SUBJECT: LIGHTS SEEN UNDER THE SEA                           FILE: UFO3090

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         - Please credit HUFORS as the source of this material -
TYPE OF INFORMATION : Sighting Reports and Military Involvement
LOCATION            : Iceland Coast
DESCRIPTION         : UFOs and lights seen under the sea, investigations
                   : by the Military.  Investigation/Report by Tony Dodd
SOURCE              : UFO Magazine [Vol. 12, Issue 4 Sep/Oct 1993]
DATE OF INCIDENT    : Dec 1992 Onwards
RELEASE DATE        : 15th December 1993

                     CONFRONTATION AT SEA - TONY DODD

The mysterious Arctic Circle with its vast ice and snow fields has captured
the imagination of the world for many years.  One of the few remaining
unpolluted areas, protected from civilisation by inhospitable terrain and sub-
zero temperatures, it has secured many of its secrets from the probing fingers
of mankind for thousands of years.

Not far away from this frozen world is the island of Iceland, a land sitting
at the joining of the tectonic plates of the Americas and Europe.  A volcanic
raft of volcanoes, glaciers and geysers, and one of the few place on Earth
where radio active isotopes are formed naturally in the bowels of this
inferno.  This beautiful and rugged land has long been the home of legend.
Its people are proud of their viking ancestry.  The fishing fleets have been
the main source of income for hundreds of years, during which time many have
perished when they sought to challenge the might and anger of these dangerous

During the Cold War, these waters were protected by America and her allies
against the intrusion of Soviet forces slipping out of their bases in the
Barent Sea and through the vulnerable north flank of our defences.  Large
radar stations were located on the coast of Iceland to detect incoming hostile
aircraft or ICB missiles.  On many occasions aircraft were scrambled to
intercept radar contacts which turned out to be the phantoms of the sky, or
UFOs.  Several fighter pilots who served tours of duty in the area told of
encounters with these strange flying machines and their amazing capabilities.
On odd occasions and confrontations ended with the loss of the aircraft and
the pilot.

As the years passed, stories of UFOs and alien beings seen in the vicinity of
volcanic activity grew, and reports came from Mexico, Japan and Iceland and
later Puerto Rico where residents reported that the aliens were seen regularly
and appeared to be mining in the mountains.

On my first trip to Iceland, local people told me they had seen UFOs and small
alien creatures many times in the vicinity of the Snaefellsjokull Glacier.
People regularly left food out in their back gardens when they retired for the
night, "to feed the little grey people who live under the glacier."  On many
occasions the food disappeared, but I suspect this could be the work of hungry
animals prowling at night.

I had followed the reports coming out of Iceland, but was not prepared for the
sequence of events which were to unfold in December, 1992 off the Icelandic
coast.  This is a true account of these events as given to me by certain
contacts directly involved in the incident.  Their names can not be quoted as
they would be in grave trouble for passing the information.

During the last few months of 1992, dozens of UFO reports were received from
many parts of northern Scotland.  At times the local population were in a near
state of hysteria and national press and television teams were quickly on the
scene to talk to local witnesses and hopefully obtain film footage of these
strange UFOs.  Gradually the hysteria fell away and the media having acquired
stories returned to their respective homes.

20 DECEMBER 1992:
I received a telephone call from an Icelandic naval source who spoke almost
at a whisper.  He told me that three UFOs were tracked coming down and
entering the sea off the east coast of Iceland, close to Langeness.

21 DECEMBER 1992:
Icelandic fishermen fishing on the north east coast of Iceland were confronted
with several very large, fast moving underwater craft which displayed flashing
coloured lights.  They appeared to be accompanied by a glowing airborne object
travelling south in a general direction north of Scotland.  As the craft moved
swiftly through the water, they came in to contact with nets being trawled by
the fishermen, resulting in much damage.

The fishermen, who were used to seeing submarines in the area, stated that
this was unlike any submarine they had previously witnessed: "They were too
large, too fast and normal submarines don't display flashing coloured lights,"
they said.  The fishermen were afraid and informed the Icelandic authorities.
They were soon joined by ships of the National Icelandic Coast Guard who
performed escort duty.

23 DECEMBER 1992:
An Icelandic Coast Guard vessel and two gun boats were ordered to take up
station off Langeness.  This operation was covered by a veil of secrecy and
the crew felt quite uneasy.  This are is of course where three UFOs were
originally tracked coming down.  Their role at Langeness was observation.  At
this time a fleet of NATO (including British) warships arrived on the scene,
in what was described as a 'naval exercise'. (Have you ever heard of a major
military exercise at Christmas?)  British newspapers carried a story that
during the exercise the ships had started to track a very large underwater
craft thought to be one of a new generation of Russian 'super' submarines.

24 DECEMBER 1992:
The crews of two British nuclear Hunter killer-type submarines were recalled
home from Christmas leave and told to report to their respective bases.  The
two submarines, HMS Endurance and HMS Warrior were then dispatched to link up
with the surface fleet.  At this time Icelandic Coast Guard vessels and gun
boats were ordered to take up station at Alice Fjord on the east coast of

Further information from contacts stated that four more UFOs had been tracked
descending and entering the sea - in the same quadrant as the first three.
They also confirmed that the entire operation was linked to the tracking of
known underwater alien craft.  They also reported that a massive sea search
was underway for a missing surface vessel.  The operation was being conducted
with great secrecy.

30 DECEMBER 1992:
Icelandic radio broadcast a story claiming that many people in the east of the
Island have seen UFOs over the mountains near the coast.

12 JANUARY 1993:
All Icelandic vessels are held up at Langeness Fjord because of appalling
weather conditions.  Terrified residents report strange, small figures around
the Fjord.

6 FEBRUARY 1993:
The weather improved, and all ships were ordered back to sea.  Icelandic ships
take up original positions on observational duty.  These observations still
continuing by 24 February.

25 FEBRUARY 1993:
All ships warned not to move within three nautical miles of the American
destroyer flotilla operating near the Arctic Circle.  While outside the
exclusion zone, ships radar picked up sixteen airborne contacts over the
American fleet.  The yellow lights were seen to descend and hover over the
warships.  There is no possibility that these were helicopters because of the
distance from land.  Furthermore, the weather conditions were too severe for
helicopters to fly.

15 APRIL 1993:
All ships involved in this secret operation were then ordered to search for
the missing American vessel.  Only two destroyers remain in the area; both
have had their names removed.  The crews are seen to be wearing full battle

All civilian ships, including gun boats and coast guard vessels were now
ordered out of this area and excluded from the prohibited zone.  (I have no
doubt that this was the case because I had by this time started making
enquiries in America about the US destroyers.)  During the operation, the
American ships stayed at sea.  The authorities therefore, must have assumed
that information leaks were coming from other ships.

16 APRIL 1993:
British television and newspapers carried the headline: JOINT AMERICAN AND
War II, joint exercises involving elite American and Russian troops are about
to take place on Russian soil.  The area of operation was said to be Siberia.
The arrival point of the American Troops, was Tiksi.  (A map indicates that
Tiksi is probably the nearest Russian sea port to the area where all the navel
activity was occurring.)

21 APRIL 1993:
The crew of and Icelandic Airlines aircraft, travelling from London to Iceland
became aware that two UFOs (two large balls of white light) had joined the
aircraft as it passed over the north coast of Scotland.  The brightly glowing
balls of light took up position on either side if the aircraft towards the
tail, and kept this position all the way to Iceland and only flew off as the
aircraft landed at Keflavik Airport.
15 MAY 1993:
I received information that a massive sea search was under way for two missing
Icelandic fishing boats.  Search crews were apprehensive and disturbed by the
appearance of white tubular fluorescent  type lights which appeared in the
night sky hovering over their vessels.  At this time the radio on the ships
refused to function - but worked normally again when the objects moved away.
The search for the missing vessels was eventually called off after many days
at sea.  The crews were warned again if the severe consequences of divulging
any information in relation to the events of the previous few weeks.  The
authorities were angry that information had leaked out.  After this my
information stopped.

My colleagues in the United States approached the Office of Naval
Intelligence.  They explained they were aware of the incidents off the coast
of Iceland and asked for their comments.  The officer, to whom they were
talking, dismissed the story as rubbish, stating that they would have been
aware of such an incident, but promised to make a couple of telephone calls.
Some time later, our contacts received a telephone call from ONI (The Office
of Naval Intelligence).  This time the friendly attitude had changed and the
person sounded angry and demanded to know where the information had come from.

At this time a team of 'remote viewers' in the Unites States were asked to
assist in finding out what had happened to the American warships in the Arctic
Circle.  They eventually said that a 'Sea Shadow' stealth ship operated in the
area - towing an instrument barge.  The barge, loaded with advanced
instrumentation, had been monitoring underwater alien mining operations.  The
remote viewers said that suddenly the ship disappeared.  No more information
was forthcoming.

During a trip to Denmark between 15-21 October, 1993, I was informed that the
news media in Norway had been broadcasting stories telling how NATO warships
had been tracking and chasing underwater alien craft in the area off Iceland
and Norway.  Further information regarding this on-going situation is awaited.

Note:  Please take this information as is.  None of the information above has
      been verified.
=============================== [THE END] ====================================

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