SUBJECT: WACKEN NAZI'S                                       FILE: UFO2949

(5085)  Wed 9 Jun 93  6:23
By: Steve Jones
To: All
Re: WackenNAZI's
Greetings to All-
  There has been alot said about the Wackenhut Security forces that are used
to guard such highly secure facilities as the Nevada Test Site, and I would
like to take some time to clarify the reasons for some of the often out-spoken
comments on these people.  I would like to also clearly differentiate these
people philosophically from the thousands of dedicated Americans who have
fought for and or have lost their lives to protect the Freedoms that we as
Americans take so much for granted.
  Soldiers, whether they are fighting in officially sanctioned conflicts,
covert operations directed by duly authorized governing bodies (be it
Congress, the office of the President, the United Nations, or the multitude of
other majority recognized governing authorities), humanitarian operations,
privatized security operations, or philosophically motivated private covert
operations, are driven, for the most part by their own morals, ethics and
motives.  Even in extreme situations, i.e., a single mercentary who is on a
mission by directive, has his own sense of ethics (which at times differs
dramatically from those of the society at large).  The key question regarding
the utilization Wackenhut Security, versus the Marines for example, or better
yet a Multi-Departmental Officially Sanctioned Force, is this issue of
philosophical underpinnings.  I, for one, consider it to be highly dangerous
to the sanctity of this Union to utilize a private security force that does not
represent a cross-section of philosophical beliefs in this country.  It is
this factor that adds to the strength of the moral fabric of the traditional
military that this country has had throughout it's history.
  Many people site the historical example of the armies of the National
Socialists during and preceeding World War II.  There was a whole lot of
difference in those days dealing with troops of say a Panzer Division (who
were alot like those of our armour divisions) than dealing with the Death's
Head SS, who were Hitler's zealots.
  The key question here is why have thes jobs been given to private security
forces in the first place.  To me the answer lies in who is actually in
control of these facilities, the government or certain factions in the private
sector.  This gives rise to some very serious ethical and moral questions of
the missions involved and that, I feel, is the reason for the outcry so often
heard here.

 Sincerely- Steve Jones

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