SUBJECT: EVIDENCE IN THE TREES                               FILE: UFO2418

An odd "thrashing sound" brought James Richard, 41, and his 16-year-old
daughter, Vanea, to the north window of their Columbia, Missouri, mobile home
at 12:30 A.M. on June 28, 1973. Some 50 feet away and five feet apart, two
brilliant silvery white beams of light shone. When these lights suddenly faded
away, an oval-shaped object, about 15 feet in diameter, became visible near
the ground. It was so bright that Richard had to look away. The entire area
was "lit up as bright as day," he reported.

The trees in the UFO's vicinity swayed as if caught in a powerful wind. One
almost touched the ground, and a limb snapped off. All the while, Richard's
dogs lay quietly inside the house; their behavior seemed oddly out of
character. Unnerved, Richard went for a gun, which he kept close as the UFO
continued to hover by the trees. Richard then called the trailer park
switchboard and asked that the police be notified. As he spoke, the lights in
his house dimmed twice.

The UFO headed off toward the north, its color dimming slightly and revealing
a silvery surface with blue and orange bands of light. At one point it moved
toward Richard's residence, then retreated and after a few minutes was gone

Investigators subsequently found broken tree limbs, crushed foliage, and on
some trees burned leaves as high as 35 feet above the ground. In the days
ahead more leaves wilted and died. The UFO left imprints two feet deep in the
hard ground.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *