SUBJECT: MINOR STUFF                                         FILE: UFO3354

Sun 13 Dec 92 11:50
By: Robin Gober
To: John Stepkowski
Re: Minnor Stuff
John HI!

                            Minor Stuff

 I said I would post some of my minor experiences. I am always a little
reluctant to post these sort of things for the very same reason as
Strieber mention.

 "I ended up serving the very cause I sought to confound.
 The reason for this is not obtuseness on the part of the media or
a failure on my part to communicate my position clearly. Rather it is
the sheer power and the convincing structure of the experience that
has done it."

 About all I can do is warn the readers that these are only my
perceptions of usual events. At the same time it may help to explain why
it so very difficult for me to make up my mind on just what is or isn't
going on.
 One day, this past August, I "disappeared" at work, for about an hour.
This was very unusual for me, in so far as one of the few "deals" I
believe that I have is that nothing too strange should happen to me when
I am driving a car or when I am at work. Any way, one day at work I look up
to see Bill waving for me to come to where he is, there is some kind of
problem I need to take care of. What I found out later is that most of the
department has been looking for me for an hour. This floored me. From
my perception I was right there at my work station all afternoon. Right
there. And yet when they came to look for me, nobody saw me there.
Where the heck was I? Are we talking "Missing Time" here? I don't believe
so, I have spent the past three years learning what repressed memories
feel like. I felt nothing. To my mind I was right there doing my job.
And yet I never saw any of the people that were looking for me. Not a
 So what happened? Where did I "go"? If I did "go" some where else it
looked exactly like where I work. Perhaps I was there and they didn't
"see" me, (this does seem to happen sometimes), but I surely would of
noticed it when they came into my work area looking for me. Heck one guy,
Mark, ran my job for about half an hour and then left to look for me.
I never saw him, and besides _I_ was running my job.
  Between September and Octber my wife and daughter had both been
reporting (complaining?)(g), about shadows and light poltergeists
activity (hearing footsteps in the room, sounds of glass breaking, things
moving around), but I really wasn't paying much attention to those things.
One night while sitting in my den, I distinctly saw a man walk down the
hall and enter our bedroom. I said to my wife, "Did you see that?" and she
said, "I have been telling you about those shadows for weeks now. That's
the big one." I thought it was interesting that she saw a large dark
shadow, while I saw a fully formed person. I recongnized him. About my
height, wiry frame, dark hair, receding hairline, blue shirt with big
shelves, dark pants, black boots, black belt, silver buckle. It was my old
friend from "Twain" who I call FastFar. I just couldn't figure out what he
wanted in my bedroom. While I stood there talking to my wife he came back
out of the bedroom and went back up the hall. Once again she saw a shadow,
I saw a "person". I wonder from time to time which one of us is doing
the better job of seeing. Her seeing a dark shape or me who forming that
shape into some kind of image I can deal with?
 Not long after that I had a very strange experience. I woke up sitting
in my den. I am not a sleepwalker, but never-the-less I woke up sitting
in my den. This part is going to be hard to describe. I woke up sitting
in three different places. My perception was that I was simultaneously
in three separate parts of the room at the same time. I have gotten use
to (if such a thing is possible) to feeling as if I were in two different
places at the same time but never have I experienced a triple. It
can be nice, but to tell you the truth it is also a little frightening
because it then makes me wonder just which one is "me". I did what I
always do in that situation. I picked/grabbed one "me" and ignored the
heck out of the others. It soon passes.
 This one is a big dated but interesting. As you know I suffer from
time to time from Migraine and Cluster Headaches. One day I had a killer
headache but was out of the medication that I usually take. I was in the
kitchen standing by the telephone with my hand resting on the table when
I "felt" two pills "push their way up" from the surface of the table.
They looked to be two of the very same kind of pills I usually take. It
freaked me a little, I called my wife in to look at them, and then
promptly took them. (You would have too, if your head felt like mine did.)
Where did those two pills come from? Did somebody some where else suddenly
come up two pills short? What were they really made of? Why go through
the trouble of producing the pills for me to take, why not just simply
produce the pills into my stomach, or introduce the correct drug to my
bloodstream? Why not just "zap" the headache?
 In the first example I was "somewhere", in the second example two people
observed something, but each person saw something very different. For the
third example I could live with either the in-body or out-of-body
explanation. (Although I lean toward the reductionist viewpoint) In the
fourth, I don't really know what happened, but it certainly seemed as if
something physically real was "produced".

 I hope things are okay there. And by the way so I won't forget,
Seasons Greetings!

* -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- *