dEEmACcEE Going Orf for PRICK
   dEEmACcEE is doing a Guest Aperence for Prick Well Done dEEmACcEE

           The Invit is out dEEmACcEE, if you want in you just
                        Earnt PRiCKS Respect


                       Written by dEEmACcEE 12/95

This text file is one of the 1st written by a 17 year old (who is also 18)
    fucker who has spent most of his time doin anarchy shit instead of
  writing it.  Now i've got my new modem (cops flogged my last 1 cause it
was hot) and have made a re-appearance on the scene.  I gotta think of a tag.
                   'dEEmACcEE'.  Yeah fuck it that'll do.

1st of all i would like 2 say that this txt originated from NSW, Australia
because i h8 downloading some file 'HOW TO MAKE FREE PHONECALLS' or some shit
only 2 find that it only works in Germany or some shit.  I'm sure that the
same scam would work in most other states, just check what forms of id you need
to prove you are who you say you are.  You see, in NSW we don't need any form
of photographic id, which is the only thing that makes this shit work.

DISCLAMER : This information is only for intrest value only.  If your smart
enough to download this file or even view it in an editor you must be smart
enough to realize that this stuff is illegal and I am not encouraging you to
do this or even read this text file. I do not support or have carried out any
or the illegal/illmoral acts described in this file.  I just closed mine eyes
one late night and bashed at the keyboard and when I opend them I was shocked
to find that I had written this file.  I wonder if it works.  O'well, I'm a
nice law-abiding citizen and wouldn't even dream of doing stuff like this

In other words, if your dumb enough to get busted - your on you own bud.

Okay - so ya wanna get a fake ID to shove in da faces of those huge mother
fucking bouncers at Panthers etc.  Fuck scanners and color laser printers, or
cutting and pasting high quality colour photocopies.  Let the RTA do it
for you!

This idea originated from 1 of my mates older sister lost her license and
i asked her what forms of id she needed 2 prove who she was.  She said that
she was suprised at the pathetic amount of id required.

I was desperate for a fake ID because i was going away 4 schoolies week and
i reckoned it would have sucked if i didn't have it.  So this is how i got

Aim:            2 get in2 niteclubs 2 get some pussy, get pornos, grog,
               whatever your posion.

Equipment:      1 good (or stupid) friend (Who is over 18)
               His/her birth certificate
               His/her credit card

Method:         1. Get your friends shit and go down 2 the local RTA.

               2. Tell the fat fuck behind the counter that your wallet
               was stolen, and that u need 2 apply for a new license.

               3. He will give you a brown 'replacement license' sheet.

               4. Take it away and fill it out.  Say that the card was lost
               otherwise they may ask for what is left of it if you said
               your dog fucked it up.  This is gonna cost $15 but let me tell
               u, its worth it!

               5. Bring the form back in with the birth cert + credit card
               and sign some shit (try to get some practice at this b4 hand)

               6. Remember 2 smile 4 the photo ;)

               7. W8 about 2 weeks and the license should b sent 2 your
               buddies house.

               8. On this license will be his/her license, name, address and
               AGE (18+) - and most importantly, YOUR mug.

Conclusion:     Fucked if i know - i was always shit at this part in Chem.

Note:           Now remember you can drive on this license, become members
               of video stores, libraries (yeah right) whatever so this is
               why your friend has 2 b a good 1 or stupid.  So remember 2
               compensate them in some way.  And don't flash your fake ID
               2 a cop when your busted doing 180+ down the M4 motorway,
               your friend was nice enough 2 do this shit 4 you so don't
               fuck them.

               Also, carry this ID in a separate part of you wallet, so if
               you die or your wallet is lost then found they won't go
               thinking your some other cunt.

               Even though it is cool, don't go showing it around 2 every
               mother fucker cause there are a lot of pussies out there
               who will be willing 2 tell all at the sight of a cop.
               I remember once telling this chick i'd get her one for a
               fuck.  I bullshitted that i made it myself.  I never got
               her the ID nor did i get that fuck but i was happy with
               what i received.

               I shouldn't have 2 say this but don't do it 2 someone who
               is 10 years older than u really r.  And don't u and your mate
               go the the same place at the same time.  I almost got busted
               this way.  Youse your head.

Greetz go 2 Sniper.  I don't know u bud but have read some of your shit and
its not prety good.  Also that Melbourne mob, sorry dudes, i forget your
name.  MAIM or something.

                              dEE mAC cEE '96

I couldn't be fucked doin some decent ASCII 2 make this TXT more attractive
right now so suck my dick.

    This TXT was written in the intrest of the freedom of information.