How to be K-rAd on Alt.Phreaking

                by Cyber Thief the "Pen 15"

1. Use words like 31337, haX0r, and d00d.

2. Use  profanity in your posts. For example, if you wanted to ask for
  the latest wares, you would say... "Hey all you mother
  fucking cocksuckers, I'm in need of some fucking wares so I can fuck with
  my bitches hard drive! Hook me up faggot!"

3. Threaten people with viruses, mailbombs, or in extreme cases, physical

4. Try to mention your dick in each and every post.

5. Call someone a "fucknut".

6. Practice hero worship. Find someone who looks cool and reply to every post
  they make. Just add on "Yeah" or "Me too".

7. Use handles that have the words hacker, phreak, God, 31337, as a part of
  the name. Or better yet, use names like Zero Cool and Acid Burn. Be sure
  to type your name in 31337 script. So Zero Cool becomes zEr0 K00l.

8. Sign every post with the signature "Mess with the best.....Die like the rest"

9. aLwAyS tYpE iN 31337 sCrIpT.

10. Brag about things that never really happened. Like the time you walked
   in to the Pentagon. Or the time you found a dial out at the White House.

11. Tell people you are an agent with the FBI, DEA, FDA, CIA, ATF etc.

12. Refer to yourself as a God.

13. Flame anything and everything.

14. You might see this guy using the handle "JCatch22". Call him a faggot.

15. Tell the group about the time you taped the coin tones from the pay
   phone and made a free call with your micro cassette recorder.

16. Ask about kiddie pr0n.

17. Remember, Alt.Phreaking is really a pr0n binary group.

18. Ask for the latest C12 Mods.

19. Offer to sell the latest C12 Mods.

20. Offer to sell text files, war dialers, and other commonly available

altphreak.txt   -How to be K-rAd on Alt.Phreaking-   Cyber Thief on 11/7/99