SUBJECT: RECENT CASES......JULY 1992                         FILE: UFO2965

                     RECENT CASES.....

(Recent UFO/related cases investigated by MUFON Field
Investigators.  For case
determination, contact the appropriate MUFON State Director.)

State:...........  New York
Date:............  July 04, 1992
Location:........  Pinebush, New York
Case Description:

On July 4, 1992 about 9:30 p.m., a 32-year-old, self-employed man
and his
brother photographed nine red lights that appeared to be on a
triangular-shaped object off Route 302 near Pinebush, New York.

The object made a hissing sound.  The witness had a new Canon
camera with
100-300mm zoom lens and 1600ASA Kodacolor print film and were
looking for UFOs
at a local "hotspot".  Shutter speed was automatic, but estimated
at 1/15
second.  Four photos were taken and the best three were analyzed
using a PCD
Film Scanner Model 2000 and put on a Compact Disk attached to a
Model 2400
Work Station.

The three largest lights were mostly white on the film,
apparently caused by
over-exposure.  The tops of the lights appeared flattened in the
most distant
photo, indicating possible shielding from the structure.


* THE U.F.O. BBS - *