Ask him to play the entire tape and not just part of it out
of context and you will see that this is the truth. He
probably won't do it but you can try anyway. I have stated
on many occassions that this is a war and I will act
The Stacy Borland story was reported to me by many people
who called me by phone. I confirmed the story through a Las
Vegas Psychologist. I repeat I received many phone calls all
telling the same story regarding Stacy Borland. Whether she
was murdered on a Saturday or on a Wednesday the next day or
three weeks later has nothing to do with the subject of the
story. The subject of the story was that a rumor floats
around Las Vegas that someone from the test site gives
Borland some documents, she is killed, Grace takes her place
and members report that he is writing their names on what
appears to be government forms labeled CONFIDENTIAL. Try as
you might to cover up the important facts but you won't
succeed. It is my opinion that she was given documents and
that your group or the people you work for killed her. I
know that MAJESTY TWELVE (also known as MAJORITY TWELVE) has
killed before and most probably will kill again. Moore and
Lear work for them.
George Knapp states in his letter to Corbin that John Grace
was appointed to take over the contactee group. The members
of the group who have called me expressed anger and concern
that his assumption of the leadership was totally against
the wishes of the members. In fact if the reports are
correct some of the groups members have left the group over
this issue. Just exactly who appointed Grace over the
protest of the members? Is it a democratic group or a Nazi
group? I understand from the many calls that I have received
that the members are not happy with the situation and the
group is splintered. Cory and Jeff are only 2 of the sources
for this information but both are friends of Lear's. Are
they telling me the truth or is Lear setting me up? I
believe they have told the truth as they knew it in every
George Knapp really screwed up when he implied that I
accused John Grace of murder. That is an outright lie.
George Knapp is a liar. I said no such thing anywhere in the
story (he calls himself a journalist?). I reported what was
told to me by many sources and all that is required of a
journalist is 2 sources. I am not a journalist and I did a
better job than both Mike Corbin and George Knapp have done
so far.
Here are the facts. William Moore is a self confessed agent.
No one can deny that. Only fools listen to Moore now. HE
CONFESSED. Do you hear that George? Are you a fool or do you
work for them? George Knapp you knew that Moore was a self
confessed agent and you still used him in your series and in
your 2 hour special. Why? During the 2 hour special you
presented Moore as a credible prominent researcher. You made
no mention that Moore had doctored documents and had
admitted it. No mention was made that Moore had engaged in
lying and passing out disinformation to other researchers.
No mention was made that Moore had confessed to being an
agent for an intelligence agency. You did not mention that
Moore spied on researchers and submitted reports to his

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *