Traverse City, Mich. -- A stunned state trooper and two other persons watched
a huge UFO hover over a farm near here for almost an hour before it suddenly
disappeared in the predawn sky.

"I want another car out here to see this," Michigan State Trooper Glenn
Guldner radioed to headquarters as the mysterious object lit up the darkness
for miles around.

"It's about 60 feet in diameter with hundreds of oscillating white lights."

Unfortunately, no other officer was available to send to the remote farmhouse.

Trooper Guldner watched the spaceship through his binoculars for about 20
minutes after being called to the scene by homeowner Tracey Cejda. She'd
become concerned after she let her dog out and the terrified animal ran right
back inside and hid under a table. Miss Cejda investigated, spotted the UFO
and called 911.

"Please don't hang up on me," she pleaded to the police dispatcher. "I'm not a
nut case."

After contacting the police, Miss Cejda called neighbor Mike Stelter, who
videotaped the strange object hovering several hundred feet above them.

"There's obviously something in the sky," said Trooper Robert Voice, who has
seen the videotape. "You can see darkness off to the side of the light, but
it's hard to tell the size of the object."

Trooper Guldner said three jets flew overhead as they watched the UFO -- and
that the ship's lights suddenly went off as each of the planes flew by.

After the jets passed, the lights came back on.

The UFO hovered over the Michigan farmland for nearly an hour before it
suddenly turned off its lights and disappeared in the predawn darkness.

Trooper Voice said other residents in the area reported seeing a strange light
in the sky, but Trooper Guldner, Stelter and Miss Cedja apparently had the
best view.

The incredible sighting has been reported to the UFO Reporting Center in
Seattle, Wash., and the state police post has contacted the Air Force and the
Federal Aviation Administration.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *