  *       Cable 4 FREE!           *
  *          by                   *
  *     The Cyber Thief           *

 I've seen an awful lot of ads for cable descramblers, test chips,
and the like. For the most part these seem to work fine, but often
cost anywhere from 150 to 500 bucks! There is now a simple method of
stealing channels that won't cost you more than 20 bucks! Here is what
you will need...

A) 1 cable t.v. converter/descrambler box from your cable co.
B) 2 FM Traps from Rat Shack
C) 2 Coax Cables

Most cable customers will be provided with a cable converter when
they wish to subscribe to more than just basic service. If you do
not have such a converter, contact your local cable co. and ask
about renting one. Once you have a converter, here is what you
can do....

Go to your local Rat Shack and purchase 2 FM Traps, and 2
cables. At this point return home, and call the 1-800 number to
request a pay per view movie. Once the movie has started,
disconnect the coax cable from the "INPUT" on the back of your
cable box. Connect this cable to the input on one of the fm traps.
Take purchased coax cable number one and connect it to the output
of the first fm trap. Connect the other end to the input of fm
trap number 2. Next you will connect purchased coax cable number 2
to the output of fm trap 2, and plug the other end into the input
on your cable box. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie.
A few hours later the movie ends, but the pay channel does not,
COOL! You now have unrestricted access to one pay channel, want

 Here are some suggestions for getting more channels..

Sometimes cable companies will give previews of pay channels
such as HBO for free. Next time your cable company does this,
conduct the same procedure above, and you will keep the channel
forever. Even after the preview ends for everyone else, you'll
still have it.

Another method is to subscribe to all the extra services for one
month. Connect the two traps, and you'll still get it all after
your subscription runs out.

Anyway, that about raps it up for this file. If you have
any questions, or comments please visit my net site at
http://nettrash.com/users/cyberthief/ you can email
me directly from there. Have "phun", C.T.