SUBJECT: Welsh Radio Ham and triangular object.              FILE: UFO2830

I was looking at a bulletin the other day regarding sightings
of UFO's in Mid Wales recently and it takes me back many years
to my VHF days.  I think it was during a November evening, there
was a huge opening over europe on 2 metres. In those days I was
a bit hardier than now and I headed for a local hill called
the Blorenge with the portable kit.

I had spent a succesful couple of hours working the dx but by now
was starting to feel the cold.  I decided to call it a night and
got out of the car to take down the portable mast.

On that occasion the sky was crystal clear and the stars were showing
well from this dark location.  I saw an object to the north, fairly
low down near the horizon.  It was glowing red and at first I
thought it was a planet such as Mars. I didnt take a lot
of notice of it at first, but somehow I kept looking back
at it whilst I was bringing the mast down.

However after about 5 minutes this object started to rise directly
up from the horizon, slowly at first. I began to think it must be
some sort of Helicopter, I soon changed my mind when it came
overhead in my direction, gaining speed as it approached.
I was able to get a good look at it and saw that it was triangular
in shape, with 3 red lights, one on each corner.  It made a whooshing
noise as it sped overhead.

It then shot of out of sight at high speed and that was the last I saw of it.
No green men im afraid but something I cant account for. I didnt
report it because I know that most people that do so end
up being riduculed.  I wonder if anyone else out on night
radio manouveres has seen anything like this.  I think my timing
might have been wrong perhaps this object might have had two metres
on board.  I look forward to any sensible replies.

steve gw4ble

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *