SUBJECT: CORONA, CRASHED AND SMASHED?!                       FILE: UFO3182

Sent: 22 Dec 92  22:53:00
From: Don Ecker
  To: All
Topic: Corona, Crashed and Smashed?!

Several weeks ago, during the month of November I relayed a
telephone conversation I had with Kevin Randle about the Gerald
Anderson affair as it pertains to the "Crash at Corona" case
detailed by co-authors Stanton Friedman and Don Berliner. The name
of the message I left on "ParaNet" was "Corona, Crashed and
Smashed?" I relayed Randle's information that he had just found out
(11/92) that since September of 1992, Gerald Anderson had admitted
to Stanton Friedman, Don Berliner, Walt Andrus and John Carpenter
that he (Anderson) had lied and admitted forging a telephone bill
that disputed Kevin Randle's assertion concerning a telephone call
that Anderson and Randle had shared.

On December 21st, I received at *UFO Magazine the following news
release from Don Berliner. It speaks for itself, however I do
disagree with his last statement.


    Continued investigation into the reported 1947 crashes of two
alien craft in New Mexico has caused the authors of the newest book
on the subject to reevaluate their position on one major
information source.

    Don Berliner and Stanton Friedman, authors of "Crash At
Corona" (Paragon House, New York, 1992), no longer have confidence
in the testimony of Gerald Anderson, who claims to have stumbled
upon a crash site with members of his family. Anderson has admitted
falsifying a document, and so his testimony about finding wreckage
of a crashed flying saucer near the Plains of San Augustin in
western New Mexico and then being escorted out by the U. S.
military, can no longer be seen as sufficiently reliable.

    The authors regret the need to take this step, but feel it is
absolutely necessary if they are to stand behind their book and
subsequent research into what continues to be the most important
story of the millennium. This does not mean they feel there was no
crash at the Plains of San Augustin; there is considerable
impressive testimony to such an event. Nor does it mean that
everything reported by Gerald Anderson is without value.

Don Berliner
Alexandria, Va.

                             * * *

Don Ecker
*UFO Magazine
PO Box 1053
Sunland, CA  91041

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