder if....
[02:11] <Colin^> Raid my cat does that if I am in bed with a BAD migraine, he will come and cuddle up for hours
[02:11] <eagles`> !skjv acts apostle
[02:11] <Raid> when I have the flu it sucks, cause I have to make him get away from me, so I dont get him sick. hehe
[02:11] <logos3> Seek Reply:
[02:11] <eagles`> no you can't use a modifier
[02:11] <weird> dogs lickings are healthy
[02:12] <Eponine`> Wow Raid mine does too :)
[02:12] <Eponine`> when i broke up with a BF and was upset, my cat (the nasty one who was nice back then) wouldnt leave me alone hehehe
[02:12] <Eponine`> cats just seem to know, eh?
[02:12] <Raid> yep
[02:12] <danimal> colin do you believe that telepathy exitst?
[02:12] <Eponine`> i love when they kneed
[02:12] <Raid> bug seemed to know I was talking about him, cause he's perched himself on my lap now.
[02:12] <Eponine`> its so cute
[02:13] <Raid> he ordered me to move my legs so he could sit comfortably. (he has a good sense of how far into my skin he can put his claws.. hehe)
[02:13] <eagles`> sounds like the siamese I used to have
[02:13] <Colin^> danimal I used to do it
[02:13] *** Maverick ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for Maverick[203-79-65-231.tnt8.paradise.net.nz])
[02:14] <Raid> I consider him to be more then a pet to me. heh
[02:14] <Colin^> So yes I do believe you can talk through it
[02:14] <Eponine`> hehehehe
[02:14] <Raid> hes like.. my best friend.
[02:14] <weird> big brother training of chaquita is kinda flawed
[02:14] <Raid> always there when I need someone to talk too.
[02:14] <danimal> Auras?
[02:14] <Eponine`> mine are my children :)
[02:14] <logos3> talk through what?
[02:14] <Eponine`> Furby is sitting on my computer desk now and purring
[02:14] <weird> BUT
[02:14] <Eponine`> can hardly move my mouse hehehe
[02:14] <logos3> oh :)
[02:14] <weird> very loving
[02:14] <Raid> hahahahaha
[02:14] * Colin^ has to go, Abbigail has made me two big hamburgers(my favourates)
[02:14] <Eponine`> yikes he's nearly falling off the desk but he's still asleep and purring
[02:15] *** eagles` ([email protected]) Quit (Pipe broken, plumber sent for, priority low)
[02:15] <Raid> Eponine`: lol
[02:15] <Colin^> take care all
[02:15] <Eponine`> awww byeeee Collies take care
[02:15] <Bond-007> bye Colin^!!!!!!!!!
[02:15] <Skypark> heheheheh
[02:15] <weird> bye Col:)
[02:15] <Colin^> mews Eponine`
[02:15] <Eponine`> mews :)
[02:15] <Colin^> Bye Bond-007, take care
[02:15] <Skypark> na na na na na
[02:15] <Colin^> Bye weird, nice to meet you
[02:15] <Raid> Eponine`: If I don't pet bug when he arrives in my lap, He'll climb on top of the keyboard and sit on it until I acknowledge him.
[02:15] * Eponine` 's Furby is the clumsiest cat ever :)
[02:15] <weird> u 2
[02:15] <Eponine`> LOL Raid, does he try to type???
[02:16] * konfused takes the batteries out of eponine's cat
[02:16] <Raid> Nope. he just knows my attentions on the computer, and he remedies the problem hehe
[02:16] *** jamie^16 ([email protected]) Quit (Why do people cry when they hear the word goodbye!!!!)
[02:16] <Eponine`> lol konfused!
[02:16] *** Colin^ ([email protected]) Quit (And the Band played on................and on................and on..................and on..........................)
[02:16] *** Disconnected
[02:16] * Raid is away since 02:16:45 - 09/09/2000 ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - Msgs will be saved.
[02:16] *** Attempting to rejoin...
#CHristian Cannot send to channel
* Timer 100 halted
* Timer 101 halted
[02:16] * Raid has returned ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - on 02:16:48 @ 09/09/2000 - Away 0 minutes.
[02:16] *** Rejoined channel #christian
[02:16] *** Topic is 'Encourage each other daily. (Hebrews 3:13)'
[02:16] *** Set by Beukeboom on Fri Sep 08 03:42:57
[02:16] -logos3- http://www.forchrist.net - channel website, for rules and other info.
[02:16] <Eponine`> aww
[02:16] <Eponine`> wb :)
[02:17] <Eponine`> Raid, sounds like he's got you wrapped around his little paw :)
[02:17] <Raid> lol
[02:17] <Raid> yep.
[02:17] <Bond-007> grrrrrr
[02:17] <Bond-007> stupid internet!
[02:17] <Bond-007> Why must you disconnect her!
[02:18] <Bond-007> I was talking to her asking her what time she wanted to be picked up and she got disconnected
[02:18] <Eponine`> aww poor Bond
[02:19] <Bond-007> That makes me so mad
[02:19] <Bond-007> Its 11:19PM so too late to call
[02:19] <Eponine`> will she come back?
[02:19] <Bond-007> i hope
[02:19] *** jamie^16 ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:19] <Bond-007> Im gonna goto sleep soon so I can wake up early so I can call her and get directions to her house etc
[02:20] *** KJV1611 ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:20] *** ZoOrOpA ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:20] *** AceRadio ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:21] <Bond-007> well its been almost 5 minutes
[02:21] *** logos3 sets mode: +o ZoOrOpA
[02:21] <Bond-007> i dont think she is coming back
[02:21] *** ZoOrOpA sets mode: -o ZoOrOpA
[02:21] *** Disconnected
[02:21] * Raid is away since 02:21:32 - 09/09/2000 ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - Msgs will be saved.
[02:21] *** Attempting to rejoin...
#CHristian Cannot send to channel
[02:21] *** Rejoined channel #christian
[02:21] *** Topic is 'Encourage each other daily. (Hebrews 3:13)'
[02:21] *** Set by Beukeboom on Fri Sep 08 03:42:57
[02:21] -logos3- http://www.forchrist.net - channel website, for rules and other info.
[02:21] <Bond-007> hi ZoOrOpA
[02:21] <weird> i luv these nicks
[02:21] <AceRadio> wb raid
[02:21] <ZoOrOpA> hi
[02:21] <Eponine`> wb Raid
[02:22] *** Luther ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:22] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, luther
[02:23] <AceRadio> has thatcher been on lately?
[02:24] <danimal> yesterday
[02:24] <AceRadio> hmmm
[02:24] *** weird ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[02:24] <AceRadio> niv rev 2:3
[02:25] <AceRadio> guess the bots are down right now
[02:25] <danimal> !niv rev 2:3
[02:25] <logos3> danimal: Rev 2:3 "3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary." (NIV)
[02:25] <AceRadio> gotta use the '!"?
[02:25] <danimal> yup
[02:25] <AceRadio> !niv rev 2:5
[02:25] <logos3> AceRadio: Rev 2:5 "5 Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place." (NIV)
[02:25] <AceRadio> ah, ok
[02:26] <AceRadio> !niv jeremiah 3:8
[02:26] *** TopTed ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:26] <logos3> AceRadio: Jeremiah 3:8 "8 I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce and sent her away because of all her adulteries. Yet I saw that her unfaithful sister Judah had no {fear;} she also went out and committed adultery." (NIV)
[02:26] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, topted
[02:26] <TopTed> hi AceRadio
[02:26] *** ZoOrOpA ([email protected]) Quit (The Moon is up..and over One Tree Hill.....we see the sun go down in your eyes.....)
[02:26] *** Shaina` ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:26] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, shaina`
[02:27] *** CodePoet ([email protected]) Quit (The quest for faith is a lunar endevour, not warmer and brighter, but darker and wetter.)
[02:27] <AceRadio> !niv jeremiah 4:2
[02:27] <logos3> AceRadio: Jeremiah 4:2 "2 and if in a truthful, just and righteous way you swear, 'As surely as the LORD lives,' then the nations will be blessed by him and in him they will glory.'" (NIV)
[02:27] <Shaina`> thanks for welcome me AceRadio
[02:27] <AceRadio> yw
[02:28] <Shaina`> :)
[02:28] <AceRadio> !niv luke 4:9
[02:28] <logos3> AceRadio: Luke 4:9 "9 The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 'If you are the Son of God,' he said, 'throw yourself down from here." (NIV)
[02:28] <TacoMan> anyone want to see a funny log message me
[02:28] <TopTed> !kjv proverbs 30:4
[02:28] <logos3> TopTed: Proverbs 30:4 "4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?" (KJV)
[02:29] *** Bond-007 ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for Bond-007[17-133.nctimes.net])
[02:29] <AceRadio> !niv psalm 1:45
[02:29] <logos3> AceRadio: Psalm 1:45 "" (NIV)
[02:29] <AceRadio> !niv psalm 14:5
[02:29] <logos3> AceRadio: Psalm 14:5 "5 There they are, overwhelmed with dread, for God is present in the company of the righteous." (NIV)
[02:30] <TopTed> !kjv luke 4:20-21
[02:30] <logos3> TopTed: Luke 4:20-21 "20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.  21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this
[02:30] <logos3> scripture fulfilled in your ears." (KJV)
[02:30] *** Luther ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[02:31] *** TacoMan ([email protected]) Quit (Excess Flood)
[02:32] *** charisma ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:32] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, charisma
[02:33] <Shaina`> how are you AceRadio?
[02:33] *** Helt ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:33] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, helt
[02:33] <AceRadio> shaina- i'm good
[02:33] *** Helt ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[02:33] <AceRadio> shaina- u?
[02:33] *** bu2zard ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:33] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian bu2zard
[02:33] <Shaina`> AceRadio: i'm great thanks :)
[02:34] <bu2zard> hi
[02:34] *** jamie^16 ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[02:34] *** bu2zard ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[02:34] *** LARING ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:34] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, laring
[02:35] *** LARING ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[02:35] *** space[AW] ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:35] *** jamie^16 ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:35] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, space[aw]
[02:35] <AceRadio> wb jamie
[02:36] <space[AW]> AceRadio hi.. thanx
[02:36] *** space[AW] is now known as spaceJAM
[02:37] *** aLiCh|gRL ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:37] <TopTed> oh hum...
[02:37] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, alichigrl
[02:37] <AceRadio> 1:39 am cdt
[02:38] *** AgnusDei ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:38] *** aLiCh|gRL ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for aLiCh|gRL[])
[02:38] <Shaina`> it's 2:38am here
[02:38] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, agnusdei
[02:39] <AgnusDei> good evening ace
[02:39] <TopTed> !kjv 1john 2:15
[02:39] <logos3> TopTed: 1John 2:15 "15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." (KJV)
* Timer 100 halted
* Timer 101 halted
[02:39] * Raid has returned ( Auto-Away: Not here ) - on 02:39:14 @ 09/09/2000 - Away 17 minutes.
[02:39] <AceRadio> wb raid
[02:39] <Raid> crud
[02:39] <Raid> I will sleep soon.
[02:39] <Raid> but first, must smoke this cig.
[02:40] <konfused> brr tis cold here
[02:41] <AceRadio> konfused- grab a blanket
[02:41] <konfused> i have one :o
[02:41] *** sunshineM ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[02:41] <AceRadio> Welcome to #Christian, sunshinem
[02:42] *** WingNut ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for WingNut[A020-0450.TULS.splitrock.net])
[02:42] *** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Sep 09 02:42:36 2000

Session Start: Sat Sep 09 12:25:22 2000
[12:25] *** Now talking in #CHristian
[12:25] -logos3- http://www.forchrist.net - channel website, for rules and other info.
[12:25] <Raid> mornin
[12:26] *** LC ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[12:26] *** Txico ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for Txico[cpt-dial-196-30-182-178.mweb.co.za])
[12:26] <CiCi> ok everyone, when Raid's in the channel, all your machines are going to be scanned so be prepared
[12:27] * CiCi waits for Raid to meet her router that doesn't appreciate script kiddie probes
[12:27] <Raid> CiCi: Actually, I've turned the script off.
[12:28] <Raid> CiCi: I didn't want to risk having to explain what netbios open shares are again. ;p
[12:28] *** hunnynut ([email protected]) Quit
[12:29] *** prophecy_ ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[12:29] <anyways> anyone else under 15 on this channel?
[12:29] *** Dmel ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[12:33] *** SixSteps ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[12:33] *** SixSteps ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[12:33] * patience_ will bbl
[12:34] <anyways> any girls wanna chat to Jasmine?
[12:37] <quietloop> is this a flirt channel
[12:37] <anyways> lol
[12:37] <anyways> Jasmine is 9 and she's a girl wanting to chat to another girl her own age
[12:38] <anyways> do you call that flirting?
[12:38] <anyways> :)
[12:38] *** Philip15 ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[12:38] <CiCi> I"m not her age, but I'll chat with her if she wants
[12:39] <LC> If jasmine wants to talk to a Baptist preacher...old enough to be her dad...or grand dad...I will be glad to as well
[12:40] <Raid> lol
[12:40] <anyways> :)
[12:41] <anyways> Thanks for the offer
[12:42] <Raid> /msg LC I thought I'd help you out. Heres my number so your lawyer can contact me.  (310) 883-2304 Ext 620
[12:42] <Raid> doh
[12:42] <Raid> stupid paster
[12:43] <Raid> if im not there, leave a msg with a number; I'll call you back on my dime.
[12:44] * Raid is away since 12:44:05 - 09/09/2000 ( Must find food... Wheres that burger king? ) - Msgs will be saved.
[12:44] *** patience_ is now known as pataway
[12:44] *** ontario_2 ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[12:45] *** ontario_2 ([email protected]) has left #CHristian
[12:45] *** Adar_Caan ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[12:45] *** Philip15 ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout for Philip15)
[12:48] *** Nell` ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[12:48] *** Nell` ([email protected]) Quit (Wishing you peace, love and Souuuuuuuulll train! - Don Cornelius)
[12:48] *** kosmos ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[12:49] *** ecomaster ([email protected]) has joined #CHristian
[12:49] *** LC ([email protected]) has left #CHristian (Peace & Protection 4.00 FINAL BETA)
[12:49] *** ecomaster is now known as eminemx
[12:49] <eminemx> hello
[12:49] <eminemx> I need help
[12:49] <anyways> with what?
[12:49] <eminemx> I feel awful
[12:50] <eminemx> I just found out my girlfriend has been cheating on me...I need some direction
[12:50] <Elijah_> ouch...i'm sorry. :(
[12:50] <anyways> oh dear
[12:50] <anyways> I'm very sorry for you
[12:51] <eminemx> I feel like dying
[12:51] <anyways> That is tough
[12:51] <eminemx> I know she is confused
[12:51] <Elijah_> been there, done that. :(
[12:51] <anyways> are you a christian and is your g/f?
[12:51] <eminemx> I am ...she is not =(
[12:52] * kosmos -------(o<----(o<----(o<-
[12:52] *** aphrael ([email protected]) Quit (Leaving)
[12:54] <eminemx> I want to die!
[12:54] <eminemx> but I dont know how
[12:54] <eminemx> painless
[12:54] <eminemx> fast
[12:54] * kosmos slaps eminemx around a bit with a Pirahna
[12:54] <quietloop> dying is easy ... living is hard
[12:55] <pataway> (((((((((( eminemx ))))))))))
[12:55] <quietloop> i want to live
[12:55] <quietloop> easy is no goot
[12:55] <anyways> hey, there's tons of things I could tell you right now, but I don't think they're things you want to hear just now
[12:55] <eminemx> what
[12:55] <eminemx> please say something
[12:55] <anyways> well
[12:55] <eminemx> I am crying like a d*** baby!
[12:55] <pataway> dying wont solve anything
[12:55] * kosmos picks up the nearest cement mixer and slams it on eminemx's head.
[12:55] <quietloop> crying is goot
[12:55] <pataway> kosmos you7re not helpin
[12:55] *** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Sep 09 13:13:06 2000

These text files comprise the war with Undernet IRCop CiCi
so far. As you can see by reading the files yourself, She isn't
qualified for her position. She be way too dumb.