 The Following Sighting Reports Are A Partial Excerpt From
 The 1988 March-April edition (Vol. 9, #2) of the CUFORN
 Bulletin, reprinted with permission. For more info on CUFORN
 Please access the appropriate Menu option.  -Tom Mickus

 ========================================= (-by Lawrence Fenwick)

       A close encounter with two UFOs occurred in Toronto, Ont.,
 Canada in the early morning hours of March 11, 1988. This was
 less than 1/2 mile from Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes of
 North America and in a major metropolitan urban area. One of the
 observers, Deborah Theaker, later told investigators that this was
 only the latest in a series of UFO events that had seemingly
 followed her around wherever she lived in Canada.

        CUFORN was alerted to the report when Deborah and friend
 Darren Boyce called Metropolitan Toronto Police, who referred them
 to Downsview Air Force Base. Staff Corporal McKay had CUFORN's
 phone number and gave it to the couple who called us.

        Deborah, 25, is an actress an scriptwriter for SCTV (Second
 City Television), a famous TV comedy show. She and Darren had just
 arrived back in Toronto from Darren's native Australia, where they
 had just watched the Channel 7 special about the Nullabor Plains
 CE-2 of January 20, 1988. Darren, an electrician, 24, was a skeptic
 until the night in question.

 Flickering Lights

        Here is what happened in Deborah's own words: "It was
 approximately 1:10 or 1:20am on Friday morning that the incident
 occurred. I was watching television, sitting on the sofa, when I
 noticed lights out of the corner of my eye. Something seemed
 strange about it and so I looked out the window to my left which
 was uncovered and gave a clear, unobstructed view. I saw a very
 large oblong object surrounded by flickering lights. There were
 definitely red and white lights, but I'm not sure whether there was
 another colour or not. There might have been blue lights as well,
 but I'm not exactly certain. I am uncertain of the time, but I
 would think that I saw it around 1:20 or 1:30 at the very latest."

        "There was a large, luminous "headlight" in the sky over
 the trees across the street to the right. It was pulsing and I
 felt that it was communicating with the larger object. The larger
 metallic object moved towards the light. But I don't remember
 seeing it move there", Deborah said.

 Woke Up Friend

        "I phoned my sister and she instructed me to wake Darren
 up as he was asleep in the other room. We both looked out the
 window at this point, I could no longer see the bright "headlight".
 I thought that the object moved slowly behind the trees on the
 street opposite Coe Hill Drive. It was either moving west or
 descending slowly. After a brief period of time, we lost sight of
 the object. Darren suggested that we phone the police. They arrived
 within approximately 20 minutes. It was just after 2:20am when they
 knocked on our door."

        Curiously enough, Deborah had a dream the previous night
 which she felt was a warning that "something was coming to get me".
 She called her mother in Sidney, British Columbia, 2000 miles away,
 that night, and told her "a UFO is coming to get me."

 Something Hovering

        Darren described his part in the observation: "Deborah woke
 me up shouting that there was a UFO outside the window. I went and
 had a look and could see something hovering beyond the line of
 houses across the street. While it was too dark to see the outline
 of the object, it appeared to be pulsing. It slowly moved away from
 us to the west. All the lights were on all the time, but each light
 would individually pulse bright. The pulse would take about one
 second to complete one revolution."

        That night was a clear one, with no wind and few stars
 visible in the glare of the city lights. There are high tension
 power lines in the area. No sound was heard. The objects were about
 20 degrees above the horizon.

        In our interview with Deborah, she said she was "scared. I
 felt like they were looking at me and I felt like I knew who they
 were and they were coming back."

        Investigators Harry Tokarz and Joe Muskat did what the two
 police officers had done on the night of the event -- they
 carefully looked at the area where the UFOs were seen -- a small
 park and a children's playground. No traces were found, nor was
 there any damage to the trees.

        Muskat and Tokarz personally investigated the case on March
 12. The next day, Tokarz spoke to Police Constable Wilkinson who
 had been summoned alond with Police Constable Sonsini. The officer
 said Deborah was "hysterical but sensible." The officer said a
 Staff Sargeant had gone to the area first, but on checking police
 records, there was no mention of any such prior check by a Staff

 Hearing Defect

        Deborah recently had visited an audiologist who told her
 she had a congenital defect in both ears. She cannot hear low
 frequency sounds. Yet she could recall no ear problems in her past,
 except for the odd ear-ache.

        CUFORN investigators Tokarz and Muskat discovered in their
 interview with Deborah that she is a "repeater". She was born in
 Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Her father was Mayor of the town of
 Esterhazy in that Canadian province. Her mother was a nurse. She
 has one younger brother, Kent and one sister, Shelley.

        Deborah said that when she was three years old, she saw
 what she called then "the Easter Bunny". She remembered its eyes
 as being bright but otherwise normal. That would have been in 1966.
 At age seven, she and Shelley saw a circular object in their home
 town. In 1976, at age 13, she did not menstruate for four months.
 She did not go to her family doctor or tell her parents. She did
 tell CUFORN that at the time, she felt "something was taken from
 me." She has what Darren says appears to be a Caesarian birth scar,
 although she has never been pregnant.

 Looked Like Beans

        She said, when she was 13, she woke up one morning feeling
 sore all over. When she looked at her bed, she saw what looked like
 dried-up kidney beans covering the bed of her brother who slept in
 the twin bed next to her. She thought he had eaten some beans and
 had vomited in his sleep. He had not eaten beans, however. She
 slept through the night and was not awakened by anything that could
 have caused the beans to appear.

        She said that one night when she was at summer camp at
 Round Lake, Saskatchewan, she and other campers saw a formation
 of UFOs. The camp was Camp O'Neill. She recalled one other camper,
 Roger Keyes, and that the head of the camp, who was a Minister,
 also saw the object. The minister said he would report the sighting
 to someone, but, as far as Deborah can recall, no authorities were
 ever notified about the encounter. The year was 1978.

        We also found out that when Deborah lived in Saskatoon, in
 1982, she and her brother Kent observed a UFO on a summer night.
 She recalled that she could not account for a period of time
 amounting to an hour and a half.

        Not only is Deborah a repeater, but the element of missing
 time may mean that she was abducted. She has noticed in the past
 three years or so, that she has a hollowed out cut or scoop mark
 on her left shoulder.

 Fear Of Hypnosis

        All these stories remain just stories at this time, as,
 after some discussion with Tokarz, she got as far as agreeing to
 visit our consultant in regressive hypnosis, Dr. David Gotlib. And
 that is as far as it got, as after an interview with the doctor,
 Deborah said she was afraid to undergo hypnosis. She said that an
 amateur hypnotist had unsuccessfully tried to hypnotize her years
 ago. She used that and her fear of what she might find out as her
 reason for declining to pursue regressive hypnosis. Hypnosis would
 give some scientific credibility to CUFORN's investigation and
 could relieve her fear or the trauma she may have undergone as a
 result of an abduction by humanoids. Unless she changes her mind,
 we will never know for sure what happened to her over the years.

                                             (-by Lawrence Fenwick)

        A lady whom we will call "Shelley Wells" was watching
 television while laying in bed at 7pm on Friday, March 18, 1988,
 when out of the corner of her eye she saw a strange object
 hovering outsider her 44th floor apartment in the Thorncliffe Park
 area of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

        Interviewed by Joe Muskat and Harry Tokarz of CUFORN, she
 described the object as a charcoal grey metallic device about
 15-20 feet in diameter with black struts hanging from each end.
 She said she was "astounded and ran to the window". The UFO
 seemingly reacted to her movement by first moving slowly eastwards,
 then swiftly ascending to the clouds. She called the two appendages
 "pipes" which were about five inches long. The UFO had no seams
 and she could not hear any sound as her window was closed and there
 was no balcony on that side of the building, so she could not go
 out to observe more closely. She estimated the UFO was no more than
 ten feet from the window which faces north.

        She estimated the total observation lasted 15 seconds. All
 her neighbors were either away at the time or were elderly and no
 one else reported seeing anything.

        Ms. Wells told us that it was dusk, overcast and cool. The
 UFO had sharp edges. The area is near high tension power lines and
 a hydro-electric substation. She waited two months before calling
 the police about the sighting. They referred her to Downsview AFB
 who gave her CUFORN's number. Her disbelief in what she saw made
 her wait to report the sighting.

        Shelley is a former Air Canada stewardess and now works
 as Director of Communications for one of the Ministries of the
 Ontario Government in Toronto. She is 43, and has a male friend,
 Lawrence Sherman, Jr., who is an architect former U.S. Air Force
 officer who was based in the Pacific. Sherman's late father was
 Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Staff at the Pentagon and a
 friend of the late U.S. Air Force General NATHAN TWINING of MJ12.
 Colonel Lawrence Sherman, Sr. was also the Director of U.S.A.F.
 Intelligence for the Pacific.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *