SUBJECT: UFOs IN OHIO ?                                      FILE: UFO2292

 thanks Jerry and hopes that all of you whiching more information on these      items will conact the Frontier.

    The following article was in the 11/15 edition of the Columbus (Ohio)
    Millersburg, Ohio (AP) - Holmes County residents reported strange
lights in the sky, and a resident called the sheriff's deparetment to
investigate a circular depression on their front lawn, authorities said
    A family in Monroe Township discovered the ring, about 7 inches wide
and 45 feet in diameter, Saturday afternoon, said a sheriff's department news
release.  The family has no explanation for the markings, the release said.
    In areas where the grass had been matted down, the ring was about a
half-inch deep, the sheriff;s department said.
    Judy Neville told authorities that other than the family dogs unusual
barking early Saturday morning, no one heard or saw anything out of the
    Deputy Sheriff DAle Renker is investigating the reports, the office
said.  Renker could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Subj: Bhma Abduction

The following is a textfile submitted by Jeff Ballard concerning an abduction
case in Birmingham, Alabama. Any comments and inquiries welcome.

Transcribed from The Birmingham News, 10/10/89
Written by Frank Sikora, News staff writer

Woman tells of UFO in '73 on U.S. 31

    A former Birmingham-area resident says that she had an encounter with
an alien spacecraft in October 1973, but did not know what happened until two
years ago when she underwent hypnosis. Cynthia Vodovoz, 28, said the incident
took place on U.S. 31 near Gardendale, and she and investigators are still
trying to sort out the details of how a "thin thing" and "whitish looking"
creatures allegedly took her aboard the craft. She was 12 at the time. "For
many years I didn't know what had happened, only that I had been troubled by
something," she said in a telephone interview. She said the event occurred as
she was riding with her mother from their home in Morris to a dance class in
Birmingham. "I noticed an object," she said, "It was big and round and bright
green and had a yellow ring around it. It was coming over the trees.  It
stayed with us.  And my mother said, "Is it going to land?" Miss Vodovoz said
that just north of Gardendale the object began to descend directly in front
of them.  She said the car stalled near an intersection.There were several
other cars stopped, she said. "The object kept coming down and seemed to stop
near the wires," she continued, "It seemed bigger than a plane.  My mother
rolled down the window which really upset me.  I thought I was going to run.
In the car next to me was a man whose face was lit up.  He was leaning over
toward us.  Mother asked the man, "Do you think it's a UFO?"  And he said, 'I
guess so.' " Miss Vodovoz said she recalls feeling "heavy", and a bright
light shone in the car. She said she felt she could not move. "The next thing
I remember I was sitting in the car seat but my feet were in my mother's lap,
and the car door slammed on my back and it woke me up.  My mother seemed to
wake up.  She was trying to start up the car." She said they continued along
U.S. 31 and when they arrived at the dance class they were about 40 minutes
late. Her mother called her father, Irvin Vodovoz, who worked with the
Federal Aviation Administration in Birmingham, who dismissed the object as a
rocket being test fired by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
The following year the family moved to Washington.  Later, Miss Vodovoz moved
to Los Angeles to pursue her interest in dance.  But she was bothered by the
incident in Gardendale, she said. In 1986 she met with Dr. Richard Neal, an
obstetrician-gynecologist who also is a hypnotist.  Later, she said, famed
UFO investigator Budd Hopkins came to interview her, placing her under
hypnosis. In that state, she said, she told an astonishing story. She told of
seeing the object and coming to the intersection, thinking there had been an
accident, because of the stopped cars. "The people ahead were screaming and
putting arms out the window," she said, "and this thin thing was coming.  And
as he passed the cars, the people were subdued.  As he got to our car, mother
rested her head on the door.  Then three small beings, whitish looking, came
to my door and opened it.  I tried to put my fingers in the air conditioner
vents to hold on, but the vents broke. She said that under hypnosis she told
of being taken -floated- aboard a craft that was white  inside.  She said she
was placed on a table and said there was another girl lying on another table.
"She had kind of sandy, curly hair, and she was in the same predicament as
me," she said, "They were walking around the table doing an examination. I
remember a needle in my navel." Later, she said, she was placed in what
appeared to be a transparent globe and floated back in her mother's car.  She
said the door of the car was slammed on her back. "I've always wondered
whether anyone remembers anything happening there that night near Gardendale,
"she said in the interview.  "My father remembers getting a call from a man
who said he was an Air Force Colonel and the man said he had seen a UFO.  I
wish we could find that man." Jeff Ballard, state director of the group known
as MUFON - Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network - says he hopes to find
motorists who might have been on U.S. 31 that night in October 1973. "I feel
there may be a number of people that may have had some encounters like that
that they don't understand, but they are bothered by it," said Ballard, who
is an engineer with a space-related company in Huntsville.  "They just have
some memory of a light." Ballard says October, because of its normally clear
nights, often brings reports of sightings of strange lights in the sky.
Tonight in Birmingham, a Nashville woman, Leilani Dearing, and her husband,
Dan, will speak at the Parliament House Hotel.  Mrs. Dearing says the couple
was taken aboard a spacecraft in Hawaii by peaceful aliens.

Subj: Multipml sightings

It seems that the area in North Central Alabama is again becoming active. A
MUFON investigator in Morgan County, Alabama has reported on 3 different
occasions a strange solid red light moving across the sky, always on the same
flight path. On March 14th a neighbor called a relatives' house and asked if
she saw the dancing lights in the sky the night before. When the family
member replied no, the neighbor replied that she had seen 10-15 small red
lights that night in the eastern sky, just "dancing in the air". This ties in
with sightings my whole family had around 10 yrs. ago. At different occasions
at nightime we could observe 5-10 small, possible high altitude red lights in
the sky. They would perform numerous 90 degree turns and accelerate and
decelerate. I have no explanation for the small red lights.
Then tonight, March 17th, I was on the porch of a friends' house while my
father was out by a nearby car. The friend and I were observing an apparent
red strobe light on a tower. I turned and was 'bathed' for a split second in
a yellow and white light, much like lightning but not lightning. I thought it
was a reflection and mentioned nothing to my friend who had gone in the
house. I returned to the car where my father was and he too asked if I had
seen the brilliant light that lit up the whole sky. Could this have been the
booster rockets of the stricken communications satellite that failed this
week and were re-entering the atmosphere? Other than that I have no
John, please let me know if anyone in Tennessee observes these objects as we
both know things like this tend to migrate from state to state.


I called Kathy tonight and she said on the police scanner people were
calling in about strange lights and UFO's on the Cullman/Morgan County line.
Don't know anything further at this time....


Called the sheriff's office and they said they had 4 calls (no names to pass
on) about low level red lights.  They sent out a car to investigate but had
no luck.  Fellow told me about a guy with an arc welder near the microwave
tower on HWY 157 that he said they got calls on all winter...everytime he
fires the thing up it produces a bright glow visible for quite a good
P.S.  Wrote letter to Cullman Sheriff's office..usual MUFON "stuff" who
knows one day they might refer a caller to us!!
Karen already did a little work with them quite a while back with no real
results........Talk to you tomorrow.....BJB


->Called the sheriff's office and they said they had 4 calls
->(no names to pass on) about low level red lights.  They
->sent out a car to investigate but had no luck.  Fellow told
->me about a guy with an arc welder near the microwave tower
->on HWY 157 that he said they got calls on all
->winter...everytime he fires the thing up it produces a
->bright glow visible for quite a good

Hmmmm... I don't think it was the glow off the arc welder. If it's what
Kathy described it had to be airborne. An arc welders' light wouldn't (I
don't guess) be flashing red in a rythmatic fashion. I think Kathy said the
scanner said it was a low "flying" red light which was silent. You'd probably
have to get with her on her sighting and what she heard on the scanner... I'm
just the middle man :-).

Subj: sighting

I had heard of a sighting last week second hand. Upon investigating the
witness in person it appears more significant than I had first imagined. The
witness is an elderly woman living in Cullman County. On Tuesday of last week
at app. 10 pm. she observed 10-15 lights in the sky. She described these
lights as bright white lights bigger than a star and none were blinking.
These objects would stop, turn and 'swarm' as she put it. Behind it was a
second wave of 3-4 objects exhibiting the same characteristics. As she
watched them she said they grew larger, as if they were coming toward her
residence. She was sick at the time and evidently dozed off and did not see
what happened to these lights.  I questioned her briefly to rule out some
obvious objects that might exhibit these qualities. She said they were much
bigger than 'fireflys' and it was a constant bright light on them. I

Subj: sighting

I had heard of a sighting last week second hand. Upon investigating the
witness in person it appears more significant than I had first imagined. The
witness is an elderly woman living in Cullman County. On Tuesday of last week
at app. 10 pm. she observed 10-15 lights in the sky. She described these
lights as bright white lights bigger than a star and none were blinking.
These objects would stop, turn and 'swarm' as she put it. Behind it was a
second wave of 3-4 objects exhibiting the same characteristics. As she
watched them she said they grew larger, as if they were coming toward her
residence. She was sick at the time and evidently dozed off and did not see
what happened to these lights.  I questioned her briefly to rule out some
obvious objects that might exhibit these qualities. She said they were much
bigger than 'fireflys' and it was a constant bright light on them. I
questioned her about a radio tower with 4 lights on it. She said she saw the
lights from the tower but these objects was to the north of it (in the
northeast sky) and about 5 degrees higher than a tree that was in the field
of vision. She said the objects were moving... apparently toward her but they
were not traveling at great speeds. Will conduct a followup MUFON report
sometime this weekend.

Subj: Saturday's Sighting

Today I was talking with a eyewitness to the "fireball" that swept the
country side. The witness and 3 other persons were driving in the area where
Shelby, Fayette and Tipton (Tennessee) meet, and noticed a very bright orange
light moving overhead. They viewed the object for about 30 seconds.

He states that all of a sudden it disappeared from view while still over the
tree line, and within a few seconds saw a very bright flash of white light
that lit up the entire sky. Then, about one second later they heard a dull
boom. This possibly was the object crashing into the countryside.

Investigation is still ongoing in this case.

Regards, John

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *