SUBJECT: DEEP VOODOO AT AREA 51                              FILE: UFO2948

Tue 22 Jun 93  0:19
By: Don Allen
Re: Deep Voodoo at Area 51
>   His personal experiences are what ultimately, IMHO triggered his
> anger.  He
> has had his tires shot out from under him by the Wackenhut Security
> Forces at
> Area 51.  He fully understands the motives, the goals, the
> methodologies and
> the private he..s that people are enduring in this juncture in human
> history.

Hi Steve. I found Rich's posts both stimulating and highly intriquing. To say
the least, I have many questions about him and his experiences. It's hoped that
at some point, that Rich will entertain the notion to return to echomail
interaction once again. I've noted that his book is due out soon (in August). I
have some wonders at his use of a colorful moniker such as "Interstellar
Counter-Intelligence" , but perhaps that's _his "dig" at the Dark Forces behind
Wackenhut <tm> ;^_) . If Rich has had these (above quoted) actions taken
against him in the pursuit of investigation of Area 51 , then it should be a
concern to all of us.

Warning Disclaimer:

The following constitutes my own puzzle-solving and is not offered as 'gospel-
truth'. Much of this is the result of many phone conversations with Dan Smith
who is in a position to know many of the principals, and who has been chasing
leads over a long period of time. I offer it in the spirit of inviting further
investigation into the very murky world of 'The Aviary', the 'Working Groups'
and Wackenhut's agenda for Area 51.


Especially since more and more of my research points to Dale Graff and Ron
Pandolphi with Wackenhut-connected ties to Aviary members. Actually, I think
Howard Blum was only on to part of the web in his book, "Out There". More and
more parts of this puzzle indicate <to me> that not just -one- "Working Group"
is in's closer to reality to say *two* exist. One is civilian and
the other is military connected.

The civilian part appears to be Ron Pandolphi, John Alexander and Ed Dames. As
you may well be aware of, Ed Dames and John Alexander comprise PSI TECH. Mr.
Alexander is said to be up for a post in the Clinton Administration for Under-
Secretary of Defense. Through phone contacts, it also appears that Ron
Pandolphi has worked for Wackenhut, and may also be connected with Bill Moore
via Moore's contribution in UFO pieces to Larry Flynt's "Far Out" magazine. My
understanding is that Pandolphi does contract work for the CIA and has a _very
high security access to the President. It's conceivable that Pandolphi was
behind Bill Moore in the dis-informing of Paul Bennewitz (all roads lead back
to Kirtland AFB). <see also Paul Bennewitz, Richard Doty>. Mr. Pandolphi
resides in Great Falls, Va. Ed Dames..we've seen things on here about him and
his muchly discussed "alien liason' event that he's mentioned will take place
in "August" (he says) in the Four Corners area of NM. Ed is also going around
talking as how an "alien virus" is what got 'loose' in that area recently.
(Conspiracy Theory Alert!). My own take on him is he's a loose cannon.

It occurs to me that Ed is the "bait"'re _supposed to pay attention to him
and his claims, while the "pea" is slipped under another shell while you're not
looking. It's evident to me the object here is diversion and perhaps the
disinformation that is perpetrated by Ed's outlandish "claims".

An interesting connection is when I talked to Dr. Steven Greer last June at
Gulf Breeze, he spoke about how Ed Dames had shown him some remote viewing
techniques. It appeared to me at the time that Dames and Greer are on good
terms with each other and Greer spoke most favorably about him.

The military group comprises, insofar as I've been able to tell, Dale Graff,
Hal Putoff,Kit Green, Bob Collins (Aviary name-FALCON) who got their careers
boosted while working at the Foreign Technology Division (FTD) at Wright-
Patterson. Dale Graff appears highly connected with Area 51, and through phone
contacts, claim is that Ed Dames remote viewed an abduction event of Dale
Graff. It appears that some "black magic" (possibly OTO/Scientology)
connections exist with Graff. An interesting connection appears with Ron
Pandolphi's relative who is in charge of a Scientology Org in California (I
think Los Angeles, if memory serves).

The key datum is the _Scientology connection because it was through this that
Ingo Swann was associated with and who was later to be Ed Dames mentor. Add
Putoff's SRI association and Los Alamos 'alien-brain wave' research and you
have ALL the ripe ingredients for field-tested mind control techniques at hand.

At this juncture, my own advice is to dig up as much on Wackenhut as can be
done as to their motives. The Birds of the Aviary appear to be deeply nested
within it's structure, complete with involvement of the working groups.

A disturbing aspect that has surfaced in phone contacts is that (apparently)
Robert Byrd, who heads up the Senate Select Intelligence Cmte, which is the
body largely responsible for Black Project oversight, monies being disbursed,
being kept apprised as to Project status, etc; his Chief of Staff, Dick DeMato
has been trying to get to the bottom of things and has been talking to
Pandolphi, Dale Graff, Laurence Rockefeller and my perception is that he's
being given the royal run-around. The concern is that some of these projects
are 'out-of-control', especially the 'Psychotronic' types. Further, I
understand that Dale Graff is alledged to be briefing Byrd directly and there's
some "competition" between Pandolphi and Graff in that respect. I understand a
cursory briefing did take place with Clinton at the end of April, but it's
unknown as of yet as to the status of that meeting to bring Clinton 'up to
speed' on what's going on at some of these black ops. My perception is that
Clinton _isn't_ in full knowledge of some of these ops. DeMato attempted a
tour/inspection on behalf of Byrd of Area 51, but his plane had to turn back
due to a bad storm so he hasn't been there yet. What's -disturbing- is that the
"working groups" are briefing Clinton & Byrd, and my definite impression is
that this is like letting the fox tell you "what hens?".

My own feeling in the matter is that Sen. Robert Byrd isn't being given the
'full story' and that the Aviary members in the shadows have their own agenda,
and moreover, don't appear to be accountable to the public. Frankly, when the
"Oversight Cmte" doesn't appear to have a _clue_ as to what's "really going on"
at places like Area 51, it doesn't bode well for "who's really in charge".

It should make everyone sit up and take notice on this echo the actions and
involvements of Wackenhut and the connections of Dale Graff and Ron Pandolphi.
It's my considered opinion that if there be "dark forces", then in my mind,
Pandolphi and Graff fit the bill. I also suspect rather heavily, that if
pursued, I have no doubt as to finding Black Magic/New Age agenda lurking just
beneath the surface.


* THE U.F.O. BBS - *