SUBJECT: SAMPLE LETTER TO CONGRESS                           FILE: UFO2912

Sample Letter to Congressional Representatives
Taken from:  MUFON UFO Journal, November 1992.

(MUFON UFO Journal, Number 295, November 1992, Copyright 1992 by the
Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Sequin, Texas 78155, published
monthly with a membership/subscription rate of $25/yr.)


Hon. _____________________
U.S. House of Representatives (or Senate)
Washington, DC  20515 (or 20510)

Dear Rep. (or Sen.) _________________:

    As your constituent, I am writing to request a clarification
of the U.S. Government's current position concerning events which
occurred in and around Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947.

    According to newspaper accounts and eyewitness reports, a
local rancher, William W. Brazel, discovered pieces of debris
from an object which crashed on the property he managed outside
Corona, on or about July 2, 1947.  He brought some of this
material to the attention of Chaves County Sheriff George Wilcox,
who called the Roswell Army Air Field.  The base Intelligence
Officer, Sheridan Cavitt, went to the ranch to inspect the

    They discovered a great deal of lightweight debris which
couldn't be cut, burned, or even dented with a sledgehammer.  On
orders from the base commander, Col. William Blanchard, the
Public Information Officer, Walter G. Haut, issued a news release
that the Army Air Force had recovered a "flying disc."  Some of
the debris was flown to Fort Worth, Texas where the Commander of
the Eighth Air Force, Gen. Roger Ramey, identified the material
for the press as the remains of a weather balloon and its radar

    However, subsequent investigation has raised considerable
doubt about the weather balloon explanation.  For example:

    -  According to his son and neighbors, Brazel was held
incommunicado by officials at the Roswell base for nearly a week,
questioned extensively and ordered not to say anything about his
experience; however, in a newspaper interview, he said that the
material he recovered "did not in any way resemble a weather
balloon," many of which he had recovered on his property.

    -  Sheriff Wilcox, to whom Brazel initially reported finding
the debris, also was ordered by the military not to say anything,
but members of his family say that not only did he see debris at
the crash site -- he also saw four "space beings," one of whom
was alive.  Moreover, his granddaughter, Barbara Dugger, was told
by her grandmother, Inez Wilcox, that the entire family was
threatened with death by the military if they discussed the

    -  The former manager of KGFL Radio in Roswell, Jud Roberts,
says the station was threatened with loss of its license by
government officials in Washington, DC, if it broadcast the story
about the "flying saucer."  In addition, according to Lydia
Sleppy, a secretary of KOAT Radio in Albuquerque, a wire
transmission of the news story on the event was interrupted by a

    -  According to Brig. Gen. Thomas J. DuBose (USAF, ret.),
who was Gen. Ramey's Chief of Staff, Maj. Gen. Clements McMullen,
the Deputy and Acting Commander, Strategic Air Command, at
Andrews Army Air Field, ordered that some of the debris recovered
on the ranch be brought directly to him in Washington.  Gen.
DuBose says officials at the Headquarters of the Eighth Air Force
were directed to tell the press that the material was from a
weather balloon radar target, and that the weather balloon
explanation was a "cover story" to divert the attention of the

    -  The pilot who transported some of the wreckage, Oliver W.
Henderson, said he saw the bodies of alien beings at the Roswell
base, according to his widow, Sappho Henderson, his daughter,
Mary Kathryn Groode, and his friend, John Kromschroeder.

    -  A mortician who worked for the funeral home in Roswell,
Glenn Dennis, says an Army nurse friend told him about
participating in the autopsies of three alien bodies at the base.

    Therefore, I am formally requesting that you seek to
determine whether the highly unusual material recovered near
Corona was from a "flying disc," a weather balloon, or something

    Please advise me, at your earliest opportunity, of the
United States Government's current position on the nature of the
material recovered outside Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947, and
its current explanation for all official actions taken with
respect to this event.



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