God's messengers deliver threat of world destruction.

The spectacular appearance of a huge crucifix in the sky over Jerusalems is a
warning to the world the God is displeased, according to international Bible
experts and religious leaders.

The cross as a formation of a dozen alien spaceships. Christain experts claim
the awesome event was predicted in both the Old and New testaments.

"This is one of the signs promised before the end of the world," says Jousef
Hadi, patraiarch of an old Coptic Christian church in Jerusalem. "Those flying
crafts were piloted by messengers of God.

"They were following His wishes by delivering the threat of global
destruction. The cataclysm will be carried out unless all nations lay down
their arms and embrace their brothers."'

'God anry'

Jousef says the UFOs appeared in the shape of a flying cross to assure
earthlings the mission has a religious significance. Other experts echo the

"It is God's warning foretold by the prophets in the Old Testament, and by
Christ and Revelations in the New Testament," says Father David Lachmed at the
Jesuit seminary outside Jerusalem.

"God is angry about the rivers of blood that are flooding the world. He has
put us on notice that the fate of the planet is in our hands."

The appearance of the cross so close to Eater increases its significance and
its importance, the leaders say.


Their warnings came after the governments of Israel, Jordan and Iraq confirmed
the sudden appearance of glowing golden orbs above the Holy City at dusk one

Previously, all three governments had insisted the sighting was a mass
hallucination and that the hundreds of photos taken were fakes.

The cross sthat hovered about 12,000 feet over Jerusalem was approximately
1,500 feet long and 600 feet wide. The dazzling display was seen by thousands
of observers for several hours from various locations in Jordan and northern
Iraq as well as in Israel.

Aron al-Fahad, a shop keeper in Jericho, claims he watched the manifestation
for almost three hours.

He says it was clearly a formation of UFOs, adding: "You could see each
individual ship, especially after the sun went down."

Lawrence Carney, a British engineer, says he too could identify circular

"Many flashing lights circled the rims and ran along the undersides," he says.

But American tourist Francis Kellogg and at least 1,000 locals and other
visitors claim the hovering forms were actually angels.


Many say they heard a heavenly voice repeating chapter one, verse tow from The
Second Letter from Peter in the New Testament, including:

You will do well to pay attention to it, because it is a lamp shining in a
dark place...
Patriarch Hadi agrees with the angel faction.

"God has sent His heavenly messengers as He has so many times before," Hadi

Photos taken by two American tourists and examined by SUN photo experts
support the UFO theory.

However, Jewish and Muslim leaders are adamant that the sighting was neither
supernatural nor extraterrestrial.

"Would Allah use a Christian symbol, the cross, to warn us of His
displeasure?" asks Mufti Rashid Rahman.

Rabbi Lev Ginzberg believes the manifestation was caused by atmospheric
conditions, pollution and a sand storm raging in the Negev Desert.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *