SUBJECT: RECENT CASES......OCTOBER 1992                      FILE: UFO2979

                     RECENT CASES.....

(Recent UFO/related cases investigated by MUFON Field
investigators.  For case determination, contact the appropriate
MUFON State Director.)

State:...........  Louisiana
Date:............  October, 1992
Location:........  Amite River
Case Description:

October 1992.  A college graduate in his mid-thirties was putting
out the garbage around 8:30 p.m. when he noticed a strange white
light an estimated 2 to 4 miles NE of his home, approximately
over the Amite River.

The light appeared to be 400 to 500 feet high and about 100 to
200 feet above it was a red light, both stationary.

Realizing there was no tower in that area and that the lights did
not resemble an aircraft or helicopter, he moved around the house
for a better view.  During the approximate five minutes that he
watched, the red light twice suddenly jumped to a position well
to the left of it's location over the white light, remained there
a few seconds, then jumped back to it's original position.
Shortly after it's second move, both lights suddenly disappeared.


* THE U.F.O. BBS - *