SUBJECT: MUFON REPORTS                                       FILE: UFO2600


Date: Mon Apr 11 18:34:25 1988
From: DALE B. WEDGE (ae511)
Subj: The Eastlake UFO:DBW

In regard to Mr. Sanduleak's upload, perhaps it is time to
explain that we ALL are aware that Venus and Jupiter were in
the western portion of the sky that evening.  After the sight-
ing, Dell'Aquila and Wedge went out to the sight and did sight
these planets in the western sky.  We even took some calcu-
latiions as to the location of the planets at the times that
witnesses were seeing the objects over the lake.  From
our determination, we can state that the objects that were seen
over the Lake were not Venus and Jupiter.  The witnesses that
evening knew where the planets were.  The subject who reported
the objects was travelling EAST and was facing east when the
objects were seen to her left, the northern portion of the
sky, near the residence.

In regards to the Coast Guard, Mr. Sanduleak must only be
reading the report of the second evening.  It would seem that
anyone being involved in the Coast Guard would have a basic
knowledge of the skies above us, since it is a tool that they
use to navigate the seas.  I would also doubt that Coast
Guard personnel would mistake Venus and Jupiter as the culprit
being behind objects being seen  to be approximately 500 yards
offshore about 20 feet above the ice.  I have never known the
planets to do this.  If you go to the sight of the incident,
there is no west to look at on the ice, since it is obscured
by the Eastlake Coal Burning power plant.  From the reports,
of on-scene witnesses with the Coast Guard personnel, the
sightings were north or overhead of the witnesses for the first
portion of the sighting.  After that, the objects descended
from overhead and came down on the ice.  The witnesses, who
have been living at that location for some time, stated
that they have never noticed an ice breakage likke the one that
was observed that evening.  To prove the object wasn't to the
west, refer to the report when it is stated that the objects
were 500 yards offshore about 20 feet about the ice, and began
to move closer as headlights were flashed.  At that time,
then it moved to the west, therefore, if something was in
the west, being obscured by the power plant, it couldn't have
been west and then turn west.  There is another amazing facet
to this story, and that is that after this sighting, an indepen-
dent witness took a picture of the triangular shaped object,
which we have the negative to.  The object in the picture fits
the description made by the witnesses at the scene of the

Lastly, because we ensure secrecy of witnesses, it is
unfortunate that the Coast Guard will not allow us to inter-
view the Coast Guard personnel that were at the scene that
evening.  Who has something to hide?  Is it Sanduleak that is
frightened of a real incident or is the Coast Guard frightened
that they have given the smoking gun that could open up the
paper trail on a real phenomenon?


* THE U.F.O. BBS - *