                                               �  Filename: PVCPIPE.TXT �
                                               � Title: PVC Pipe Bomb   �
                                               �     By: Captain Hack   �
                                               �   Released: 07/09/96   �
                                               �   Danger: �������۰�   �
Alright people, this one is pretty dangerous. It's also the big time, so be
careful.  We can't afford to loose people that are willing to question

Shopping list:

1 Section of 1/2" PVC plastic Pipe  (this is usually bought in a 10' section)
2 Push-on (not threaded) end caps (1/2" obviously)
1 bottle of PVC Cement
Green Control Fuse
Black Powder (or rocket powder for a MUCH lessened effect)

       Ok, a few notes about this stuff: 1) this sounds like alot, but all
the PVC, endcaps, and cement will cost about $6. 2) Be sure you use control
fuse can be obtained at most hobby stores under the pretense of needing it
for model rockets. They keep it behind the counter. 3) The 1/2" version that
I describe here can be scaled up to 1" and I suppose 2" even, tho I haven't
tried 2". The 1/2" makes a handy size for "firecrackers" (albeit dangerous
ones) and small shrapnel devices. The 1" is used for nothing but killing.

So, drill a hole in the center of the length of PVC for the fuse (like a
barrel bomb. Not in the endcap) and secure the fuse with some rubber cement
or Elmer's. Cement one end cap on the pipe and allow to try (like 10 min).
Fill the pipe with black powder and cement on the other end cap. Let the
whole thing dry and cure for a day or so before use.
  The thing shatters the PVC and sends bits flying everywhere. One advantage
is that the bits slow down FAST. If you're more than 25' away, anyhting that
hits you is moving slow enough to catch. If one of these lands at your legs,
tho, you're gonna have a problem. Also (and I REALLY advise against this),
the lack of metal means these could be snuck onto a plane if they are kept on
person and you walk through the metal detector.  I can't guarentee that they
won't set off the thing for a wierd reason tho, so I wouldn't try it.
