Message number 5170 in "MUFON_PUBLIC"
Date: 03-21-93  06:43
From: Trevor Ridge
To:   All
Subj: Russian Parachutist Knabbed

In 1961 a Russian woman seems to have set a record for the longest jump
in recorded history. She jumped from the height of 9000 metres (well
over 27,000 feet), and her pilot, after seeing her on her way turned and
retured to the airport to await her return. She never arrived that
day nor the next. It was on the third day that she eventually came down to
tell of her strange experience that she has been captured in mid-air
by a saucer and it's three occupants, who treated her very well, taking her
out into space an immense distance to view the Earth.


I wonder what the occupants thought of our "sport" of jumping from
flying vehicles? They probably though that they were saving her life by
interrupting her fall!

This article appears in the book "Flying Saucers - where do they come
from?" - Richard Tambling Page 51

Can anyone expand on the details of this incident, it does sound interesting?

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