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                                                      Version 0.90�
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              ����           ���    A R f A R E     By MnemoniX - 1994
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MnemoniX is NOT responsible for any damages that may result from using this
program or any code that is generated by this program. Such damages are your
problem, not mine. This program is for educational purposes only; the code
generated by the program is NOT to be distributed without the knowledge of
the recipient.

This program is not for idiots! If you are unfamiliar with programming or
the workings of your PC, you should definitely not be using this program.

Oh, and by the way, please don't remove the "[BW]" signature from the code.
It's not that much to ask.


None yet. (�eta Test Version)


Biological Warfare is, of course, a virus creation kit. The program will
generate assembly source code for a fully functional virus according to
the specifications you give it. The assembly code generated is specifically
designed for Turbo Assembler; it should work with MASM, and perhaps other
assemblers as well, although it may require slight modification.

When Biological Warfare is run, it will give you a menu with a list of
options pertaining to the virus. You manipulate the options as directed
to create the virus to your specifications. Any options that do not pertain
to the configuration you choose are ignored. The options are :

A) Text - Any text you wish to appear within the virus, up to 60 characters.

B) Resident - Specifies whether virus will be resident in memory or not. "Y"
             specifies a resident virus.

C) Infect - Either COM, EXE, or both. Infects the corresponding files.

D) Encryption - "Y" specifies that the virus will feature encryption. The
               program implements a few different encryption algorithms in
               a number of different ways for variety.

E) INT 24 Handler - "Y" specifies that the virus will steal DOS's critical
                    error handler to avoid write protect errors.

F) Anti-Trace - "Y" specifies that the virus will includes routines to thwart
               trivial debugging or tracing.

G) Maximum Size - Either Y or N. If "Y" is selected, the virus will not infect
                 any .COM file too large for it. (.COM infectors only)

H) Traversal - "N" specifies that the virus will only infect in the current
              directory; "Y" specifies the virus will move upwards in the
              directory tree. (Non-resident viruses only)

I) Infections/run - Maximum number of files to infect each run. Selecting "0"
                   will cause all possible files to be infected. (Non-
                   resident viruses only)

J) Avoid COMMAND - "Y" specifies that the virus will not infect COMMAND.COM.
                  (.COM infectors only)

K) EXE Marker - Two characters used to indicate an infected .EXE file. (.EXE
               infectors only)

L) Overlay check - "Y" specifies that the virus will not infect .EXE files
                  with internal overlays. (.EXE infectors only)

M) DirStealth - Hides the file size increases from a directory listing. All
               infected files have their seconds field set to the given
               number. Absence of this number indicates that no directory
               stealth function will be included. (Resident viruses only)

N) Infect on -  Specifies what conditions the virus infects under. "EXEC"
               specifies that the virus will infect on execute; "OPEN"
               specifies that it will infect on file opening; and if both
               are given, the viruses infects on execution and file opening.
               (Resident viruses only)

O) Activate - If "Y" is chosen, the virus will include space for an activation
             routine in the code.

P) More directory stealth - A last minute addition. This may be only used in
                     conjunction with directory stealth; it will make the
                     increase in file size invisible from any file managing
                     programs in addition to a DIR command. If "Y" is chosen
                     this feature is added. (Resident viruses only)

After these options are set, enter "V" to create the virus source code, and
"Q" to quit. The source code can be compiled and then linked to create a
fully functional virus.


This program is, as I have said, not for idiots. For this reason I have
password protected the program; if you received this program from the right
places, you should have been given the password. I have not been overly
protective about hiding the password, but hopefully it will prevent the
knobs out there from using it.


I hope to have weeded out most of the bugs in the virus creation engine; I
personally am disgusted by the many non-functional virus creation kits out
there. If you find bugs with a virus created, I would like to know; please
tell me, giving all the information you can, perhaps even a copy of the
program it screwed up on (no commercial programs, please). With your help I
hope to perfect the engine. Suggestions are always welcome as well; input
would be greatly appreciated.


A large percentage of the virus creation kits out there come with documen-
tation saying "Next version I'll add these fantastic new features, etc."
when it's unlikely there will even BE a next version. Nonetheless, in future
versions of this kit, I intend to optimize the code more (right now, some of
the code comes out a bit bloated, although still functional) and include :

* Polymorphism (with my own MutaGen encryption engine)
* More stealth abilities
* Anti-AV techniques
* Boot sector infection, if I'm feeling ambitious

So there it is : Biological Warfare. Enjoy.

                                       - MnemoniX