     *                                                         *
     *  --==>Vortex's Cookbook ver. 2.84  Dated 07\11\96<==--  *
     *                                                         *

       Hello everyone!  This is the first version of Vortex's Cookbook
to be released!! It will contain a few files of deadly and alot of fun knowledge
from the underground.  I take no responibility if anyone actually makes
or sets off any off the files listed!!!!!!!!  I highly stress THIS IS
DANGEROUS and should not be used!!!!!!  Some of the files in this are just
for fun and entertainment.  DO NOT submit my name or any one elses under any
cercumstances for somthing to do with these files!!!  If you do you will not
ever see another version of this thing and I will find you!!!!!

       Now that that is all cleared up, I would just like to say that
I am using some of the Jolly Rogers explosives for examples in a few parts
of these files as will be indicated in the proper spots.  I do belive in
giving him along with the other people indicated their due credit.

       These files are mainly from my thoughts and expereinces. I hope you
will enjoy these files!!!!  There is a limit on how much one can invent, but I
will update this thing every time I think of something new and interesting.

                     * /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ *
                     * \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ *

Ver. 2
       HA! I did it. I never thought that I could come up with 50 of most
of my own idea files in a cookbook! Well I hope you enjoy these files!

       I forgot to say something in the above paragraphs that I will say
now.  This cookbook is for beginners, not C-4 users!!!  It will teach the
basics of how an explosive works and some samples.  Their are a few files of
explosives that make quite a big boom!! And if anyone has any files that they
would like to put in here, find a board that I am on and e-mail me your idea.
I will be happy to put anyones files in here as long as they are original!!!
In other words you invented them and they aren't in any other cookbooks out
there!!!! You will give me full credit for the files and knowledge I am
sharing with you. If I find ANY of these files in another cookbook, which are
my own (meaning it excludes any that I typed up but written by someone else),
being used without my expressed(!!!!) permision, I will have to find some other
ways of dealing with you.  You will not be happy if you do.  The last guy that
pissed me off(who was of the "gangsta" type) looked like he was going to cry
after he found out what -=> A U P <=- did to beware...I am always
                               ---++===> V O R T � X <===++---