SUBJECT: DAVID JACOBS INTERVIEW                              FILE: UFO2477


"Basically  what  people say is,  that they are abducted out of  their
normal environment and are taken into this object,  their clothes  are
taken  off,   they  are  given a physical examination  of  an  unusual
variety, -- and here we go plunging into the bizarre, but this is what
is reported by virtually everyone --  they have a sperm and/or an  egg
sample  taken  from them and they are then subjected to a  variety  of
other procedures --  sometimes they are presented with  extraordinary-
looking,   little babies,  uhh,  strange looking beings that they  are
required   to   hold  and  then  they  are  sometimes  given   machine
examinations - placed inside machines and so forth,  and then they are
released.  Now,  a lot of other things happen,  but they do not always
happen at every occasion".


"Do they describe how the sperm and egg samples are taken?"


well, eggs are taken internally, with certain very carefully described
instruments.  Sperm is collected strictly mechanically.  There are are
actually three or four different kinds of devices,  basically they are
all the same though,  and oftentimes the man doesn't even know what is
happening,   it's  a very quick procedure.  What you  are  looking  at
primarily here is an extraordinary convergence of story and detail,  a
richness of detail that is impossible to understand other than through
objective reality.  People begin to describe certain things within the
abduction - phenomenon that have never,  ever been publicized and that
they  would  simply not know to invent.  They all essentially say  the
same thing,  over and over again... and they'll say things and look at
me inquiringly and say,  "has anybody else ever reported anything like
this?"  ..  and of course I've already heard it 200  times..  and it's
just  an extraordinary situation.  Now physically,  when people  think
they  have  had an abduction experience,  they might first of all  say
that there was a missing time experience,  they cannot account for two
hours of their life. For instance they'll travel from work to home and
they know it takes 12  minutes each way and they've been doing it  for
years  and then one day it takes two ~hours~ and 12  minutes and  they
are  at a loss to explain this,  it seemed perfectly seemless to them.
Well,   in every one of these situations of missing time,  the  people
have  actually ~been~ missing.  It's not a situation where they  claim
it,   and  then independent investigation has revealed that they  were
down  at the corner bar bending the old elbow.  In fact,  people  have
called the police,  because of missing children,  search parties  have
been  organized looking for people,  there has been every evidence  to
suggest  that people are not in place.  The problem here is that if it
is  not  an  objective event,  then  it  is  automatically  internally
generated  - people are just dreaming it up for whatever reason.   But
the  psychological  and the psychiatric community have been unable  to
account for how this could possibly be,  and there is no precedent for
it in psychological or psychiatric literature - and most psychologists
and  psychiatrists  and  therapists of all types who  have  confronted
this,  have simply drawn a blank.  It does not ~seem~ to be imaginary,
it does not ~seem~ to be internally generated".

(Lengthy Betty Hill clip, continuing the abduction experience)


Betty  and Barney Hill's abduction was the first ever reported.   That
was 29  years ago.  There have been so many reported abductions since,
that  investigators are able to point to what ~they~ see as an amazing
similarity  among these stories.  All have the same sorts  of  events.
Aliens that look the same, the same physical examinations and so on. A
key  element  here  is  that certain features  of  these  stories  are
withheld from the public. That makes it much more difficult for anyone
to  fake an abduction story.  But it's frustrating.  We'd all like  to
know  what some of these ~secret~ features are.  But you can't ask the
researchers to reveal them... can you? Dr. David Jacobs."


Sure you can. There's so many of them, there's so little that is known
about  this  subject  in the public that it's  just  an  extraordinary
situation.  For instance,  one of the things that people describe that
can now be revealed... as they say .. is the fact that when they leave
their car or their house or their bedroom or wherever they are  during
an abduction event, they say something extraordinary,  sort of amazing
that makes no sense whatsoever and they all seem to say this. They say
that  they  float  up  into the air and they  appear  to  be  floating
directly through a closed window.  Now, this is an extraordinary thing
or course, and it's outrageous and unbelievable on the face of it. yet
they ~all~ say it, and they ~all~ realize when they are saying it that
it  sounds  crazy,  and we have carefully,  carefully questioned  them
about  whether they stopped first and opened the window and the screen
and the whole business...  we don't have any cases of them opening the
window,  they ~all~ say that they do this..  every one of them...  and
the  question  is,  why would they say this,  this is a dumb thing  to
say...  this is a thing to say that will obviously point to some  sort
of  imagination or a hoax.  But they're all fairly adamant that that's
what  happens.  We don't of course,  understand what is happening here
completely,   this is a little detail that just has not been published


Don't  you think I could come to you Dr.  Jacobs knowing the little  I
know about abduction stories.  read a few more,  then come to you  and
say .. look. I had this strange experience, make up a bunch of details
and make a convincing story?"


Well,  there are two ways to deal with that. Number one, 90 percent of
the abduction phenomenon has not been publicized, so you'd have to bee
on  target  pretty good {chuckling} it's very tough to do.   You'd  be
amazed how difficult it is.  In fact,  I teach one of the few ...  the
only  course  actually  on  UFO's  in the United  States  at  a  major
university.  I  will tell students...  give them an assignment if they
wish, to make up an abduction event and I will tell them they can read
anything that they want..  it doesn't matter,  and I want them to tell
me  several  facts that ~all~ abductees say ~all~ the  time,   without
exception..   just to see it they can hit it.  In the four years  I've
been doing this,  no one has hit it yet.  What we are finding with the
abduction  phenomenon  is  that is an  extremely  routinized,   highly
structured event. Certain things happen to people and that's all .. in
other words,  people don't describe going up ..  and then your sort of
all  over  the place...  y'know they don't describe  getting  out  the
scrabble set and playing alien scrabble and that sort of stuff..  they
don't  describe  sitting  down for a royal meal  ..   and  they  don't
describe  watching tv with the boys.  There is a whole range of things
that are never,  ever described.  What ~is~ described is very,  ~very~
narrow,  and very, very structured.  You have to go where the evidence
leads  you.  I  think that people are actually describing  experiences
that have befallen them.  I think that aliens are in fact taking human
beings.....  I must say Jay, (Jay Ingram - program host)  that I don't
like this business. I find it extremely disturbing, very depressing. I
wish  that I had not found this and I wish that ~all~ researchers  had
not found this.  But we have found it. I think we have to start coming
to  terms  with this on a fairly serious basis,  even though  this  is
about as way out as one can get in this society these days.


** End **

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *