[Transcript of an Online Conference with Carol and Rex Salisberry. Two MUFON
UFO investigators in the Gulf Breezes, Florida case.  Terry Ecker acts as a
local host. Sunday, Septmeber 2, 1990]

User  User ID        Nod  Area      Name
----  -------------  ---  --------  -------------------
  1  76146,2631     HLV  Rm  5     Vince
  2  76703,266      DUK  Rm  5     G-WIZ
  3  76012,3361     BMD  Rm  5     Ted
  4  71450,3504     ANN  Rm  5     Bert
  5  71207,1165     PSF  Rm  5     Rex & Carol
  6  76004,340      QGD  Rm  5     Jack
  7  70431,3543     PRI  Rm  5     Paula
  8  72540,1652     DWC  Rm  5     Tom
 15  74270,3360     SIF  Rm  5     DON

(5-3,Ted) Tonights special guests are Carol and Rex Salisberry MUFON
investigators on the Gulf Breezes UFO case. Carol and Rex wil discuss and
answer questions about the numerous sighting in the area.  Because the case
is still on going and also because of all the senstionalist press the Ed
Walters case is NOT one they wish to debate.  Many thanks to Terry Ecker
foracting as the local host in Florida. With that behind us, Carol? Rex? Do
you have any opening remarks? ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) We just want o thank you for having us as guests. ga

(5-1,Vince) ?

(Bert) ?

(5-6,Jack) ?

(5-3,Ted) I will open the floor to ? and !. Please type a "?" or a "!" if you
have a question or comment and I will take your name down and flag you when
it is your turn. GA Vince

(5-1,Vince) Rex would like to know your background and how you became
interested in ufo's?

(5-5,Rex & Carol)  Retired Air Force 31 years rasnk colonel, pilot for 20
plus, R&D last 15 years. POresently teach college parttime. Have always
been interested in UFOs, just been more active past couple of years Carol and
a friend saw three daylight disks in spring of 88, Pardon Terry's typing. ga

(5-3,Ted) Bert is next GA

(Bert) ok...
Rex and Carol, one of the more significant signtings by multiple
witnesses seems to have been the one on Sept. 12, 1989 involving
about 35 witnesses including 12 MUFON investigators. The recent
in the Sentinel (9/21/89) suggested that this was a
"type II" object (i.e. like photos 20 and 22 in the "book").
I understand that Bruce Maccabee analyzed photographs of this event
Have the results of this analysis been completed and was the object
indeed a "type II'? Also have your own investigations involved this
particular event or related events? Thanks. GA

(5-5,Rex & Carol) First, we doubt that there were 35 witnesses. Anyway, fewer than half saw it, and not all of
the MUFON investigators saw it. It was just aq red dot kin the sky. One photo was taken, not nalyzed to our knowledge.
We don't consider that a significant sighting by any means. ga

(5-3,Ted) Jack is next. GA

(5-6,Jack) Rex and Carol , I am most interested in any physical evidence that may be associated
with the GB sightings. Has any been found or is the bulk of the evidence
primarily photos and sightings ? ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Many persons have mysterious physical marks
on their bodies, such as puncture wounds, new scars with no previous wound,
etc. Not many photos, and few of them show much. We have a few small pieces
of metal which were gathered from inside the car after the driver was struck
by something on the left shoulder; metal not yet analyzed. ga

(5-10,Steve) ?

(5-3,Ted) GA Steve

(5-10,Steve) Rex, As a retired military officer. What is your opinion as to
the extent of official government cover up and/or involvment at GB and at
other UFO sites, ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) We think it's obvious the government has always covered up
to someextent. We have no evidence to indicate government involvement in
the cases here. ga


(5-3,Ted) While we are waiting for the next round of ?s and !s I have a ?
Carol or Rex, just how many people have sighted the GB UFO and how many have
shown body markings? ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Gulf Breeze UFO is misleading. Many different types have been
seen, all shapes, all sizes some with markings, some with windows.
Triangular shapes transparent UFOs, arrow head shapes, cigar shaped and disks.
The GB (Walters) UFO not seen by many. ga

(5-11,CosmicThAng/Philly) ?

(5-3,Ted) GA Bert

(Bert) Could you describe one or two of what you feel are your most significant
cases. Particularly involving on of the skin wounds if possible. ga

(5-3,Ted) Good ? Bert GA C&R

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Two witnesses, mother and daughter, are with us tonight.
One has wounds on her arm in the shape of the object she saw, delta shaped.
They wer standing in their driveway; the object covered their yard and the
yard next door - about 150 feet. Had a bright white light on front, a red
light on each corner. It was followed by a cigar shaped object with a white
light on the left and a red light on the right; both were followed by a very
small red light that appeared to be trying to catch up. There was no sound.
We just held hands as they went over us at treetop level. We jumped in our
car and tried to follow it, lost sight, but seen again six miles to the east
in reverse order. ga

(5-3,Ted) Any missing time? ga
(Bert) ?follow

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Not that either is aware of. They were disoriented and
lethargic for a few days. Hypnosis has been attempted with no conclusive
results so far. Body markings are as yet unexplained. ga

(5-3,Ted) Bert has a follow up ? Then it's Matt's turn. GA Bert

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Hi Don.
(Bert) Have the two witnesses had any further sightings and/or is this a
one-time thing? ga

(5-15,DON) Hello all.

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Yes, many times beginning in 1958 and some since. On one
occasion we followed one to their house and all four of us saw it. ga
Same object shape etc.?ga

(5-6,Jack) ?

(5-1,Vince) ?

(5-5,Rex & Carol) They have seen several sizes and shapes. The one we
followed to their house was just a round white ball. ga

(5-3,Ted) Matt GA
(5-3,Ted) Matt are you still with us? ga

(5-11,CosmicThAng/Philly) Not on the list.

(5-5,Rex & Carol) !

(5-3,Ted) Ok Matt, I had you down for a ? my mistake. GA R&C

[NOTE: Ted was having problems with his CIM Software and CosmicThAng/Philly
was showing up as Matt on his computer. Hence, a LOT of confusion!]

(5-5,Rex & Carol) We have one long term case dating back 16 years to the
abduction of the mother in Germany. Through hypnosis she has total recall of
the event and has povided detailed descriptions of the craft and the
entities. Th craft was a 40 foot disk with a crew of six. One had died nd a
second ship was bringing a replacement crew member. Entities looked like
greys in silver suits. They seemed capable of emotion such as anger,
compassion, etc. The family has had more than 20 sightings here during the
past year. ga

(5-11,CosmicThAng/Philly) ?

(5-3,Ted) Ok GA MATT

(Bert) Looks like only Ted can see Matt the

(5-3,Ted) Ok Jack is next GA Jack

(5-5,Rex & Carol) No Matt on the list here.

(5-6,Jack) Ok...

(Bert) Hmmmm, not
(5-11,CosmicThAng/Philly) Wait a second.  Ted says I'm Matt. I'm CosmisThAng
and I'm next. ga

(5-6,Jack) Regarding the pieces of metal when is the completed analysis
expected? ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Analysis will *begin* when we find someone who can do it.
(cheap). ga

(Bert) ?

(5-11,CosmicThAng/Philly) ?

(5-3,Ted) GA Vince

(5-1,Vince) Is there any local concern by citizens in the area is there any
local govt concern for citizens safety or is there not concern?

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Well, we would say that spreading interest is more descriptive
than concern, although some do have concerns. Local government seems to have
no official position but are very cooperative with us on investigastions. We
know of no one who has been physically harmed by the phenomena, except for
the small wounds we have mentioned. ga

(5-7,Paula) ?

(5-3,Ted) Folks  Css is next.  For some reason (probably a CIM bug) he is
showing up as Matt on my list. Oh, well, GA Cosmic

(5-11,CosmicThAng/Philly) My questions also deal with bodily marks.
Is there an repeated pattern as to mark type or location?? To re-ask Ted's ?,
how many GB folks have marks? Also is there any history or occu4rance of
migraine headache disorders among the potential abductees?  ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) No identifiable pattern of marks locally, butt call-ins
from other areas have triangular marks mainly. Don't know how many Pensacola
area folks have marks. (We say Pensacola area since most events happen
outside of GB. There are many folks with migraine headaches, buzzing in the
ears. There is possible correlation with contactees. ga

(Bert) ?

(5-3,Ted) GA Bert

(Bert) Actually I think Paula is next. ga

(5-3,Ted) GA Paula

(5-7,Paula) If not, any theories?  Thanks  ga

(5-9,Russ) ?

(5-5,Rex & Carol) No, but for what it's worth, one name we were given
was Zorcon. We have another contactee with us tonight whose experience goes
back at least 16 years and has written a book on the subject. ga

(5-3,Ted) I want to hear more about that after Bert"s ? ga Bert

(Bert) Rex, can you describe the metal object (poss. alien artifact) that
you mentioned earlier? ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Very small, BB size, rough ut shiny, like little metl
pebbles. ga

(5-3,Ted) ANy follow Bert?

(Bert) Yes, does it break appart easily? And have you looked at it under a
microscope? ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) No, we can't break it. It hasn't yet been examined under

(5-3,Ted) Since I have obviously been have a problem with CIM software
tonight I want to be sure that i have not missed anybody...

(5-3,Ted) Is there anyone out there that has been skipped over? ga

(5-9,Russ) ?

(5-3,Ted) GA Russ

(5-1,Vince) ?

(5-9,Russ) I was wondering if you have noticed any change in the frequency
of sightings in Florida since 1958?  ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Can't say since 58. Frequence has been relatively constant
the last three years. Before that we weren't here or involved. There are
reports of considerable activity on Eglin AFB in 1976-77-78-79. ga

(5-3,Ted) Vince is next. Ga

(5-9,Russ) ?
(Bert) ?

(5-1,Vince) Rex, when did you retire and did you have any military related

(5-5,Rex & Carol) 1983. Sighting in early 60s hih over KC. Mo. We were at
33,000 and UFO up around 40,000. K.C. paper next day reported a landing in
Kansas. ga

(5-7,Paula) ?
(5-1,Vince) ?

(5-3,Ted) GA Russ

(5-9,Russ) Have thre been any reports of the infamous "Men In Black"?

(5-5,Rex & Carol) No. Carol had one Man in Black reporting and nother
witness claims to have seen alien at the MUFON Symposium in July. ga

(5-3,Ted) GA Bert
(Bert) Your mentioning of a "buzzing in the ear" of a number of witnesses
is this the same type of buzzing involved in the Walters' case? Also
is the support group still meeting -- i.e. in the absence of Overlaid?
And if so, how many people attending. Thanks. ga

(5-10,CosmicThAng/Philly) ?

(5-5,Rex & Carol) No on the Walters hum, other have hih pitched ringing while
others have  moderate hum, sometimes with sightings. Support group dissolved
before Overlade died. ga

(5-3,Ted) Paula is next GA

(5-7,Paula) Excuse my ignorance (I'm new to this topic), but what does MUFON
stand for?  Also tell us about the book you mentioned earlier.  Thanks  ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) MUFON = Mutual UFO Network. The book is *Star Bright, Star
White* by Norman Hill of Pensacola. I don't know whether it's permitted to
talk about the book, price of how to get it. Will let Ted say. ga

(5-3,Ted) Plug away! ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) P.O. Box 16040, Warrington FL 32507. $10 plus $2
shipping & handling this is a self published hardcover book by a man who has
had many sightings east of here, near Tallahassee, and numerous contacts with
several different entity groups. Normn has spent many nights camping at the
site where he has seen UFOS tkoff and land - the same site where. The site is
on St. Joe Paper Co. land. ga

(5-3,Ted) GA Vince (then Cosmic)

(5-1,Vince) ok...
(5-1,Vince) Are we any closer to solving the mystery and does there appear to
be any govt interest in the GB area

(5-5,Rex & Carol) We see no signs of government interest here, nor that we are
close to solving the mystery. Sorry. ga

(Bert) ?

(5-10,CosmicThAng/Philly) Got a follow up, Vince?  ga

(5-1,Vince) no

(5-3,Ted) GA Cos

(5-10,CosmicThAng/Philly) R&C:  You said earlier that the hum sound
correlated with sightings.  Did you mean to indicate that all sounds
correlated (thusly)?..or just the hum sound.  Any correlation with the high
pitched sound?  I've heard that for years and years since childhood.  ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) The hum, etc. and sightings are seldom simultaneous,
apparently.Correlation is only possible, not established. ga

(5-3,Ted) GA Bert
(Bert) Regarding the metal pieces recovered
did I understand correctly that there are several pieces that all
appeared during the same event and that they are all BB sized hard
objects? ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Yes, three of them. ga

(Bert) ?follow
(5-3,Ted) GA Bert

(5-1,Vince) ?
(Bert) Where were they found? i.e. on the floor of the car or
"stuck" to something in the car? thanks. ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) On the floor. ga

(5-3,Ted) GA Vince

(5-1,Vince) Have you had any other military flyers relate ufo incidents to
you and was yours reported?ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Other flyiers yes, but not for the record. Ours not
reported. ga

(Bert) ?

(5-3,Ted) GA Bert
(Bert) Anything new on the AWOL group? And what do you think of this strange
scenario? ga

(5-6,Bruce G) ?
(5-1,Vince) ?
(5-5,Rex & Carol) We talked to four of them three or four weeks ago. They
said they know nothing of "Rapture" or finding the anti-Christ. They repeated
they felt they had to leave Germany but not U.S. Army. Claimed they liked
their work. They had been reading the Bible, mostly. Revelations. Possible
they may have experienced paranormal things in Germany. These paranormal
events continued after they left. They consider themselves as being a simple
AWOL case. They had hoped to meet Bill Cooper since one of his papers bears
similarity to their reading of the Bible. They intend to release details of
their experience to the media soon. ga

(5-10,CosmicThAng/Philly) ?

(5-3,Ted) GA Vince

(5-1,Vince) Pretty serious offense (AWOL) did the army just let them go and
what were their motives?ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) AWOL is not too serious. Most go back. Reportedly Army has
600 AWOLs a month. Army granted general discharges to these six. Their
motives were to leave Germany, which they have not yet explained. ga

(5-3,Ted) GA Cosmic!
(5-1,Vince) ?

(5-10,CosmicThAng/Philly) Dealing strictly with pure, unsubstantiated
instinct. Dis you feel that the GB6 were speaking with total candor. Did they
seem afraid of saying the wrong thing?  ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Yes, we thought they were speaking with candor, and they
were not  afraid. We had been aware of their interest in the writings of
Bill Cooper for several months before their arrival in GB....

(5-5,Rex & Carol) We are also aware of their interest in psychic studies. ga

(5-10,CosmicThAng/Philly) follow up?

(5-3,Ted) Follow Cos?

(5-10,CosmicThAng/Philly) So the GB & UFO connections are pure coincidence???
Bill Cooper and GB, BOTH??  ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) It appears to be coincidence at this time. They came to GB
to visit a friend. They think their AWOL case has been blown out of
proportion  as well as their "involvement" with UFOs. ga
(Bert) ? Ted got dumped. Rex with all the sightings by multiple witnesses
I think there are 290 plus now, if I remember correctly,. has there been any
thought of having an organized ffort to request (or perhaps DEMAND) an
official investigation i.e. by government officials. I would think there
would be enough people to sign something that would give it a little weight.
But of course we know what the gov. position would probably be. ga

(5-1,Vince) ?

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Most witnesses are reluctant to have their names divulged,
such as the  signing a petition. Any demand would have to be made at
presidential level since decision to withhold UFO information is also made
at that level. We locally lack clout to demand anything. We consider
ourselves fortunate that so many witnesses/contactees have the guts to share
their experiences with us. We would hate to dry up that source. ga

(5-8,Ted ) Sorry folks I got dumped. Who is next?  ga

(Bert) I think Vince is up.

(5-1,Vince) I agree AWOL as such is not that serious but most are just guys
that oversleep. It doesn't appear that they had any intention of returning
and what or where is it stated that the release of UFO information is made at
presedential level?ga

(5-5,Rex & Carol) At the time of their arrest the six were debasting their
futures turn themselves in to the Army, hide out in the hills or what. They
repeated several times that their intuition was to leave Germany and not the
Army. If you believe the MJ-12 documents and the President Carter statements
regarding UFOs, one could form the conclusion that such decisions are indeed
made at presidential level. The one case with which I am familiar involving a
foreign country, the disclosure decisions were made by the president. ga

(5-1,Vince) follow

(5-8,Ted ) GA Vince

(5-6,Bruce G) ?

(5-1,Vince) If you believe in the MJ-12 documents there has to be a large
scale coverup and a large infrastructure in not only the military but other
agencies to manage the wealth of information, sightings etc that continue to
be reported. This appears to be too well

(5-5,Rex & Carol) It is hard to know how large the infrastructure might be,
however in personal contact with former Bluebook workers and others, they
relate that considerable UFO related information was systematically withheld
from the public. ga

(5-8,Ted ) GA Bruce

(5-6,Bruce G) This may sound silly, but is there a viable alternative to the
gov't as far as the public is concerned, to report incidental contacts or

(5-6,Bruce G) like a 1-900-SAW-AUFO? ga

(5-8,Ted ) $25 for the first 30 seconds! <g>

(5-5,Rex & Carol) There is MUFON, n international reporting and investigative
organization independent of the government. ga

(5-8,Ted ) Anyone else with a ? or ! ga

(5-8,Ted ) GA Bert

(Bert) Rex and Carol, is there anything going on in the area there that we
may not have touched on that should be considered of major significance? i.e.
anything new on the "circles" or with animals etc. thx. ga

(5-1,Vince) !

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Nothin new on the circles. Many people are heaing strange
knockings on their doors, windows and aroun the house lately. Several
sightings have been seen over electrical power substations, which mkes one
think maybe they are stealing electricity. About half of our sightings
have aircraft flying in the immediate vicinity. We are investigating a new
case of an event of Christmas 1989 where a lady and her car were abducted for
about 30 minutes. She recalls being 30 or so feet in the air with the car,
descending toward the road. She remembers seeing two types of entities; two
entities were about six feet tall with a lot of hair on their faces which
appeared like animal hair. These two were dressed in white gowns like
doctors. Four other entities were about three nd  half feet tall and about as
wide. She couldn't see their features. Fat greys? ga

(5-8,Ted ) GA Vince

(5-1,Vince) Oh Rex btw before I forget, FLY NAVY!ga

(5-8,Ted ) Any other ?s GA

(5-8,Ted ) I want to thank Rex and Carol Salisberry for sharing their evening
with us.  Also special thanks to Anne Ecker for putting up with Terry on
this CO. Anne, Carol, Rex and Terry thanks for a wonderful and informative
evening. GA

(5-5,Rex & Carol) Thank you all. We've enjoyed it.

(5-5,Terry) Nite gang.

(5-6,Bruce G) Thx and Bye!

(5-7,Paula) Thanks all!  Bye!

(5-1,Vince) Nite all

(Bert) Thanks Rex and Carol.

(5-8,Ted ) Matt? Where are you Matt?

(5-1,Vince) Excellent co

(Bert) Night all.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *