SUBJECT: BURNED BY A UFO                                     FILE: UFO2410

Stephen Michalak was searching for minerals along Falcon Lake, 80 miles east
of Wimmipeg, Manitoba, on May 20, 1967, when he heard the cackling of geese.
Looking up into the early-afternoon sky, he saw two glowing oval-shaped
objects on a steep, swift descent. One abruptly stopped its downward flight
while the other continued, landing on a flat rock outcropping 160 feet away.

Michalak carefully approached the strange craft, which looked like a bowl with
a dome on top. Forty feet wide and 15 feet high, it emitted a humming sound
and a sulphur stench. On the bottom half, just below the rim of the bowl, was
a doorlike opening from which muffled voices emanated. "The sounded like
humans," he reported. "I was able to make out two distinct voices, one with a
higher pitch than the other."

Thinking he was dealing with a terrestrial craft, he addressed the speakers in
several languages, asking if he could help. He got no answer. He poked his
head through the opening into the interior, seeing only a "maze of lights." at
that moment three panel doors slid across and sealed the opening. As Michalak
stepped back, he touched the vehicle's exterior: It was so hot that it burned
his gloves.

Suddenly, the object rose, expelling hot air through a gridlike vent and
causing Michalak's shirt to erupt into flames. An attack of nausea overtook

When doctors examined Michalak in a Winnipeg hospital a few hours later, they
noted a dramatic burn pattern all across his chest - exactly like the grid
Michalak had described on the UFO's underside. Michalak's health problems
continued and brought him to Minnesota's Mayo Clinic the next year.
Investigations by official and civilian bodies uncovered no evidence of a
hoax. As late as 1975 a member of the Canadian Parliament complained that the
government had not released its findings.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *