SUBJECT: ANIMAL MUTILATION STORY                             FILE: UFO3123

Today, the Albertville, Alabama NewsPaper Sand Mountain Times broke a major
animal mutilation story on the front page.  It seems the 'classic'
mutilations of cattle have been going on there since October of last year,
and the most recent mutilation occured over the weekend.  All factors involve
the classic scenario: No blood, no tracks (which is very strange with the
rain we've been having there should be something in the mud), recturm and
udder cut out, surgical cuts, etc.

Odyssey along with Alabama MUFON (Jeff Ballard directing) will be teaming up
on this case.  Any Odyssey researchers in NE Alabama please be on the lookout
for any activity in your area and any information on the Albertville

Jerry Woody
Odyssey Administrator

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