SUBJECT: LOCAL SIGHTING                                      FILE: UFO2453

Date: 04-16-91  16:16
From: Harrison Hopper
Subj: Local sighting.

    Since you live in this neck of the woods, (I live in Clearwater) I
thought you might be interested in a UFO sighting my receptionist had last
Thursday night. (11 April)
    She was leaving the St. Petersburg Junior College campus around 9:30pm
and noticed a group of about 20 other students in the parking lot watching
the northern sky. At first she couldn't see what they were watching but one
of them pointed out three small white lights that were moving in odd
patterns.  They darted around the sky sometimes moving together and other
times independently.  She estimated that they were a few miles away.  After a
few minutes, a plane, with it's landing lights on, approached the other
"lights" from behind.  As the plane got closer, the lights suddenly moved
very quickly across the sky and disappeared, two in one direction and one in
the other.  The whole thing lasted about 10 minutes.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *