At around 2:45 A.M. on January 12, 1975, George O'Barski was driving home
through North Hudson Park, New Jersey, just across the Hudson River from
Manhattan, when static filled his radio. Leaning forward to fiddle with the
dial, he noticed a light to his left. A quick glance, followed by an
astonished stare, revealed its source: a dark, round object with vertical,
brilliantly lit windows. It was heading in the same direction as the car and
emitted a humming sound.

O'Barski slowed down for a better view. The UFO entered a playing field and
hovered a few feet off the ground. A panel opened between two windows, and a
ladder emerged. Seconds later about ten identically clad little figures - they
wore white onepiece outfits with hoods or helmets that obscured their facial
features - came down the ladder. Each figure dug a hole in the soil with a
spoonlike device and dumped the contents into a bag each carried. The figures
then rushed back into the ship, which took off toward the north. The entire
incident had lasted less than four minutes.

Months later O'Barski confided the story to a long-time customer and
acquaintance, Budd Hopkins, who was interested in UFOs. Hopkins and two fellow
investigators subsequently found independent witnesses who verified the
presence of a brightly lit UFO in the park at the time of O'Barski's sighting,
although only O'Barski was close enough to see the little figures. One
witness, a doorman at an apartment complex bordering the park, said that as
he watched the object, he heard a high-pitched vibration, and the lobby window
broke just as the UFO departed.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *