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|                       Hacking AOL Accounts                           |
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|                         Cyber Thief                                  |
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I'll be the first to admit that I am not much of a hacker. But, I was down
right disappointed by the poor quality of AOL hacking files out there. Like
emailing someone and saying you're from AOL is really going to work, right?
That's bull shit! Anyway, this file is different. This is a technique that
actually works.

Getting Started

There are a few things that we're going to need first. First and foremost
is a victim. Now, I must warn you that this trick does involve some social
engineering. Back to the point, this victim can be anyone you know who has
AOL. I prefer using school as a victim because they are pretty naive. We're
also going to need a key logging program such as Playback, or Keystroke, and
we'll need a disk to put the program on.


Bring the disk to your victim's residence. Tell them that your printer is
broken and you need to print a file that is on the disk. It may be a good
idea to put something that you CAN print on the disk. This way they won't
get suspicious. Anyway, the second you are alone with the computer, put your
magic disk in and run the key logging prog. Make sure it is one of those
programs that you can hide in the background. Now tell them that you brought
the wrong disk so you have nothing to print. However, the files you need are
on your Hotmail account. Ask if you can get on the internet briefly to
access your email. Have them put in the password to get you onto the
internet. Once you're on, stop the key logging program and retrieve your
disk. That is it.

NOTE: The above mentioned scenario is best used at school, or on a trusting

At home.....

Once at home, start up your key logging program. Have it print out the
password and log on information. Now run AOL (you know, that disk you got
in the mail last week!) and sign on as a GUEST. You should be prompted for
a screen name and password. Put in the information from the key logger and
you are set!


Try to get the password to the root account if possible. A lot of idiots
will have multiple screen names, but only one password which they use on
all of them. With the root account, you can make and delete screen names,
mess with the parental control settings, or even lock the person out (of
course real hackers would never do that)!

If you ever run across the error "Manager attempted to take control of an
unrendered window..." it means the person who really owns the account is
trying to get on. I would recommend terminating your connection ASAP!


Well that about raps it up for this file. As you can see, getting a free
account on AOL is not that difficult.

Email: [email protected]
Homepage: http://nettrash.com/users/cyberthief/

Written on November 15, 1998.