SUBJECT: MORE ON FOO FIGHTERS                                FILE: UFO2915

Date: 06-18-91  22:48
From: Jim Sanders

This message was in the Aviation Conference. It is similar to The "Foo
Fighters" that were reported over Europe near the end of World War II.
Thought I would post it so that you may want to question Paul further. Jim
Read: (N/A) Subj: FOO FIGHTERS
Conf: AVIATION (9)
Read Type: GENERAL (+)

Anyone else out there ever run into one of these animals?  I had my "close
encounter" in the early 70's while flying in the area of Windsor Ontario. It
was a small (about basketball sized) ball of light that seemed to fly
formation with me for a while off my starboard wingtip, then cirled the plane
a couple of times before leaving VERY rapidly for parts unknown in a nearly
vertical climb. During the time it was near me, my radios went out, my nav
and cabin lights dimmed, my compass decided it wanted to be a top, and the
engine got really rough.  One it left, everything came back to normal. ATC
showed nothing but yours truly in the area on radar, and the weather boys
said it was unlikely to have been an atmospheric phenomenon. Nobody has ever
come up with a logical explanation, and I'm starting to believe in haunted
Cessna 172's!

I've heard some of the WW II bomber jockeys had similar sightings, and since
it seems some of the guys on here are of "the class of '45", I figured just

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *