                                               �  Filename: SULPLAS.TXT �
                                               � Title: Sulpher Plastic �
                                               �     By: Captain Hack   �
                                               �   Released: 02/24/96   �
                                               �   Danger: ��۰������   �
Hi everybody. This is one of my first files since my WWW page has hit it off
so big, making me a national celebrity. Just wanted to thank all of you for
making this collection a success. I realized just today that I've been writ-
ing these things for over a year now, and I am amazed at the response I've
been recieving from the public (well, certain parts of it).
  One quick note: I've read Punisher comics by Marvel for years. I just
recently, however, was introduced to the Armory series by "the Punisher".
These are extremely good, and have TONS of valuble info on REAL weapons,
manufactures, products, and techniques. Definatly worth reading.

Anyway, on to the show! This is a project that is very simple, but can cause
massive meyhem wherever it is used.

Shopping List:
Pure sulfur powder (available via mail supply places, or steal from the
                    chem lab at school or college)
A test tube or beaker (preferably PYREX)
A candle
Some green control fuse/twine (Control fuse is MUCH better, and can be
                               obtained by going to a hobby shop, and tell-
                               ing them you need fuse for a model rocket.
                               They keep it hidden, but they have it.)

Start by figuring out how much you need. The powdered sulfur condeses about
50% when it is melted, so guess the volume you need. Put that amount in your
test tube or beaker, and move it around over the flame until it melts into
a light brown, watery liquid.
  You need to have a form already set up, and I suggest cutting a section
from a paper towel roll, and placing it on a sheet of paper. When that is
done, pour the liquid into the form (while pusshing the sides of the form
down on the paper to avoid leaks), and quickly stick the fuse in the liquid
before it solidifies.
  Let the whole things set up for about 15 minues, and when it's fairly cool,
peel the form off the plastic. This needs to be done becasue sulfur burns at
about 350F, and the paper/cardboard only lights at 451F, thus the sulfur
can't burn around the paper.

Put this toy in a closed space and light. The control fuse will burn itself
out, but in a few secods, the glowing embers will light the sulfur. It works
wonders on classrooms and whatnot.
If you use the string or twine, you'll have to douse the whole thing in
lighter fluid before lighting, and then pray...

NOTE: This is not deadly, but the vapors, smoke, and fumes will burn the
lining of your nostrils, causeing great pain; choke you; and make your eyes
tear horribly.
