10 things to do when u get bored

#1 You can get som shot gun shells and disarm them (i dont say u have to disarm them) then tape a
  marble to the primer u can just toss the thing in the air and it will blow up...You can throw    these at people or when u go by someones house ooohhhh lets say 3 in the morning u can throw    it just below their bedroom window.

#2 Go car shopping...(we all know what that is right?) all u do is look in a car and if it is un    locked take what ever your little heart desires

#3 all anarchists have assorted fireworks....u can take it from there u know what to do!!

#4 Many people beleive u cant tip cows but u sure as hell can try!!

#5 Use a bb gun go shoot out som annoying windows!

#6 Go rob those little metal boxes where the milk men give u shit!

#7 Use som gas and a paint brush and cover the brush with gas and write what ever u want (on someones grass) it will    be there for a long time!

#8 This is kind of childish but fun...You can do prank calls like call and let it ring once and     do that about 20-30 times.

#9 This is a cheep thrill go to the mall and shop lift a bunch of shit!

#10 And if all else fails go get stoned!!

          well look for som more files made by us

CoW_tIppEr-  [email protected]

Worthless PeiCe oF �hIT-   [email protected]

and just so we dont get into shit we are not tell ing u to do any of this if u do this stuff and get in trubble its your own falt we have no responseability for what u do!!

copyright 1998 by CoW_tIppinG InC.