In the 1950s the Air Force's most forceful critic, retired Marine Corps Maj.
Donald E. Keyhoe, caused Pentagon UFO debunkers no end of consternation. A
respected aviation journalist, Keyhoe wrote an explosive article, "The Flying
Saucers Are Real," for the widely read men's magazine True (January 1950
issue). Not only did intelligent beings from elsewhere have the Earth under
scrutiny, Keyhoe claimed, but the Air Force knew it and was conspiring to
cover up the truth. From his Washington contacts Keyhoe gathered leaked
information about encounters between military interceptor aircraft and fast-
moving discs as well as documents suggesting concern about these events.

In 1957, after writing three best-selling books on the UFO cover-up, Keyhoe
became director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena
(NICAP). Though Keyhoe had powerful allies, including former CIA chief R.H.
Hillenkoetter, the Air Force had him outgunned. Keyhoe retired from the fray
in 1969. When he died 19 years later, the battle against official secrecy had
passed to other, younger hands. His pioneering efforts are still remembered.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *