by West Platt

                    St. Petersburg Times, April 21, 1993

BAYPORT - Ron Chancey, a Hernando County sheriff's deputy, may not know
exactly what he saw on patrol Friday night, but he insists he saw something.

A boomerang-shaped something with a wingspan of at least 200 feet.

Something that hovered in the starry sky along Hernando's coast.  That could
go from still to warp whatever in the time it takes to snap your fingers.

Chancey found six Hernando residents who said they saw the same thing over the
coastal communities of Pine Island and Bayport.  And on Tuesday, three more
sightings of the mysterious thing were reported to the Times.

Chancey, assigned to patrol Pine Island after last month's devastating storm,
said it was about 9:20 p.m. as he cruised slowly along Pine Island Drive with
his window down and left arm on the door.

"It was like a huge something or other," Chancey said.  "The first thing I
thought of was the Crystal River nuclear plant.  I don't know why, really. And
then I thought of that movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, with that
big whatever-it-was that played the music.  But this thing was real quiet.  I
would guess it was 200 or 300 feet long."

Chancey said he stopped his cruiser and shined a spotlight at the thing. He
saw no markings or numbers.  No cockpit.  He made out a vague, dark outline
that appeared to be shaped like a boomerang.

After watching for a couple of minutes, Chancey drove on toward the park in
Bayport.  As he accelerated, he said, the object accelerated.  The deputy
shined the light at it again and it cut west toward the Gulf of Mexico.

He met with six people at the park in Bayport who told him they had also seen
the object.  Baffled, he said he could only come to one conclusion.

"Based on what I know now, no, I don't think it's from this planet," Chancey
said.  "Nothing one earth could hover and haul ass like that."

Garth and Sandra Curtis of Brooksville were in Tarpon Springs at 9:30 p.m.
Friday when, they said, they saw the unidentified flying object.

"We sat a and watched it a good five minutes," Garth Curtis said.  "It was
moving slowly to the west.  I don't know what to believe.  I've never seen
anything like it."

Mary McCracken of New Port Richey said she saw the same object the night
before the Bayport sighting.  It was Thursday night.  L. A. Law was on. The
latest storm front was drenching Pasco County.

"Through my bedroom window, over in he southeast, I saw a bunch of real bright
lights not too far over the treetops, moving real slow," she said. "I kept
watching it.  It was really big.  I opened the window all the way, even with
the rain, and listened.  It didn't make a sound."

McCracken said as the object passed near her house a street light winked off.
When it was gone, the light glowed again.

"I couldn't believe it not making a sound and going so slow like that," she
said.  "It makes me feel better that somebody else saw it and it was somebody
credible like a deputy."

Does she believe in extraterrestrials?

"I think that it would be ignorant of me not to think there is something out
there in this whole universe that has evolved.  There has to be somebody out

Lisa Curran, 28, also of New Port Richey, said she and her parents saw the
unusual object in broad daylight Sunday afternoon.  It hovered high above
them, rising until it vanished, she said.

Her husband, Tom, who was not with her when she saw the object, disagrees. He
said he believes it was a military airplane, possibly a Stealth bomber that
can avoid radar detection.

"I find it hard to believe it was from outer space," Tom Curran said.

Said Lisa:  "If he saw it and I didn't, I'd probably make fun of him, too."


              Article from "The Crestone Eagle" , April 1993


                          by Christopher O'Brien

The San Luis Valley in south-central Colorado is heating up. There
have been, and continue to be, numerous UFO sightings. These unusual
sightings are picking up in intensity.

Additional witnesses, of the November through January sightings,
are being interviewed from all over the northern portion of the San
Luis Valley in Saguache County (see Crestone Eagle articles in February
and March issues).

Additional Witnesses Found
Several additional accounts during the third week of November
include a Crestone resident being "compelled to drive to the end of the
Baca Grande development" to the border of the Baca Ranch where she
claimed she lost almost two hours. She said she arrived at the end of
the road at 8:30 pm, November 24th, 1992, the eve of Thanksgiving, and
doesn't recall the next hour and a half. This was the time period
"small glimmering" lights were spotted by several Crestone/Baca
residents over the Baca Ranch. Two Baca residents who lived just over a
mile away witnessed ". . . lights that at one point were directly over
our house."

A rancher 25 miles north and 10 miles west of the Baca Ranch area
where "large whitish-gold laser-like ovals" were seen December 9th,
1992, claimed seeing "a bright white light come over the Sangre De
Cristos." He said it hovered momentarily then "in no more than 2 or 3
seconds", streaked south over his head 60-70 miles and hover "over the
(Baca) ranch." The witness has only lived in the valley for a year and
had not had any prior sightings. "It sure got me keeping my eyes open!"
he stated.

Another Saguache County rancher and his wife travelling south on
[Hwy] 285, 35 miles north of the Baca Ranch saw what was described as
"brilliant white light."

"Up until now I didn't believe in UFOs, but that was the damndest
thing I ever saw", remarked Donna Alexander, one of the witnesses.

Daytime Sighting
On December 21, 1992 at 10:50 am, two Crestone residents again
observed what they had previously described as a "bell-shaped metallic
object" just outside the town of Mosca, Colorado. The object flew over
their car as they travelled south on [Hwy] 17 and appeared to be
"headed for Blanca Peak" to the east. This object may have been spotted
by occupants of another car travelling on the road.

A Strange Copter Seen
During the second week of January, a Moffat, Colorado rancher
returning from Salida, Colorado on [Hwy] 17 saw what he described as a
"dark green 2-man helicopter menacing his herd" of horses in a corral
next to the highway. He said the helicopter was hovering less than 100
feet from his herd. The rancher, a former Air Force officer candidate,
tried to get the aircraft's FAA ID number but said the number appeared
incomplete. The rancher is understandably upset because, two years ago
this spring, he noticed that two of his horses began missing "clipped
off" portions of their ears. This disturbing phenomena occurred over a
two month period.  He stated that this all happened after the last
frost and could not be attributed to frost-bite.

From Over the Mountains
On February 11th and 12th, 1993, a Crestone resident claimed he saw a
"bright white light come over the (Sangre De Cristo) Mountains,"
hover for "10 or 15 seconds" before "zipping north over the tops of the
mountains." The next night a "bright white light", again was seen. This
time the object dropped through cloud cover, lighting up the clouds,
before streaking north. Both these sightings occurred between 9:30 and
10:00 pm and were completely silent.

Who's Up There?
During the third week of February, a Moffat Colorado resident was
parked at the North Crestone Campground entrance gate where he
experienced his car being "lit up from above" by a "brilliant white
beam of light". He described the beam as having "incredible enery." He
said the "light was trying to get him out of his car!" A second smaller
beam of light then proceeded to light up 4 or 5 spots sequentially
around his car. He said the whole episode only lasted for 4 or 5
seconds and afterwards left him feeling "exhausted and limp." He was
never able to see the source of the light beams and he claimed that
whatever it was, it was completely silent.

On February 23rd and 24th, a psychotherapist who lives 20 miles
north of Crestone near Valley View Hotsprings observed an unexplained
light over the valley. There were reportedly additional witnesses to
one of the sightings.

Gonzo Journalism?
On March 15th, two Baca Grants residents again observed lights over
the Baca Ranch. The couple also saw an unusual light on the western
skyline.  This sighting took place just after 8:OO pm. Two other
witnesses were driving east on Road T towards Crestone and observed
lights in a triangle in the same vicinity. One of the witnesses, a firm
non-believer in UFOs, has evidently altered his view of these puzzling
phenomena. I received a call on my answering machine at 8:16 pm telling
me of the couple's sighting. I arrived home at 9:30 and immediately
climbed up on the roof with binoculars to observe the area where these
lights were seen.  At 9:40, I happened to catch movement over what I
perceived was the town of Saguache Colorado, 30 miles directly west.
The light could be described as looking like a brilliant sodium-vapor
street-light. I have an unobstructed 70 degree view of the western
portion of the San Luis Valley from Villa Grove to the northern border
of Costilla County, I watched the light travel silently almost 100
miles down the western side of the valley at what appeared to be around
4 or 5,000 feet above the valley floor. This only took 2 or 3 minutes.
After the light reached what appeared to be the Costilla County border,
it disappeared instantly to the south. Five minutes later, I observed a
second light, exactly the same as the first, travel the same path as
the first one. Midway in its flight path I called to my girlfriend who
also observed the strange light. The light could not have come from the
after-burner of an unlit jet, for we observed it coming and going.
There were 4 aircraft in the air over the valley at the same time as
these two objects, some obviously much further away than the object
and all of them exhibited the standard flashing anti-collision lights
required by the FAA. The objects never flashed.

Jet Fighters Seen
Less than 10 minutes after the second light disappeared, three
military jets screamed over the Sangres from the east, two of them made
a sweeping turn and headed directly south in the direction the lights
disappeared while the third jet continued west towards the town of

Under-sheriff Lynn Bogle of the Saguache Sheriffs Department heard
"around 10:00 o'clock," a "jet roar over his house" at an unusually low
altitude. He had been working on his computer and ran outside to see
it, but was unable to spot the plane. No reports were made to the
Alamosa and Rio Grande Sheriffs Departments.

Could You Turn That Light Off, Please!
That same night two Crestone Baca residents experienced strange
lights illuminating their houses . One of them described the light as
being like moonlight but much brighter. The other one described the
light as red.  Neither of them checked the time, but thought it
happened between 2 and 3 in the morning.

Keep Your Eyes Open
All these incidents are puzzling. They indicate SOMETHING is going
on. The San Luis Valley has periodically been a hotbed of UFO activity
for the last 30 years and it appears we are in for an exciting spring ,
summer and fall. These sightings curiously seem to start around 9:30pm.
Area residents are urged to devote time to trying to observe these
unexplained lights and report them to me at (719) 256-4128.

Since my February article, I have discovered two additional cattle
mutilations this past fall, over the Sangres in Huerfano County,
and two possible mutilations this past spring.

Stranger Than Fiction
I am hot on the trail of documenting a forced crash of a small UFO
over the Great Sand Dunes National Monument observed by two
archeologists on a dig on Medano Creek.

These and other fantastic stories will be covered in up-coming
issues, stay tuned and alert.

Again, thanks to researcher Tom Adams in Paris TX, and to
researcher Dave Clemens of Westcliff Colorado.

Christopher O'Brien is a researcher in the San Luis Valley, who is
working on a book and documentary concerning paranormal activities in
southern Colorado. His mailing address is: P.O. Box 223, Crestone, CO

Article reprinted with permission of The Crestone Eagle, P.O. Box
101, Crestone, CO 81131.
RACHEL, NEVADA -- The organizers of the "event" are touting it to be "the
most important event" of the year, a significant breakthrough in the public's
continuing quest to uncover the so-called government's "UFO secrecy".

 Not so, say military officials both at the Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air
Force Range who are beginning to be perturbed about the event that will take
place right near their "backyard".

 The proprietors of the location of the event - Pat and Joe Travis, owners of
the restaurant-bar where the main event will be held - are ecstatic as it will
bring in much needed business from increasing publicity by the media.

 The reason for all this commotion? An unprecedented pubic forum that is to
take place on April 30 and May 1 in a tiny community of Rachel, Nevada located
only 11 miles north of the outer perimeters of a controversial top-secret
military area known as Area 51.

 More that 300 participants, including a number of investigative journalists
and some writers for aviation magazines such as Jane's Defense Weekly as well
as several local and out-of-state TV crew and others in the media, will all
converge in this tiny sleepy town for a two-day pubic forum on April 30 and
May 1, the purpose of which will be, according to the organizers, to "expose"
to the public and to "demand" from military authorities "once and for all" the
truth behind the secrecy surrounding the "deal" at Groom Lake (Area 51) and
Papoose Lake (S-4) complexes.

Gary Schultz, director of a Southern California-based group known as the
Secret Saucer Base Expeditions is convinced that the government is hiding
alien crafts at Papoose Lake (10 miles south of Groom Lake) and that a joint
technological exchange program of some type is going on among aliens, the
military and a select group of top scientists and that the public must be made
aware of the situation.

 "There's no doubt about it," says Schultz, "...some select U.S. pilots are
regularly being given instructions in maneuvering several disk-shaped crafts
at Papoose Lake." Like a fire-brand crusader, Schultz who organized this
upcoming event, has taken hundreds of enthusiasts to the perimeters of Area 51
for the past three years and seems to be totally committed in bringing this
out to the public. He became a true believer after the night of February 28 of
1990 when he claimed to have observed in awe what seemed to be a metallic
disk-shaped craft that suddenly appeared over Jumbled Hills and flew towards
the Groom Lake area. Both facilities, according to Schultz are conveniently
hidden from a public's view by the Jumbled Hills (that cover the Papoose Lake
area) and the adjoining Groom Mountains (that cover the Groom Lake complexes
known as Area 51), thus making it impossible for anyone to see the facilities
from Highway 375 or from any of the county dirt roads in the area known as
"public land" in the Tickaboo Valley.

 "This event is going to be a showdown of sort ... a `show of force' to let
the Groom Lake officials know that we are dead serious about exposing what is
being covered up," says Norio Hayakawa, co-organizer of the event who
describes himself as a former regional director of another California-based
nation-wide group that calls itself the Civilian Intelligence Network. "We are
going to call upon several compartmentalized engineers, technicians and even
construction workers at the site to `come out of the closet' and urge them to
confide to us what is really taking place out there." According to Hayakawa,
many of the construction workers who are involved in the expansion of the
secret facilities reside in small communities such as Tonopah, Rachel, Alamo,
Ash Springs, Hiko and Pioche. "We even know several technicians that are
temporarily residing in some of those communities who have contacted us during
the past year. They are definitely afraid of being identified as whistle-
blowers" says Hayakawa. However, "the vast majority of top scientists that
work at both Groom Lake and Papoose Lake are flown in twice a week by a
special chartered plane that flies out from a restricted area reserved for
E.G.&G., Wackenhut Corporation and the Department of Energy at McCarran
International Airport in Las Vegas," he states.

 Hayakawa has also been instrumental in organizing many trips to this remote
desert area. he claims that the government is test-flying several state-of-
the-art aircraft that virtually resemble "flying saucers," some of which could
even be the rumored Aurora spy plane allegedly built by Lockheed.  The other
crafts that are already maneuvering are triangular-shaped TR-3A, commonly
known as the "black manta" and several diamond-shaped aircraft known by the
insiders as "pumpkin seeds" that use pulse detonation propulsion system.
"There is no doubt in my mind that these Nevada facilities are where the
leading edge technology is located ...  the leading edge in propulsion systems
in computer applications, in everything, including the latest in medical
technology, especially since human pilots have to withstand extreme amount of
G-forces required in maneuvering the latest ultra-sonic aircraft.  The public
hasn't the slightest idea how advanced our state-of-the-art technology has
come in terms of aeronautics and aerodynamics. I have come to the conclusion
that our government, especially under  the auspices of such top-secret
agencies as the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and D.A.R.P.A (the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency), now has the capacity to simulate and even
`stage' fake extraterrestrial landings by building believable disk-like crafts
and create an alien threat if they re ally want to, in the near future for
some reason or other." Yet at the same time Hayakawa emphasizes that he does
not rule out the possibility that there may indeed be higher technology there
at Papoose Lake (2-4) complexes, the origins of which we cannot yet verify at
the moment but which could very well be `alien technology.'

 According to Hayakawa, whose sources he declines to divulge, both the Groom
Lake and Papoose Lake operations will completely shut down all test schedules
beginning 5 days prior to and up to 5 days after the conclusion of the two-day
seminar. "It is my understanding from my source that both the Wackenhut
Special Security Division,  employed by the Department of Energy to guard the
out perimeters of Groom Lake area and the entire Lincoln County Sheriff
Department whose headquarters are in Pioche, Nevada, will be fully mobilized
not only for crowd control but also to prevent anyone or any fringe contingent
groups from climbing atop several of the hills that overlook the Groom Lake

 Several of those hills are (topographically-speaking) located on public land
(Bureau of Land Management) and not officially within the military boundary.
Yet, according to Hayakawa, climbing atop those hills such as White Sides, in
now punishable by stiff penalty including hefty fines and confiscation of all
cameras and video camcorders. It took more than eight months before his
friends; camera and video camcorder, minus the films, were finally returned by
the authorities after being confiscated last year. Hayakawa says he climbed
atop White Sides when he took along with him several science writers from
Japan in March of 1992 to take a view of Groom Lake. However, Hayakawa claims
that because of his connections to a source within a Special Operations group
at the Office of Naval Intelligence (which he again says he cannot divulge for
his and others' protection), pressure was apparently applied from higher
authorities on Patrician Cafferata who was the Lincoln County District
Attorney at the time to expedite the return of the equipment.  "Fortunately,
somebody out there applied pressure on her. They just didn't want the
confiscation incident to turn into an international scandal involving the
Department of State since the confiscated equipment belonged to my friends who
happened to be Japanese citizens. My friends were even getting ready to hire
some international attorneys and to publicize in major Japanese media this
illegal seizure of tourists' possessions while visiting Nevada when they were
just standing on pubic land. This happened, mind you, on public land, not
within the military boundary .... in is interesting because she is no longer
the District Attorney of Lincoln County," says Hayakawa.

 Hayakawa says that despite the presence of a growing number of curiosity
seekers that come to this remote area of Nevada to see what is going on at
Area 51, the government seems to be in full swing of operations undeterred by
the public, especially since the vast majority of the secret installations are
most likely built underground and are undetectable by most spy satellites,
domestic or foreign. "They must be under some kind of a time-schedule to
accomplish whatever they're testing or doing out there," he concludes.  "We
must bear in mind," he adds, "that it is the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory,
and not the Air Force that is behind what's going on at the Papoose Lake (S-4)
Area. Robert Lazar was compensated by the Navy, and not the Air Force, for his
work at S-4."

 The main attraction for the two-day event will definitely be the rare public
re-appearance of Robert Lazar. "He will be the focus of attention when he will
present a special surprise there," exclaims Schultz. Lazar is the former
government scientist who claims to have worked on a compartmentalized secret
project at the S-4 facility under contract from E.G.&G. company which is a
special defense contractor with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, closely
associated with D.A.R.P.A. (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).
Lazar claimed that he worked on a back-engineering program to test-fly a disk-
shaped craft at S-4. Although he does not claim that he has ever seen any
alien entities there himself he emphatically stated (and continues to state)
that there is alien technology at S-4.

 According to both Schultz and Hayakawa, Lazar still reports to Los Alamos
National Laboratory in New Mexico an average of at least two days a month to
do some contract work for the Navy. "We must bear in mind that Lazar is an
acknowledged physicist with specialty in some compartmentalized top S.D.I.
projects such as the research on particle beam systems," says Hayakawa, "and
that may very well be the reason for him to use the `UFO' story as some type
of smokescreen to draw the public's attention away from the real defense
projects that the government does not want the public to know about."

 Another celebrity among the so-called "UFO circuit" is George Knapp, former
anchorman for K.L.A.S.-TV in Las Vegas (CBS affiliate) who will speak at the
two-day seminar. He says that he will present some new information that he
recently acquired which will further substantiate the validity of Robert
Lazar's claims.  It was George Knapp who first brought Lazar out to the public
through his news programs. Knapp recently returned from a trip from Moscow,
the purpose of which he will not disclose until the seminar.

   Among the other `riveting' line-up of speakers will be Tony Pelham, an
investigative journalist who uncovered and documented some of the first cattle
mutilations in Lincoln County, according to Schultz. Pelham was one of the
first reporters that brought out to the public the existence of Area 51 itself
long before Knapp broke the story on TV news.

 John Lear, a controversial pilot who states that he formerly flew for
Central Intelligence in a number of covert missions, will also speak at the
seminar. John Lear, a friend of Robert Lazar and son of William Lear who was
the developer of the Lear Jet, says he will divulge some yet undisclosed
information that he recently acquired on the Groom Lake facility.

 Schultz and Hayakawa both say that, without question, some top officials of
the Groom Lake facility as well as the Office of Special Investigations at
Nellis Air Force Base who were already informed of the event will be in
attendance at the seminar, probably disguised "incognito" as participants at
the seminar. "They will no doubt be there just to see how much information we
have acquired on both Groom and Papoose Lake facilities," says Schultz.

 "There's just no telling what's going to happen on April 30 and May 1 in
Rachel, Nevada," concludes Hayakawa. "It could indeed be the historic event
with some startling announcements," he added.

For additional information call: 310-784-1213 or 310-393-0778

Christopher O'Brien is a researcher in the San Luis Valley, who is
working on a book and documentary concerning paranormal activities in
southern Colorado. His mailing address is: P.O. Box 223, Crestone, CO

Article reprinted with permission of The Crestone Eagle, P.O. Box
101, Crestone, CO 81131.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *