SUBJECT: ABDUCTEE                                            UFO2570


Abductee Doc. Case No. 1        Part 2 of 2
                               Two parts

(5,Wedge) !
(5,DBC) ok. G and S also mentioned that over the past few years they have had
an excellent rapport with the police dept and sherrif depts around MI. They
have always been good about letting them know about reports of sighting etc.
However, in the last few months that has uddenly stopped. Also regarding
their phone, they keep getting the run-around when they complain to the phone
people. ga
(Ted) Have you suggested that the go to a private organization to check on
the tap? ga
(5,DBC) no, but sounds like a good idea. Who do you suggest? ga
(Ted)I don't know anyone in that area, but I'm sure wityh a few phone call
we could locate a Private Investigating firm with the proper equipment. ga
(5,DBC) Good idea, I'll see i I can help on that. ga
(Ted) How about you DON and Dale do you have any suggestions. ga
(5,Wedge) !
(5,DBC) !
(5,DON) ?
(Ted) ga dale
(5,Wedge) There are many around.  If you look in a recent issue of Discover,
there is a big article on the art of bugging and de-bugging.  It has a picture
of Spy vs. spy on the cover.  Secondly, has anyone got an explanation for the
following.  I call someone and my voice seems to be amplified a little.  They
can't hear it on their end, only on mine.  Its like my voice is coming back
to me as I am taing to make it sound amplified? ga
(5,DON) !!
(Ted) Ga don
(5,DON) Ok. DBC take this down, an address for a bug check for phones. The
name is "THE DUTCHMAN" dept 6 8 8,  PO Box 12548  Overland Park, Ks.,
66212.  They have a inexpensive but very good "tap" detector, but to be
absolulty sure, go with commerical electronic firm that specializes in this,
and Dale it sounds like you could certainly be on the narrow end of a
microscoe, I would have my house "swept" if I were you the problem is with
todays tech.  You don't even have to have a physical hookup. With the right
equip.  I can be parked down the street and know what you are doing in your
house, and never hook up anything.   ga
(Ted) Ok. DBC do you think that Shirley would be willing to be a guest on
one of our Sunday night COs? I'd love to get a real abductee on here. GA
(5,DBC) ok...
(5,Marge & Drax) !bye
(Ted) bye
(5,DON) bye
(5,Wedge) Gotta go too. Bye
(Ted) Night Dale
(5,DON) bye guy
(5,DBC) I will ask her. I wouldn't be surpised if she would be happy to do
it, since both she and George do a lot of talk shows etc. I'll ask. ga
(Ted) Grea! I'll need about three or four days warning in order to get her
a Free account for the evening.  It would be great if we could get her the
weekend before Budd.  Does she have a computer with a Modem? ga
(5,DBC) I don't think they have a computer. But they would be welcome to come
to my place to do the
(Ted) Great. Let me know and I can gvet you a Free flag for the CO.  This
(5,DBC) ok will do. ga
(5,DBC) !
(Ted) Go dbc
(,DBC) ok. One other interesting aspect about Shirley. Ever since she was 17
(now 45-50?) she has had some serious medical problems. She has had lupus and
Addisons's disease. But in 1983, both diseaseisappeared completely, and
she has been in good health (relatively) ever since.  She thinks its related
to the series of sightings they had in 1983. Interestingly, during thoses
sightings George suffered some serious burn around his implanted pace maker.
He was suddenly ver tied and forgetful. After 3 weeks they discovered that
the pacemaker had stopped. And when they replaced it surgically they were
surprised to find a lot of burnt "rotting" tissue.  They believe it related
to microwave exposure during one of the sightings. ga
(Ted) Or it could have been burned by magnetic induction.  If there was much
metal in the Don ga
(5,DBC)  Possibly so. ga
(5,DON) DBC, wth all the abductees that they have interviewed.  Have they
been able to glean and  reason, or possible devolpments that the abductees
were able to impart?  ga
(5,DBC) ok. Not really. But that reminds me of something she told me recently
while returning from some vacation time in the northern part of the state,
they heard a voice on their CB. When George looked at the unit he reallized
it was off.  Both of them heard the voice but could not remember what it said.
Later under hypnosis, Shirley revealed that the voice said: "September,
September, September, etc. be read." Weird huh? ga
(5,DBC) sorry "be ready". ga
(5,DBC) !
(Ted) Yes Yes Yesgo dbc
(5,DBC) Another abductee had a similar experience, but his/her? message was;
October, October,
(Ted) I think that is when Whitley Streiber's new book is to be released. GA
(5,DON) Ted, better call John and see if he has any info, huh?
(Ted) John Lear?
(Ted) What do you think he'll tell me? ga
(5,DON) I dont have the faintest. Have you spoken to him lately? I have tried
to call him, but have not been able toget through.
(Ted) I'll try to buzz him this week howeverthis is going to be a hectic
week for me. I get a new boss tomorrow. ga
(5,DON) !!
(Ted) ga don
(5,DON) Is anything schedualed b4 or after Budd on the 22nd? ga
(Ted) Not yet, unless DBC get's shirley. Why? ga
(5,DON) I was curious.
(5,DON) !!
(Ted) Well Owing to the fact that I have a  bit of to do before my big day
tomorrow I'm going to have to split. GA DON
(5,DON) You know, while researching my paper. I me accross a totally
amazing report from 1967 that involved the Cuban airforce. It appears that an
unkown "bogey" had pentrated Cuban airspace and two Mig 21's were scrambled
the flight leader radioed back to his HQ that they were observing a "disc",
making totally unbelievalbe manuvers and it would not respond to attempts to
communicate.  He was then ordered to "SHOOT IT DOWN" about < 3 > seconds
later his wing man screamed almost incoherently that his leaders plane
'JUST DISINTIGRATED" and no smoke or flame was observed this was moinitored
by US intelligence personell. Just thought I would relate this as
conversation died. (grin) however it is all
(Ted) Nite guys
(5,DBC) Interesting story Don. Will look forward to reading your paper.
Night Ted.
(Ted) Me to - night.
(5,DON) You all take care.   End of Prt 2 of 2
P.S.If you miss any of the files I'ved been putting on Paket you can download
them From KA2HHB's Ham Phone BBS at 1-201-481-4108.

                          The UFO Net's. { 4 }
                                  HF Radio
80 METERS  on 3979.0 Khz. on  Saturdays at 7:00/7:30p.m. PER Net.
80 METERS  on 3979.0 Khz. on  Saturdays at 8:00p.m. untill 10:00p.m. or later
80 METERS  on 3979.0 Khz. on  Tuesdays  at ?       Tougue & Cheek
40 METERS  on 7237.0 Khz. on  Saturdays at 8:00a.m. untill 9:00a.m. or later
20 METERS  on 14.264 Khz. on  Thursdays at 7:00p.m. untill 9:00p.m. or later
10 METERS  on 28.470 Khz. on  Sundays   at 3:00p.m. untill 4:00p.m. or later
                               VHF Radio
2 METERS  on 145.450 -600 on  Sundays  at 7:30p.m. untill ???, repeater

                  { ALL Times are New York Eastern Times.}

20 & 10 METERS I am not sure If those two bands I was told that band

conditions were not good, so the nets have been canceled on those two
band for now. If anyone has any info about the 10 or 20 meters nets please
let me know, or info on any other UFO nets please let know. I have been
ask what kind of nets are they, well all I can say is check them out for
your self and find out. I for one listen to them like clock work.
                              From JOHN N2IXW

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *