From The HUntsville Times Sunday October 11, 1987 Alabama

The Associated Press

Geneva, Ala. - AUthorities probing the mysterious deaths of some 40 animals -
pigs, dogs and a horse that had its male organs ripped off - are trying to head
off a stampede of evidence trampling sightseers.
Dot Kirkland, a Geneva County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman, said tales
about a mysterious beast have attracted droves of sightseers.
"It's like a fire in town," she said. "Everybody's coming to see. It's
bothering our efforts. We're setting out traps, but we can't tell if there are
any tracks because there have been so many people walking around out there. We
want them to stay away, becasue the traps are dangerous to humans as well as
Among the casualties were two 60-pound pigs owned by Lloyd Stinson and his
wife, Ann.
The couple said that on a recent evening just after sundown they heard a pig
squeal, ran outside and found the two animals ripped bodies in the pen.
"We didn't see what had done it," said Mrs. Stinson. "But we heard it. It was
up between the pen and a little hill and we heard it holler. It was a sound
I'm not familiar with, but it frightened us enough to get out of there."
County authorities said more than 35 animals have been killed since early
September. Most have been hogs, but there have been several bulldogs and one
Mrs. Stinson said there stock boar, which weighed 250 pounds, was also killed.
"The thing that has confused us is the fact that there is very little blood
around," she said. "We're baffled. We've been studying books about animals and
we can't figure out what this might be."

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *