SUBJECT: A.P.R.O. FOLDS UP:UFO:DBW                           FILE: UFO2526

Date: Tue Mar 15 18:36:20 1988
From: DALE B. WEDGE (ae511)
Subj: A.P.R.O. Folds up:UFO:DBW
A.P.R.O. (Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization) is one
of the oldesUFO organizations in the world.  It was started
in the early 19by Jim and Coral Lorenzen.  In the last
year, Jim Lorenzen died, and it has been said that Coral is not
in too good of health.  A history of A.P.R.O. will be
given in a later upload, so that you have some background on
the types of things that the Lorenzen's were doing.
The text is as follows on the demise of A.P.R.O.
According to a letter dd 03/01/88, it seems that A.P.R.O.
is no more.  Below, is a reprint of the form letter received
in response for more information on the organization.
Several questions this person has concerning the unfortunate
events wch have occurred there recently:
Is there no one there who can carry the ball forward?  Is
one of the oldest UFO organizations involved in
serious research into the phenomenon at the point whereby
its existence is based on the determination and efforts of
one person?
1 Mar. 1988
Dear Friend:  I regret having taken so long to  answer your
quest for information but our editor, Mrs. Lorenzen, has been
very ill, and we were hoping that in time she would be in a
condition of health that would permit her to resume her duties
as editor and memory bank for publishing the bulletin.
Since this now appears to be an impossibility, with her doctor
advising a complete rest from any responsibility, we have no
choice but to thank you for your interest, tell you of the
other UFO investigating organizations you might wish
to join, and recommend a list of excellent books for you to
Dale B. Wedge : The texts continues and gives the names
and addresses of MUFON CUFOS, and also lists a number
of books.
The text goes on to say:
May your interest in UFOs last a long lifetime.
Sincerely, Robert G. Marsland, Saying "Goodbye" for
Robert G. Marsland.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *